What the fuck is this?

>Institutions have a moral and ethical duty to make scientific research more diverse and representative

>Improving the participation of under-represented groups is not just fairer - it could produce better research

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dang i remember that shit from half life
do they also build that cannon that you can load up with these lasers?

It's time for businesses to hire some token science hires.

sounds nutty

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>my shit and also happen to to have arbitrary characteristic X that is underrepresented in my field.
>instead of me getting better and working harder to get good everyone should give me more credit for less work compared to normal poeple

also this sort of thing is nowhere as bad as it seems, nobody will respect a person who got a position someone more qualified could have , they dont make it ahead in science because by its nature its empirical and meritocratic

>changing who conducts *the research* until *the research* says what you want it to say.

>The year is 1947. Chuck Yeager is preparing for the next flight of the experimental X-1. This time engineers have cleared him to push it to supersonic speeds. A new era of technological development awaits.
>Director Shekelstein bursts into the hanger.
>"Sorry goyim, we need more diversity in this program. Lakeesha will be flying this plane from now on."
>Because of her THICC bootay the rocket's thrust just isn't enough to push it up to Mach 1.
>Supersonic travel is thereby deemed to be impossible. NASA's X program is cancelled and all funding is diverted to gender studies.
>3 years later the soviet union invades the USA with supersonic aircraft.

also damn im getting nostalgia
laser stuff like diffraction,interferometry and making holograms was the best Bsc lab experiments.
made me love the shit out of optics until i got a dark matter 'lab'.


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terrible example my senpai. nasa only hired ex millitary test pilots for X1 IIRC. and millitary wont give lakeesha a free pass.

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>niggers, chinks, and pajeets commit fraudulent research that can't be replicated

(((science))) is a meme now

So they are saying that minorities and women think differently than straight white men?

I thought trump was racist for pointing out judge curiel?

Based Ahmed's clock and NASA girls


>engineering firms forced to hire females and diversity Tyrones/ la-as.
>we be engneerz an sheeit
>they fuck up calculations
>plane shatters when attempting to break sound barrier
>Lakeesha killed
>white engineer blamed for failure.
>news articles about how not enough diversity doomed the attempt.

JIDF plz

Different opinions somehow improve the results according to them

i never heard a feminist scream that more women should work on construction sites

>get into science partly because its based purely on logical facts and rational theories that have to be proven
>now this is happening

just fucking end me, theres no escape

this sounds shockingly plausible

translation: let kikes import more niggers into the last respectable fields so they can destroy it, replace it with deconstructed nonsense jibberish

>>Improving the participation of under-represented groups is not just fairer - it could produce better research
Why do they stop at racial groups?
I vote we should get more down-syndrome scientists. Right now the % of literal retards in science is exactly 0.
Where is the outrage?

WTF do you faggots care. The right doesn’t believe in science anyway.

diversity is not a virtue


>join the dark right.

No offense juden but your molecular structure kind of looks like a swastika.

>I vote we should get more down-syndrome scientists. Right now the % of literal retards in science is exactly 0.

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This is the standard of morality people have when you abandon God.

I think that was the joke

We’ve really come full circle haven’t we? Israelis are Nazis and now Jow Forums are the Jews

What a time to be alive

Ah fuck, that's my school. I still feel something whenever I see this picture.

How many times have you had a down-syndrome university lecturer?
I bet none. Me neither.
I'm tired of this shit, we need to remove some of the up-syndrome university lecturers to make room for some downies.
Down with the ups and up with the downs!
Who's with me?

u w0t m8 ? israel was nazi from day 1 , if anything it became less nazi with time and now is pretty much natcap.
we always saw ourselves as a the rightful fourth reich , here to finish the job once and for all . we're what the eastern empire was to rome to the third reich.

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Real diversity (not forced) is essential for researchs. To break new grounds, you don't need 10000 people thinking exactly the same way, you need other ideas, no matters how morronic it sounds at first.

who are they to say that having more chromosomes does not equal having more of this 'life experience'

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Conservative scientists when?

>It could produce better research
In a lot of cases when you're performing research into a new area with a lot of unknowns, the experts or PhDs that know how to work in the area are likely few and far between. Most of time in highly technical areas that require shutins that spend 90% of their time studying or working in their field, are men as women generally have more active social lives comparatively. If they want to lock themselves in a room spending all their time by themselves researching or solving problems, then maybe things in highly technical research areas might be more even.

What these people neglect to mention that in fields such as biology or social ""sciences""" there is far more women than men.

Aaaaaaand getting published in Nature will now depend on your research team diversity.
Either the journal rating will plummet fast, or labs will have to put token women in every publishing team.
Which mean nobels will now be given mostly to people who didn't get actual shit in their entire life, but were just the token name at the top of the article.
Yep, science is fucked unless someone nuke wherever Nature's headquarter are.

That is not flavin, that is flavin adenine dinucleotide.

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There are literal retards in science that are there based on merit alone.