Oy Jow Forums,

in my streets live fucking shittons of antifa- fucktards.
I mean, of course I dont want them to be there, but I accept that and no can do.
But the problem is: They spray onto everything, stick stickers on everything, make everything dirty. Like: "Antifa- Area!" "Nazi- free Zone" and "good night white pride".

Everytime I go outside I see that stupidity and degenerated stuff, makes me just feel bad.

Now, since they are often antifas, I wanted to stick stickers like "antifa = nazis" (but in a better manner) on the stickers of them (so technically I dont make the pollution worse, just change it).

Unfortunately I dont have many of those "Antifa = Nazi" pictures and thus not good material to use, to convert them into stickers.

So Jow Forums, can u give me your best antifa = nazi - stuff?

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Why would you flatter antifas ?

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Why flatter? Id like to get rid of their annoying stickers and stupidity- spread.

Or was that sarcasm?

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>Why flatter?
Well, you're comparing them to National Socialists, aren't you ?

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Yes. Isnt that what they condemn? Or do I have a brainlagg here?

Cover it up with your own shit.

Be careful while you do it

Toss some mbmc for me

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Nazis are good, antifa are bad. Not equal

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Google fightwing, I think she has some easily printable images

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yes, sir.
thats what i strive for.
But in order to do that, I need good material.
most of the shit (except the graffitis) is like little stickers, and those are the ones I want to cover up.

well thats out of question!

You don't need to fight an information/marketing war with them. That's a complete waste of time (everybody already knows that they're trash). You would accomplish 100x more by getting a group of likeminded people together, and actively fucking with their personal lives, and political operations.

As an addendum to that... if they live on your street, and you actually know who they are... you'd be a complete brainlet if you couldn't figure out a dozen different ways to fuck them up.

yes, thats quite a good idea.
the problem is, they are also infecting normal, good citizens, and I want those to be informed.

I dont want to fight against these stupid people, as you said, thats a waste of time. And unfortunately I dont have much time. That said, the only thing i can easily do (right now) without much effort, is to cover their shit.

Unfortunately I dont know who they are.
Well, somehow. I saw many of them on the streets. But only judging someone by their looks is quite a problem and a bit dangerous. what if they are nazis and just look like antifas? i dont want to fight my own allies.

I know that many kids are actually in the antifa- region here.

and if I had the time, I would of course fuck them up personally. thats easier.

Why don't you frame them for outrageous things. Write graffiti (in their name) that is totally repellant to normal people. Take it way beyond anything they actually stand for. Commit crimes and offensive acts of vandalism that are made to look like antifa's work. Call in threats to local businesses and community organizations in their name. Threaten acts of terrorism and attempted extortion in their name Call the police on them anonymously and continuously, etc.

Go to home depot
Quick cover black is like 99c a can, cheapest black spray paint.

If you are america this one is good

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Also... infiltrate their local groups. Become "one of them." Get to know all the actual names and faces. Then fuck them over mercilessly behind the scenes.

yes thats also one thing i thought like spraying antifa on cars, so the personal people would be against them

I would, if I had the time.
But that follows later

I could, and probably will

Also, post and scatter false flyers in their name that will scare and repulse normal people. Don't tip them off by painting over their flyers (or distributing flyers with counter-information). Take their own crazy ideas about ten steps farther than they're actually willing to go. And start slapping them up all over the place (so they look like dangerous, unpalatable lunatics).

Adumbwaffle Division reporting in

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Oh god I love this. May I save this meem user

>Antifa are equivalent to the people who wanted and would’ve saved Europe

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Please save it.
It's fun to post in the "Read Siege" threads.

just get pictures saying theyre LARPing or retards. Shame them so they dont think its cool

im sorry but i dont know what LARPing is :S

Nothing against the OP. But that sort of thing drives me crazy. The right is SO willing to feign far-left values if they think they can gain some piddling, short-term retribution from it. Truly makes me cringe.

>communists are the real nazis
>*sips alex jones onions laced energy drink*

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Antifa are COMMUNISTS, not Nazis. The Nazis fought to save us from communists.

Antifa = Fascist =/= Nazi


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>The (((right)))

I honestly am too stupid to actually follow this thoughts of yours (both).
I actually just hate thefucking antifa and their stupid values. nazis are as bad as them, and both extreme political ideologies must be extinguished. I want a centered, facts- oriented, nonmuslim, intelligent society.
and the antifa is currently infecting my neighborhood. so I just want to get rid of them. o frame them so they get hated even more

Let's be honest

I've never read from the ivory towers to privvy walls but i think it's prolly got a point

Trumpism is for everyone

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How much of a newfag are you

I just havent been here for decades

You live in France?

>The Nazis fought to save us from communists.
Nothing says saving us from communists like giving commmunists european clay.

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