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Mueller's knocking Donny boy!!!

>Shit source
>No real details
>Nothing been officially released yet
>Pure damage control post
Teach yourself what a buck shot tastes like.

This is true. Comey was not a political figure. He is a registered Republican. Politically, he would have no reason to do what he did. Dominoes on cheese and pasta is a powerful force though.

The source is Bloomberg

>doesn't like the message
>attacks the messanger

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That's not a .gov link.

>you actually thought this report was going to deliver

Fucking idiots.
Obama, Clinton, Comey, Lynch, etc... they're all untouchable. Nothing will ever happen to them.

>report to be issued thursday
put your glasses on and learn to read, potato nigger

Bloomberg is a legit source and they say that they've seen it and the conclusion is that there was no political bias.

People actually put their hopes in (((Horowitz))). Dumb fucks.

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>No primary source, only the word of Bloomberg from Schiff's gang-of-eight meeting.

It hasn't been released yet you idiot. No one but Sessions, Trump, Rosenstein and Horowitz have seen the file.

>Bloomberg is a legit source
Ah, to be this bluepilled again.
Primary sources only.

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>kikes spreading lies
>oy vey goyim dont shoot the messenger
keep it up kikes

Not by us though. We the people can no longer rely on our government to hold itself accountable. We have to take back control and there is no other way to do that except by force.

>redacted version
Let's see the edits.

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>Nothing will ever happen to them.
it could turn into like France in 1870 though, really easily

I've seen it too, it says OP is a fag. It's releasing this afternoon retard.


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no DOCUMENTED political bias

Why would there be? What little that may have existed would have been destroyed.

>they say that they've seen it and the conclusion is
stopped right there

>no political bias

This means he was leaned on by people higher up than him.

Or he is incompetent. Those are the only two conclusions.

>No mention of Nosenstein
Sounds legit


Its all so tiresome

Day of the rake soon.

The Comey/Clinton OIG report is not out yet. There is, however, another report about the fbi failing abysmally to properly address domestic terrorism

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I hate this argument. There were MANY Republicans who did not want Trump.

Need I remind you Joe Scarborough was a registered Republican until after the election.

Again, no documented political bias. Just don't write anything down and you too can escape the grip of justice.

ever heard of fake news, leaf?

Or... OR. It means the kikes are full of shit since the OIG report is not yet out.

Nah, I'll wait for the actual report to drop, leaf. I don't need (((msm))) to tell me what to think.

So sleepy

Im ready when you are

Guys I've read through all 500 pages and I'm sad to say it's a nothingburger. All of that reading made me tired, I think I'll get some sleep.

Maybe, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

Yes Morning Joe needs to explain what happened to that woman in his office. Howdy Doody should have investigated....keystone cops would have been more believable.

It's another non-happening then, the latest in a long lie

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What are you babbling about

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>messenger is a lying kike shill
>gas the messenger

They get the news every morning.
Remember for 9 11 they already called wtc falling?

Holy shit! Saved

The woman that was found dead in his office when he was in congress.

What are you people expecting the report to say? You think you can take down the government by using... the government? Nothing changes until you start hanging politicians.

You're glowing, y'know.

>bloomberg is the source
>the OIG hasn't dropped yet

Bloomberg is known to have sources high up in the DOJ, if they say it's nothing then we may as well all go home

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