Why did he do it Jow Forums?

Why did he do it Jow Forums?

Attached: paddock.jpg (284x177, 5K)

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4 the lulz

A new internal report was leaked from metro (lvpd) saying just before the shooting, someone walking past paddock's door heard him shout, "dang it these country music assholes piss me OFF!"

Hotel wouldn't comp his sushi

you know why

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Nucountry sucks

I wonder why they're keeping it a secret

Can somebody explain to me Whats with the "comped" thing ? It's obviously something with his brother, I just don't know what, since I wasn't on Jow Forums for 3 weeks after the shooting happened


The eternal boomer. Ruining everything for others.


The poster below me works at Taco Bell. Respond to his post with "NOT COMPED"

yea and ive also read police reports of the police entering Paddock's room just as he shot himself in the head. They also claimed that paddock charged the police, shot a swat officer & then died. it's a big cover up. There even video with trump meeting the officers & he is introduced to the policeman who "engaged" the shooter

he didn't.

But there was literAlly no consequence and it was memory holed

He was /OurBoomer/

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you son of a bog I didnt even see this

He didn’t

What's pic related up to these days?

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>he eats in publix

Attached: 1432496734507.jpg (1462x1462, 298K)

>no children
>atheistic nihilism

Attached: Mein_Comped.jpg (309x400, 74K)

I see, that's actually quite amusing then

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DOJ knows, and is never going to tell you. Now shut up, and bury your dead.

the jew reporter lady on twitter had something about him being "promoted" up the ranks of security, but this was months ago. This guy pretty much vanished off the face of the earth though.

Jingle jangle

we don't know

and by we i mean my colleagues and I at the FBI

cuz he's a wmaf sexpat loser

Attached: f-paddock-a-20171005.jpg (750x1019, 125K)

>thinks he did it
his death was the first round fired

CIA and LSD.

Went the story first broke . The news guy said he had done work for the FBI in the past.

Let's replace why with did.
