No date, no verification, no definition of what denuclearization is

>no date, no verification, no definition of what denuclearization is
>2 page document, compared to the Iran deal which was 150 pages with actual verification
>literally less stringent than the Itunes user agreement

A first meeting with the North Korean leader after all those secret negotiations and this is the best Trump could get?

Attached: wtf.png (616x346, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:


It's not like donald trump would do something just for the publicity that's completely devoid of substance

>bawwwww how dare he talk shit about trump

Literally kill yourself. Go back to the donald you fucking orange turd worshipping nigger.

>literally can't to defend this

Nice job voting for a leader that incentivizes other country's to develop nuclear bombs so that they can get massive concessions from us in return for nothing. Iran is definitely going to learn from this.

>Shitting on the first formal meeting between these world leaders since the war began
>Not realizing that this is just to open the fucking door to regular meetings
I'll literally never understand the heartless nature of shills.

Drumpf only did the impossible and something Obama never could? Wtf I hate Drumpf now

>I'll literally never understand the heartless nature of shills.
Golems aren't human.

I mean it's obvious at this time that Trump cares about only one thing: Taking down Iran for Israel. Trump turned out to be one of the biggest kiked presidents of all time. To be fair, Hilary would have probably been even worse.

>give up military exercises and while regurgitating North Korean propaganda
>strengthening a brutal dictatorship's control over their country by giving them a massive propaganda victory that they could show to their own people
>proving only way you can get respect from your enemies internationally is by developing nuclear weapons
>cries about people thinking that this deal is terrible, while clamoring to tear up an objectively better deal

Kek. Come back to me when Trump gets North Korea to remove all their nuclear weapons, 98% of their enriched uranium, dismantle thousands of their centrifuges and agree to inspection of their entire uranium supply chain.

Yearly military exercises are easy to stop and start. I love how you faggot shills think it's some huge deal. They've been training yearly for a Korean invasion for the past 60 years.

>proving only way you can get respect from your enemies internationally is by developing nuclear weapons
That's how it's already been you retard. Libya had nukes then Obama and Hillary destablized the region and got Gadafi killed,this started the new wave of migrants that will be the final nail in the EU's coffin.
I know your ass didn't listen to Trump's Q/A after the meeting because he addressed all this shit.

>military exercises
Training for the war Kim had been threatening them with even earlier this year?
Notice that Trump used NorK/Chinese term "provocative war games". Notice that they both knew before US military /SKorea leaders knew Trump had conceded.
Donny got played like a cheap deck of cards.

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Played how? All Trump has to do is say the games are back on if the DPRK doesn't play ball.

Worst shilling attempt I've seen all week.

>threaten each other over twitter
>compare button sizes
>kiss and make up, trust without verifying
Glad Trump explained nuclear treaty crafting, can't wait for his explanation of trade wars with our allies while protecting Chinese corporations.

Attached: 7a5.gif (482x800, 29K)

Not only that, Kim gets to prove to his country's military elites and people that he's respected internationally, and that he got their worst enemy to come half way across the world to concede to him and praise him for basically nothing after launching missiles over Japan and Guam.

Seriously though, how about actually working out the deals of a summit before actually starting a summit?

Attached: wtf2.png (626x322, 46K)

>agreement breaks down
>reschedule all personnel and equipment to start over after bailing on Skorea last minute
>Nork's/Chinese have cause to treat quickly rescheduled practice as retaliation and a threat
Great way to escalate the situation, just because Donny trusts Kim and thinks he's a "tough guy"

Attached: 4353053-boris.jpg (224x325, 23K)

>why won't Trump just tell this dictator to destroy his country, ruin his reputation in the eyes of his people, and make north korea much weaker?!

These reporters are so fucking autistic. It's negotiating peace with a country that strongarms its citizens into submission. You don't just talk to a single dude and make that go away you turbo fuckin' autists.

Because 150 pages of the Iran Deal worked flawlessly right?

Piece of paper never mean shit, action does.

Sending money to Iran = Action
Meeting face to face to talk = Action

You're just a loser claiming nothing has happened, appealing to morons that do not understand that these processes are slow and take time. The reality is, much more than even before has happened, and that hurts your anus, SAD.

Trump administration had been working on this for 3 months prior. Also Kim is not respected internationally because of this, you think Trump wouldn't call him out the minute he see's Kim go back on his deal? The sanctions are still on as well.

Trump is going to end Korean War and all you can do is sit here like a butthurt faggot. Also fuck Canada. Either we have no tariffs between our countries or we do what we want. Are you even american?

>still repeating fox news myths


>International Atomic Energy Agency, which earlier issued a report detailing how Iran had shipped 98 percent of its fuel to Russia, dismantled more than 12,000 centrifuges so they could not enrich uranium, and poured cement into the core of a reactor designed to produce plutonium.

Lol what reality do you live in? Military exercises happen all the time and they are never last minute.

>Trump calling anyone out for "going back on a deal"
Tell me another one.

Attached: 518.gif (342x342, 376K)

>Because 150 pages of the Iran Deal worked flawlessly right?
You mean, money and checks. There where checks.
Now the have the monies, but no checks.
"The Art of the Deal" sounds like a insider joke right now.

Trump literally just cancelled one last minute, because "he trusts Kim".
Why the fuck would SKorea care when Trump has to reschedule it to not look like a tremendous faggot the minute NorK breaks this deal exactly like every other deal they've made in the last 20 years?

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The more I see awful responses like this, the more I drift away from my democrat brothers and sisters. Democrats are making me feel ashamed of the party I have been loyal to for almost 30 years. Disgusting. Stop and think about how your actions represent your entire party. You're making us all look like idiots. No wonder we have become the laughing stock of politics :(

I never in a million years would have thought I would actually begin gravitating toward Donald Trump and the Republican party :(

> Your news source is fake news, but mine isn't cuz i'm so smart, nytimes is flawless durrrr durrrr

I don't even watch fox news.

SAD! Your anus hurts!

>40 years old
>still posting on Jow Forums

my condolences.

>didn't like the facts, wants to fight about something else
You could just shut the fuck up if the truth hurts you so much.

cuck likes cock

>compared to the Iran deal which was 150 pages
OP is a faggot fits on a single sheet of paper

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>Trump invited Kim to the WH
>Kim invited Trump to Pyongyang
OP's right, this is obviously the final deal.

OP is a raging faggot. Don’t forget to sage.

It's almost like this is a agreement on overly broad terms, a statement of intent as they're frequently called, that will be narrowed down in subsequent documents and eventually a treaty.

Gay. Fuck off. You would complain about a really good sandwich.

As though that prick would be party to everything that went on. Fuck off shill. Count the days till the next wave of paedophiles get arrested and sweat in case they come for you.

>Dear leader looks like a fucking moron again
>quick, call OP a faggot and pretend this never happened
>just like last time

the Iran deal took 20 months, filled 150 pages and was complete bullshit
so much for your non-argument

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Fun fact: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist jew agenda.
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"
>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"
>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"
>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"
>"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.

Attached: JIDF.articles.jpg (3666x3284, 1.29M)

Attached: JIDF paying shills.jpg (596x868, 130K)

MAGA 4D-chess

Liberals wanted homosexual "rights" as a pre-condition to any future talks with North Korea. Imagine: Your foreign policy is centered around fucking assholes. Liberals aren't serious. Quick, look at OP's post and laugh.

The thing is, we don't want N.Korea to lose their nukes, we want them to use their nukes on Israel while pretending to denuclearize, this is 6-D chess

Attached: 6d_chess.jpg (1280x720, 103K)


What do people think that means then?

>Implying 150 pages of useless non-language is worth anything
>Implying any firm agreement has been made on NK

>>no date, no verification, no definition of what denuclearization is
page document, compared to the Iran deal which was 150 pages with actual verification
The Iran deal was written over a period of two years.
The NK deal expressly lays out the procedures for the diplomats of both countries going forward.
What the fuck are you talking about?

>>give up military exercises and while regurgitating North Korean propaganda
Why do these assholes think this is a substantial concession.
Everybody is screaming because Trump hasn't done what everybody else before him did, ignoring the fact that everything everybody else before him did DIDN'T FUCKING WORK.

>reschedule all personnel and equipment to start over after bailing on Skorea last minute
All personnel and equipment is already there.

>people who didn't like Trump before this are still not liking him and rubbishing the meeting

What? no way!

Did people seriously expect him to swoop in and get NK to hand over all Nukes, sign up to all the Human Rights conventions, end the war and stop being crazy all in one half hour long meeting?

>calls a 150 page document negotiated and supported by nuclear and foreign policy experts bad
>an actual kraut that has no problems impaling himself on Trump's dick while he calls other people faggots

fuck off my thread you disgusting anomaly

How does this statement even make sense? Very low IQ individual.

Kek sad boi, go and learn how many pages had the documents that supported the Iraq invasion over chemical weapons.

"Muh papers are meaningful"

Hahahaha SAD!

you have no fucking idea what you are talking about
your thread is shit
you are a faggot
thread can be closed
better luck next time

Attached: opisafaggot.jpg (500x357, 106K)

>fake news
It is when a news organization which has no access to iranian installations claim something, then an international agency WITH access to iranian installations says another. That is why his source is better you fucking nigger. You literally have a subhuman nigger IQ.

No American nuclear bomb on Korean peninsula ever again including South Korea

At least there could be a focus

>compared to the Iran deal which was 150 pages with actual verification
Damn, Iran got 1 billion per page?

> Durr Durr, I keep claiming your source is fox news cuz it's the only way I can have the upper hand on my otherwise already destroyed argument, also nytimes is flawless and international agencies are flawless too, durr durr i'm so smart.

SAD! I'v seen pebbles with higher IQ

You can't convince them otherwise when their president believes the same thing too

>Durr Durr, I keep claiming your source is fox news cuz it's the only way I can have the upper hand on my otherwise already destroyed argument, also nytimes is flawless and international agencies are flawless too, durr durr i'm so smart.
Maybe if you stop repeating the same propaganda bullshit that is aired 24/7 on fox, people won't assume your source is fox news. Literally kill yourself.

Beside just for fun, what are your sources for Obama sending money to iran? My guess is, you're probably gonna come back with fox, or even worse, some shit like breitbart. It has already been debunked a gazillion time. Obama didn't send tax payers money to Iran. Literally kill yourself.

>still not denying that you're a faggot kraut that likes to impale himself on Trump's dick
>still can't stop posting in this thread

Get the fuck out.

>Durrr hurrrrr because they don't have the sources it means they can make false baseless claims and it's not fake
It's is fake news, you leaf motherfucker

Sage and hide all bait/shill threads

>Durrr hurrrrr because they don't have the sources it means they can make false baseless claims and it's not fake
Better read that sentence again, because it makes absolutely no sense. Are you a stroke victim by any chance?

>use bigly words like Donny
>literally pretending to be somebody who is pretending to be smart
Do the responsible thing and neck yourself

Back to your Three Soibois subleaddit. You fags are way too obvious. And for the love of God, nobody is convinced by phoneposters TALKING to THEMSELVES.

>obsessed by Trumps dick and who sits on it
>calls others gay
make me faggot

Attached: 1419468004649.jpg (237x251, 9K)

It literally is what you said or at least implied it

Nope. Read my comment again. The shithead I replied to claimed that his sources are as valid as the other guy's sources. I pointed out that it is not the case. Then for some reason you came up with some stupid shit that I can't even understand

>they don't have the sources it means they can make false baseless claims and it's not fake
never claimed that. Your reading comprehension skills is shit.

>Durr Durrr, I'm so smart I'll say your shit has been debunked even though it has not cuz other kikes will smile by knowing it has been debunked by... my claims, durr durr

You 2 are officially on the top 10 of pathetic beings in the universe history.

Hillay Clinton laughable "what happened" has 512 pages.
Quoran has about 80000 words

They mean, nothing.

Actions > Paper

Actions > Journalists claiming things

Actions > Claims

Ppl in Iran chanting death to america > Shilling on Jow Forums
Pathetic beyond words. SAD!

>still hasn't posted sources to his claims
lel stay mad faggot

>goes back to my thread
>still sees this masochistic kraut faggot still wanting to take abuse

christ. okay fine. you can stay in my thread you faggot.

this isn't up to you to decide faggot
i'm just here for the sage at this point

>i'm just here for the sage at this point
Fine, I guess I'll bump it everytime you sage it.

This nigger is so mad, he's even less coherent than Trump
No wonder y'all are incel faggots lmao

> Durr Durrr, I'm so smart I'll demand a logical claim to be backed up with sources even though 2 examples were just posted durr durrr

Hahahahaha, exposing pathetic SAD! Shills is truly amusing.

The point was denuclearization, why would Trump waste any time debating about North Korean "human rights" ?? Thats the EU or Trudeau's job, but they are too scared of Kim

>Obama giving ransom money to iran
>Logical claim
kek, keep green texting your insecurities, that will definitely show me.

been saging the thread the whole time leaf

Attached: The+day+of+the+rake+is+nigh+leaf+while+_fa4c834422dc18d0988995412dcac343.jpg (750x1024, 79K)

It's okay. You obviously don't know what saging is.

It isn't a policy paper. It's a joint agreement to denuclearize. What were you retards expecting?

The difference here is that Kim sees an out from NK's perpetually fucked situation. In prior years they were just baiting for food aid. The key difference is NK doesn't see a penny until they take real steps to denuclearize, while previous agreements paid up before NK did a thing.

> Durr Durr, so smart, over 3 replies and still can't figure out what the logical argument was... oh wait, actually i'm intentionally ignoring it because it destroys my whole anti trump point!

Hahahahahahahaha, what a clown, keep trying, you'll just look more and more pathetic to neutral readers.

>draft a meaningless statement that serves as a foundation for negotiations to come
>not a "deal" or even the beginning of one
>only accomplishes the immediate goal of de-escalation
>which is perfectly normal for long-term negotiations between two nations that are currently at war
>literally don't give up anything except for a few words and vague promises.
>liberals who can only parrot and don't understand anything whine that the """deal""" isn't good even though this isn't a deal and we still have to negotiate.
>everyone else celebrates a potential end to the conflict and avoiding immediate nuclear war while being cautiously optimistic about the future
>liberals autistically screech while GOP wins the midterms and Trump is reelected.
>world keeps on turning
I ain't tired of winning yet.

you obviously don't know what proxy switching is

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How do you expect to make progress with diplomacy, if you don't trust each other?

Kek, no offence, but most of your replies sound like some rambling from a looney bin escapee. You claimed Obama sent money to iran (as in gave "free" money to iran), when in fact they just returned the money they owed: .
Some dude told you to fuck off with your fox news propaganda as seen herE: .
You claimed your source isn't fox news as seen here: So go ahead, post your sources nigger. Or you can keep on rambling like a retard

Pres. Trump said this is the first of many meetings.

>retard thinks I'm a proxy
lel. You're just a retard and everyone sees it. Don't be surprised that different people call you out on it.

thanks for proving me right leaf

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>You claimed Obama sent money to iran
He did
>(as in gave "free" money to iran)
that's right
>when in fact they just returned the money they owed
we don't "owe" Iran anything.
>Iran destroyed their nukes!
no they didn't.
>but muh New York Times!
proven to be colluding with Obama admin to push the deal.

>moments before that post was made

Attached: index.jpg (214x236, 5K)

>meanwhile in my yard

Attached: 1459995431090.gif (636x288, 2.57M)

>we don't "owe" Iran anything.
Not according to an international court dipshit.

>>Iran destroyed their nukes!
They never had nuke and I never claimed they destroyed their nuke in the first place
>>but muh New York Times!
>proven to be colluding with Obama admin to push the deal.
Literally irrelevant to this case. The new york times is not the only news source out there to claim exactly what I've been stating all along, and court documents proves it. The money given was their own or owed to them. It was not tax payers money. Holy shit, can't believe you still believe this lie after years. You do realize not everything on Jow Forums is true right? Take your fucking head out of your ass for once and do your research instead of spouting out the same bullshit every retard on this board does. The list of crimes committed by Obama is long, but giving Iran their money back isn't one of them.

> Durrr Durrr ouch, that hurt me in my pride so I'm gonna make a semi decent reply this time... but i'll ignore the whole point again in hopes neutral readers don't see that i'm dodging the point again!!

> Literally believing the sources that have been caught lying to idolize obumer and demonize trump hundreds of times as if they had any legitimacy left.
> Post your sources, mine are flawless

My sources can be entirely grounded on the fact that your sources fail to even create a single narrative, between sources there are multiple inconsistencies, and all have a proven pro nigger obumer bias, giving completely legitimacy to doubts of a weak cover up in favour of the "fake news". Can you go and extract the numbers, document, bank withdraws, flight numbers, etc, to prove your version was truthful? No, you just rely on inconsistent shit that literally is controlled by the ones that benefit by the story.

Clown status: Destroyed forever

Let me put the reply you should post next

Also, the point is, and was from the beginning: "Actions > Words, 150 pages long shit is meaningless"

Clown status update: Completely annihilated.

> Durr Durr, shit that's completely logical and flawless, how i'm ever gonna recover, better leave the post.

>kills his uncle for being China's bitch
>kills his brother for being China's bitch
I don't want north korea to give up its weapons, just to point them in the other direction

>My sources can be entirely grounded on the fact that your sources fail to even create a single narrative, between sources there are multiple inconsistencies, and all have a proven pro nigger obumer bias, giving completely legitimacy to doubts of a weak cover up in favour of the "fake news". Can you go and extract the numbers, document, bank withdraws, flight numbers, etc, to prove your version was truthful? No, you just rely on inconsistent shit that literally is controlled by the ones that benefit by the story.
Still no source to prove your claim. Try again.

Attached: 7dbffb772e1729f5049b8a1e7d83b7db.jpg (2048x1024, 101K)

>no plane loads of cash
Stay salty faggot

> Durr Durr, Shit that was too much, I'm just going into full denial because we low IQ people know that admitting being wrong means we are not gods of the morally right

Still no source to prove your claim. Try again.