Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Endzeitstimmung Edition


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>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)

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>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E

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Fuck, you guys are as stupid as my shit.

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Says the commie fucktard

+1 for the idea that if Germany fails, land becomes American colony.
+1 for the idea of American rapey rapey.
God Hans you are so lucky.

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kek'd at pic related nice

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Your shits are stupid?

So, did Horst and his band of merry Bavarians cuck out, or is putsch still on the menu?

>They walked together through the city to his dorm at the WTC. There, the girl had animated him several times for sex. "It was the first time, she showed me everything," said Shahbaz. When he left the room, he just locked her in - out of worry she would have sex with other people as well. The next day the couple broke up.

>According to the indictment, however, the perpetrator literally dragged the [disabled 14 yr old] victim with him, locked it up in the room and raped it, despite recognizable resistance. The police then searched for the missing person which then reappeared at the bus stop on Höckendorfer Weg.

Based Seehofer refused "Gimme 2 more weeks" begging from Merkel, let the drama begin

Still not voting for CSU tho

Putsch was delayed for 2 weeks

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He'll cuck out but he's testing the waters.

still fog of war i'd say
but pandorras box was opened for sure

>I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast

>is putsch still on the menu

Yeah baby, show me those hips of yours ...

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he is testing the waters since 2015. If it goes by this pace he will have a wet ankle by 2030

so...two weeks she wants.
codifying the mass migration agenda on an international level and sell it as solution?

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you idiot
he will give in the day he vote ends in bavaria
it's called "bait and switch"

I bet she thinks people gonna watch football and fortget about politics


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Praise Kurz, his visit started this mess.

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Probably this, more of a reason to hope for our national team to fail and drop out ASAP.

Bavarians won't forgive him pussying out right now, it may be end of era Merkel

...less effective though if the world and your grandma already know you are a political virgin cuck ;)

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as if the deep state would ever give up its best puppet

Man, we can only hope so. I can't take her face anymore.

Kurz is a Soros puppet
What colour will the European spring have?
And ow to hijack it from Soros

It also helped that that one dumb Roachess sperged out, giving Seehofer a reason to go with Kurz instead of the Integrationsgipfel.

Without CSU they won't have enough votes to form a coalition which may lead to relections where Merkel will get dumped even more

Thanks lefties and cultural marxists!

> Lehrerin liest voll verschleiert aus Koran vor

Diversity is guuuhd. Diversity is a strength!
WTF, is wrong with the people nowadays?

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>said the tripfag
into the gaschamber you turbo fag

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Maybe brought Seehofer a present then ... a jar with a pair of Lippizaner gonads in formaldehyde or something :DDD

>in the meantime somewhere in a typical German NO GO area

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hey tay, i just wanted to let u kno i'm totes preggo.

are you legitimatly retarded?
its the typical CSU policy since 30yrs
>act as if you're against whatever Berlin is doing
>get some vote
>fall back in line and suck merkels cock as soon as the election is over
it has been that way since ages

I agree that Sojahofer isn't based, but he doesn't have the time to wait until the election. His master plan on immigration has to go into effect soon or he'll be seen as a failure.

mehr salz

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>being retarded
>is named "Kevin"

Dude they have no fucking time. Elections start somewhere in autumn and they have to deliver now up to the point they part ways with CSU
It's happening right now, not just before elections

Welcome too, newfag :)

Possible ... but what would next course of action be then? Cutting losses or switch of approach?
Although I suspect mich worse than puppet here ... he might be a *gasp* ... moderate!!

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salty af

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>When larping meets Job

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I hate those patriot turks who got comfy in germany but keep hating on it while staying here. Get rid of the multiple passports and have them decide it's either germany or turkey and pay them the flight if it's turkey.

>um Europa oder Nationalismus
Nationalism is the only hope FOR Europe.
Thank god the media hype around this AIDS-riddled faggot has already died.

Seems like europe would be fine. Italy, Austria, Hungary, Denmark, etc. get along without problems.

Leftist Europe = "Europe" as a Globalist government district.
These people are the true Anti-Europeans.


ein richtiger KEVIN halt

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Delusional, trying to pray on each others corpse and being cuckservatives everywhere

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>I hate betraying parasites
wow, aren't you special.

traumatic bipolar disorder, legit narcissistic psycho

Yes. In the tweet he even said its either isolation or cooperation. It's not like we turn into North Korea when we stop accepting refugees.

Translate comic pls

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>using a trip without reason
You're way more special than I am.

shut your slut mouth you reddit nigger
tripfags are the only newfags around here
consider yourself and your cancerous garbage as filtered

>they have no fucking time
you underestimate the stupidity of the average voter
they will vote CSU on the basis of their empty promises

either german or turk, but living in germany and hating germans because one is too stupid to integrate is just niggertier

>Limit on immigration
>"That's enough!"
>"Just one more, Horst!"

yes, because it is all about the party and me me me.
t. narcissist
so they are willing to sell out the csu in order for mergle to sell out germany further, do i read this correctly?

"Upper Limit"
Seehofer: Now it's enough.
Merkel: Just one more.

They claim germans will never accept them anyway and therfor they stopped trying. It's not my opinion.

We have a special kind of retard running around today, how entertaining, nobody is dumb enough to change from AfD to CSU because of this, maybe some FW and FDP voter will switch but nothing else

They are right, we never will accept obvious turks as Germans

>Cutting losses or switch of approach?
For Soros, non, keep doing what he does. Conquer and divide, sow more chaos while feeding policies and shekel to his agents in the field and maybe initiate a false flag. Shooting at an inner European border would be great

For opponents, depends on the goal. If stability change approach, compromises must be found. If it is power, let Soros play his game, and possibly more fuel into the fire and in case of initial happening go bunkers and chaotic make everybody lose the overview to create a Syria situation.

csu resolves to faggotry again
its over..vorerst

They allways were, Merkel just made them keep calm while they became more extrem „radical centrist“ and made a lot of money housing fugges

Do they even have real incentives to integrate? They get their gibs anyway and probably think that they're the cool kids, especially if you look at Hip Hop.

have they ever tried? No
I think if they do not wake up from their Ottoman film, they will hurt all the others who have integrated

I don't think they are. Maybe that's true for some germans the vast majority wouldn't have given a fuck at least if they had learned the language, did wear their scarfs everywhere, or didn't create their own little ghettos. Iranians in comparison integrate like clockwork in comparison to turks so it can't be just that.

I hate nothing more than members of the Swiss SP. They have probably the best society humans could ever devise, yet the voluntarily want to ruin it with the same socialist bullshit that‘s proven to fail. They want Switzerland to join the EU and demonize the SVP any chance they get. They are vermin and as vermin they ought to be treated.

No! You sane Swiss, oppose this anyway you can. Don’t allow your glorious and near flawless country to be ruined by these socialists subhumans.

Schweizer! Wehrt euch! Wählt nicht SP!

>nobody is dumb enough to change from AfD to CSU because of this,
yes they are

"What the fuck is a Sütterlin"
I am not special, i am "special"
Schleich dich, Kannackenchanner.

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Welp. Spain has a huge problem.

>pay them the flight if it's turkey.
Sure, after we‘ve seized their property, that is. Doppelte Bürgerschaft was a mistake and the Turkroaches even got preferential treatment in this regard over other minorities, eg. Italians and Poles. Ungrateful scum.

yup. the ride never ends

Fuck off. I don't give a shit about what your stupid trip says you attention whore. You didn't have any particular reason to get it besides your wish to recognized. Granted, I just blocked you.


My gawd, did you leave out on one of your anger management courses or what ...

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do any of you faggots have an idea of how to get rid of the roaches that are there now?

Is it over?
Nothing happen?

Reminder that the elected majority government of Spain was recently toppled and replaced with a Socialist minority government of pro-EU bureaucrats.
This is no coincidence

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Summer break for the Bundestag.

Technical question btw, doesn't the little piggy have quite a bit of investment into the Euro? Frankly Ido not care enough about this economic crap to have any insight in these regards...

All I can think of without making it too extreme is to demand them to decide if they have two passports and the ones who have just a turkish one get a year or so get a visa that runs out in a year or so.

CSU cucked AGAIN

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Your image is inaccurate. Germans only have fridgeframe bodies.

The irony is that open border mutti is isolated and border patrol horst is cooperating. Seems like there is a growing majority in the council for the australian model.

One gate closes, another one opens (one that is not in the spotlight yet)

This can't end well for spain because if they get rid of the razor wire they will be literally overrun. They're climbing the fences as it is already and those islands are literally directly besides africa.

Jupiterraketen, Werner von Braun, V2 and NATO-Turkey was the original mistake

>This is no coincidence
hell no.
how that happen tho?

yes, the attack continues

>those islands are literally directly besides africa
Ceuta and Mellila aren't islands next to Africa. They are cities literally in Africa.

So? If he has many gayro investments he has much margin to go 100x short and make a killing, literally. Be ready to go long on international European brands when the blood flows through the streets desu senpai

This shithole board right here only works because there are so many different nationalities. Everyone knows his place and everyone just wants his own country without too many foreigner shits. Imagine Jow Forums without banter.

Even worse. Don't know what I was thinking about then. Maybe the Canaries.

Thats why I said obvious, I meant looks, Iranians are aryan to a high degree, Turks are the amerimutts of west asia, every tribe with a rusty sword rape and plundered themself through Little Asia.

to be precise, europe has a problem...

Thinking whether the Euro is truly an investment or if he is (again) betting on a big currency to fail ... but if I understand correctly it has to fail at the right time to the right conditions to pay off. Just trying to figure out whether this game is for control (superstate is his serious idea) or simply Heuschreckenkapitalismus at the grand scale.

Well france can allways close the Pyreenes like they do on italys boarder