I hope Trump doesn't settle, this is ridiculous. They refuse to do anything about Clinton but will do anything and everything to try and take down Trump, this is getting ridiculous!
I hope Trump doesn't settle, this is ridiculous...
>New York's attorney general on Thursday sued the Donald J. Trump Foundation, U.S. President Donald Trump, and others, and is seeking to dissolve the foundation after what she called its "persistent illegal conduct" over more than a decade.
>Barbara Underwood, the attorney general, said the foundation engaged in "extensive unlawful political coordination" with Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, conducted "repeated and willful self-dealing" to benefit his personal and business interests, and violated "basic legal obligations" for nonprofits.
>The lawsuit was filed with the New York State Supreme Court in Manhattan.
Why is Donald Trump referring to his former friends as "sleezy New York Democrats?" They helped him get rich. Shouldn't he show more gratitude?
It's coming my friend.
>be Deep State
>redact the fuck out of the IG report to cover up crimes
Obvious fail move
>Be Trump
>declassify the entire report and release it in unredacted form
>expose their attempt to cover up cimes
It's going to be fucking glorious
>They refuse to do anything about Clinton
You're funny. Hillary Clinton is by far the most investigated political figure in American history. From Whitewater in the 90's right up to today, she has been under almost constant investigation by one group of republicans or another. And in all that time, they have found nothing. Not one conviction, not one arrest, not even one provable charge. Just baseless accusations.
With that in mind, I say to you what republicans have been saying about Hillary for decades.
"Don't get upset. If Trump is innocent, he has NOTHING to worry about."
Why would he do that though?
They will try to dovetail this into the failing mueller investigation after it dies. Pathetic.
He owes them.
> declassify the entire report and release it in unredacted form
> expose their attempt to cover up crimes
Wow. So you have ALREADY given up on TODAY'S republican nothing burger BEFORE IT HAS EVEN BEEN RELEASED and moved on to next week's republican nothing burger!
You fuckers are sad....hahahahahaha!
Imagine being this fucking delusional. I bet you think you’re a good person lol
But he literally donated all the money and some to charities instead of funneling the money like the Clinton Foundation. It's completely politically motivated to draw attention away from the IG report. Pic related.
Well one is in the most powerful and affecting position in the country and the other lost the election. Let’s say that they’re both criminals, which one would most people care about taking down first?
dindu nuffin
It's coming kike... I hope you like boxcars
Back to redd*t Faggot.
There is all the evidence in the world showing how bullshit dog and pony show is. Clinton skates by, Trump gets falsely accused just from claims while Clinton has lapdog STILL finding ways to cheat the system in her favor.
He's losing it.
Wait until Mueller's 75 supeonas hit.
>I bet you think you’re a good person lol
No. I'm a smart person.
>illegally create unsecured private email server
>illegally store top-secret information on the unsecured private server
>illegally transmit top-secret information from the unsecured private server
>illegally tell aides to transmit top-secret information from the unsecured private server
>illegally destroy the evidence of all of this once caught
>attempt to bury evidence that 8 different countries hacked your unsecured private email server
>partisan FBI agents illegally agree to throw the investigation of your illegal activities before it ever begins
>partisan FBI agents illegally destroy records showing they agreed to throw the investigation
>partisan FBI agents attempt to stonewall Congressional probe into these activities because they know they've been caught
>partisan FBI agent threatens to subpoena the entire Republican Party in Congress in order to try and blackmail them into silence
"Clinton did nothing wrong!"
t. Clueless AIDS faggot
How did she make her fortune, since it’s all so transparent?
This is why I like coming to Jow Forums. You people are so pathetic that it's fun to watch. Never any new ideas or arguments. Never any intelligence. As soon as you see something you can't dispute, you instantly jump straight to 'kike' or 'nigger'. As if an anonymous insult actually means anything. It's like watching a child throw a tantrum. I can see why Trump is your icon. Funny.
A little before the time he and his treasonous buddies are hit with 75 rounds of .308?
At least you’re smart enough to know that you’re not good. That’s something.
I say again. Those are allegations. She was never convicted, or even charged, with any of that. Is that her fault? No. That would be the republican's fault.
Hillary is a corrupt piece of shit end of story. Rats like you deserve to hop in the oven right after her turn.
They gonna give you time off from your sandwich artist job Oswald?
Shut your fat hole and get back to flipping my burger.
Well, if republican investigations are anything to go by, then she made her fortune in a completely legal manner. She has never been convicted of any wrong doing.
Compare that to your boy Trump, who has settled out of court more than 150 times to avoid trial. He's managed to get away with all that shit....until now.
>Wow. So you have ALREADY given up on TODAY'S republican nothing burger BEFORE IT HAS EVEN BEEN RELEASED and moved on to next week's republican nothing burger!
You fuckers are sad....hahahahahaha
SUMMARY: not a single argument presented. Not even content, just shit posting
>This is why I like coming to Jow Forums. You people are so pathetic that it's fun to watch. Never any new ideas or arguments. Never any intelligence. As soon as you see something you can't dispute, you instantly jump straight to 'kike' or 'nigger'. As if an anonymous insult actually means anything. It's like watching a child throw a tantrum. I can see why Trump is your icon. Funny.
Kys 90 IQ retard.
that's a lot of jewish names in one tweet
He was a real estate developer in New York. He bought the democrat politicians he needed in order to operate because that's how it works in corrupt blue cities. (sorry for being redundant) Why do you need this explained to you? He calls Hillary Crooked Hillary from first-hand experience.
No such thing.
>You filthy goyim are hilarious to watch
>Just stop trying, mongrel
He's basically insulting himself.
Doesn't loyalty mean anything to Trump?
>to smart 2 win
Barbara Underwood NY AG
Is it a he or a she?
More like he's insulting his own former employees that he had to pay with legal bribes known as (((campaign contributions))) and (((charitable contributions)))
Haha the left and their projection, what's a matter having a rough day at Starbucks?
This is me as an engineer, with a 6 figure salary, old ass American flag and trump bobble head at my cube making sure retards like you can live in your ignorance as a free American.
>new york democrat
That's hilarious, because that's exactly what Trump is, with some minor modifications. He's a 90's democrat in all but name.
This is Punished Trump we're dealing with
Nice pic of your mom’s boyfriend’s basement.
Eat shit NEETs
He's insulting himself because he was once one them and he's still like them, just with a different logo.
Sure, just like he promised to never settle the Trump University lawsuit.
>he's still like them
except that he's now universally hated by leftists, which is what I like most about him.
Republicans, who view themselves as the most rational, most intelligent, most capable people in the entire realm of US politics, who hold majorities in both houses, who have hundreds of party members in extremely high places in law enforcement and the justice system, who would in all circumstances be showered in prestige and praise by their fellow Republicans if they could somehow simply unearth the evidence of Hillary's monstrous crimes...
...can't unearth the evidence of Hillary's monstrous crimes. At all. At least, not to the point where anyone who bears responsiblity for making accusations - prosecutors - are willing to put their credibility on the line, even though if they did they would become national heroes to the Drumpfies forevermore. Yep, Hillary is so ingeniously villainous that she covered up her crimes soooo well that it's almost like:
she didn't commit any crimes at all!
What a dastardly plot for the stalwart republican to foil! I look forward to the next installment of Drumpfy PI!
>mfw no distinguishing characteristics in either pic
He works in Haiti, apparently
>investigated by people she has blackmailed
Get real
>if they could somehow simply unearth the evidence of Hillary's monstrous crimes can't unearth the evidence of Hillary's monstrous crimes.
Did you break up this run-on sentence in an attempt to make it seem more impactful?Is that what's in the metadata?
That's a lot of words for someone not even under trumps rule. Its almost like you're paid to be this gay
Close, Detroit
Trump says he'll build a wall, but doesn't. Democrats in California quietly built a wall.
Trump says what Democrats are too polite to say. He doesn't actually believe it himself.
Shitposting aside, good on you. Pulling for that city to make a comeback
>charity donated more money than it took in
yeah thats not shady at all. money just pops in to thin air all the time.
And here I was, thinking you liked us because we had cool memes. Isn't it funny how kikes like yourself make posts like this but when anyone in history names the Jew they are called anti-Semites. Jews are masters at projection in many ways, they even own Hollywood.
Who in congress is helping him? You seem to see the world in dem vs. rep., but I have a different take. I'm not aware of any democrats that are DINOs, but I can point to plenty of RINOs. The reps love to run as hardcore conservatives and govern as dems, but I don't see the opposite. Trump has plenty of resistance in his own party.
Why is it the Republicans' fault? Oh wait, you believe
>justice in America is and should be totally politicized
>the state is and should be a weapon against political enemies
>state actors who abuse their power do and should receive immunity if it benefits a certain political side
Always amazing to watch Democrats admit they're totalitarian. It reminds us that we're fighting for everything and scorched earth is the only strategy
Because there's no proof Clinton did anything wrong
When I moved here I was expecting the worst, but downtown is being renovated quite nicely and the white flight suburbs are glorious
Those aren't allegations you dumb nigger, the emails are public.
yeah he's such a great guy
At this point he’s just priming the gas for you guys
The state of California built a metal fence. Republican states didn't.
Trump's xenophobia is all bark and no bite. Democrats in contrast will pretend to be your friend, but stab you in the back. Especially if you're a minority.
>windows 10
>microsoft word
git gud faggot
>getting millions of dollars in "payments" and "donations" for 30 minute "speeches" sure is legal alright
He can't just do it with his pen and phone, hence, the lack of bite, like I already said.
Democrats treat minorities like their own little pets that are too dumb to make it on their own without nanny government to help them. At least we agree there.
fake crime
fake news
sage and hide shill threads
She lost. He won. Kill yourself.
this, so much this
And they could never make a case that sticks.
If this is competence, I don't know what incompetence is.
To be fair to the guy: he sometimes seemed to have too many hats on and then things slipped. It wasn't him who run the Casinos to the ground. He wasn't in the chair every day.
This entire thread, every argument used to defend Clinton is the same argument Trump supporters have been saying this whole time. This is some psyops shit to make Clinton look innocent and Trump guilty when it’s a nothing burger.
I can only use the tools my employer gives me. I mostly only use putty anyways
I retired at 30 after selling my publishing company for $3 mill, cupcake.
Get back to work "enginering" condoms out of your mom's toilet.
>The state of California built a metal fence. Republican states didn't.
This is not true. States cannot build fences on federal land (aka the border). What actually happened was that a bill to build some fencing was passed and signed into law under Bush. California got most of the fencing from that bill. Some states like Texas got practically nothing.
Smart people are generally good at assessing the totality of circumstances, facts, evidence, and at critical thinking though. You probably just listen to NPR and think you're smart.
As a side note, I have noticed that Trump tweets have generally a significant amount of likes, whereas the retweets and comments by comparison are much smaller. Of those comments, just for arguments sake, let's say half are negative and half are positive from unique users (disregarding multiple tweets from same users). Is it logical to say because there are such a huge amount more likes vs negative comments that Trumps popularity vs his unpopularity is an open and shut case here? Why would you leave a like if you are a detractor? Retweeting is a bit of a different matter because many will retweet + add their comment which can either be negative or positive. But there is only one connotation to a like, and that is a positive reaction
No, you're not. You're really not.
Alright guys, here's the rundown. I quickly skimmed the documents in their entirety this morning.
Unfortunately it appears to be nothing substantial.
Yet another nothing burger for the republican party and its base of racists, Nazis, and xenophobes.
Thanks for reading, if any more documents are released ill be sure to read them and give everyone an update.
No. He doesn't actually want to build a wall or a metal fence. He just said that to get elected. Nor did he have any desire to "lock her up." Their daughters were close friends for Christ's sake!
Your argument is that Bush only wanted a blue state to have a metal fence?
That is a harsh fucking bold faced lie and you know it. Jesus christ have some sense, even if you are shilling. If you had done ANY of that private email server stuff (and thats scratching the surface, as the clinton foundation is the real gem of corruption and crime) you would be locked away for a LONG ass time.
Congrats man, now you can shit post all day with no worries! You've achieved the American dream, don't waste it
kek, mad kike
It doesn't matter what Bush did or did not want. The fact is that it was Congress that passed the bill to fund the fence and that fence mostly covered California. The states themselves had literally nothing to do with it. Don't lie.
Any argument I make will be countered by your ideas of what Trump's real intentions are. If he was a leftist at heart, why would he run against his good friend Hillary? He had the world by the balls. Why go into the nastiest business on earth, if things were already going the way you wanted them too?
*to, before the grammar nazis come around...
Oy vey! shut it down! The goyim know!
Congress members elected by California are Democrats. Congress members elected by other border states are Republicans. Congress members propose bills based on what their constituents want. Why would Republicans only want a blue state to have a metal fence? Why did Donald Trump only mention Mexican rapists from California? He only says what Democrats think.
For the fame. For the glory. For his children to meet new business contacts, and use political leverage to make a profit.
>Why did Donald Trump only mention Mexican rapists from California? He only says what Democrats think.
What the fuck are you on about? I had no idea Mexican rapists were a big concern for democrats. You've lost your fucking mind.
>For his children to meet new business contacts, and use political leverage to make a profit.
They had all the business contacts they would ever need, and now half the world wants him and his family dead. Never again will Trump be able to walk around in public without huge security teams in place. His every move will be scrutinized relentlessly by your comrades until the day he dies. You leftists are truly delusional, and your (((media))) put you there, as designed.
A ton of Republicans love open borders retard. It has nothing to do with Trump.
elected republicans, along with some republican business owners. The vast majority of conservatives are against it, but I get what your saying.
>What the fuck are you on about? I had no idea Mexican rapists were a big concern for democrats. You've lost your fucking mind.
What do you think people middle class people mean when they warn whites about going to bad areas? Feminists warn women of this more than any other group.
>They had all the business contacts they would ever need, and now half the world wants him and his family dead. Never again will Trump be able to walk around in public without huge security teams in place. His every move will be scrutinized relentlessly by your comrades until the day he dies. You leftists are truly delusional, and your (((media))) put you there, as designed.
He may have thought things would turn out better. Borders closing in Europe legitimizes Trump's rhetoric. What's most important though is publicity. Trump becoming president gives his family more publicity than would have been otherwise been possible.
You don't find it the least bit odd that the state that caused Trump to win the popular vote has a metal fence and republican states don't? Blaming Bush doesn't solve this paradox.
All the sudden its not democrats, its middle class people, as if the dems have a lock on them.
>Lunacy, the post.
Have a nice day. You're too fucking far gone for redemption.
What the fuck does this have to do with Trump? Make your point.
Are you even trying? It's embarrassing desu