Be 90s-00s era leftist

>be 90s-00s era leftist
>participate in occupy wall street
>suddenly my racial and gender id make me a pariah in my own movement
>destruction of the state and capitalism is abandoned for state enforced equity and mass media representation
What do i do Jow Forums? I really am not a conservative.

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Move to Germany or Sweden. Pretend to be a Syrian refugee. Free gibs and peace. Problem solved.

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There are some hardcore leftists in America, and it really is no surprise that all politics, be that alt-lite or alt-left, is totally infiltrated, subverted and sold out by Neoliberal and corporate powers.

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so are you a communist or what?

I am thinking this. A nationalist workers party. Could it work in the usa?

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I was literally the same as you i actually went to the original OWS in Zuccotti Park. Join us national socialism is the answer to the (((Capitalist))) and (((marxist))) question

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>a communist
I said i wanted the destruction of the state in the OP. I guess at this point i have no choice but to be an Accelerationist

swallow the red pill or kill yourself you lefty fuck
don't hate capitalism, it's the only friend you have now

>A nationalist workers party. Could it work in the usa?
It completely eliminated poverty in germany before WW2

>don't hate capitalism, it's the only friend you have now
Lol capitalism is the reason for the jewish ascendancy in this country you dumb fuck

>destruction of the state AND capitalism

Uh so what would be left?

I thought you were one of those ancoms since you don't like capitalism

you obviously need to bring your normative beliefs in line with your observations of what is, such that you can find yourself wanting something that's actually possible

Seriously i think you are right. The problem is that national socialism is the most hated truth there is. Also how do o actually get involved. Maymays do not win the world.

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“Himself a Jew, Marx has around him, in London and France, but especially in Germany, a multitude of more or less clever, intriguing, mobile, speculating Jews, such as Jews are every where: commercial or banking agents, writers, politicians, correspondents for newspapers of all shades, with one foot in the bank, the other in the socialist movement, and with their behinds sitting on the German daily press — they have taken possession of all the newspapers — and you can imagine what kind of sickening literature they produce. Now, this entire Jewish world, which forms a single profiteering sect, a people of blooksuckers, a single gluttonnous parasite, closely and intimately united not only across national borders but across all differences of political opinion — this Jewish world today stands for the most part at the disposal of Marx and at the same time at the disposal of Rothschild. I am certain that Rothschild for his part greatly values the merits of Marx, and that Marx for his part feels instinctive attraction and great respect for Rothschild.
This may seem strange. What can there be in common between Communism and the large banks? Oh! The Communism of Marx seeks enormous centralization in the state, and where such exists, there must inevitably be a central state bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, which. speculates on the work of the people, will always find a way to prevail ....” Mikhail Bakunin, my first redpill

>Human history is 100k years +
>less than 1000 years of those involved state governance
>less than 500 years of merchant econ
How did we survive???

Damn dude. Thanks for that i should read more bakunin i think.

>destruction of the state and capitalism
Fuck off you commie retard

>The problem is that national socialism is the most hated truth there is
And ? most people scoff and turn their nose up at any ideology that is not mainstream popular opinion is not a good metric at all
>Also how do o actually get involved. Maymays do not win the world.
Start reading fascist philosophy and anything else from before 1950 and working out make yourself an example for the people around you and subtly redpill them. Also read about this guy he was a french anarchist who was a proto fascist

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Join us. We do not hate those who fihht with us. Notice how they use their ideals to distract from the real issues at hand. They perpetuate the very issues they claim cannot exist.

They are weak.

I know i read rise and fall of the third reich expecting a btfo of hitler only to reapect him a lot and hate bureaucracy that much more

Yea bakunin was redpilled AF on the JQ also Nestor Mahko initiated pograms against the jews and fought against the soviets in the ukraine. Look into National Anarchism if your not a fan of the state thats where i started

>less than 1000 years of those involved state governance
>less than 500 years of merchant econ
Yeah no both of those existed in the Neolithic

>I know i read rise and fall of the third reich expecting a btfo of hitler only to reapect him a lot and hate bureaucracy that much more
Hitler was a great man who's only crime was caring about his people unlike the Marxists who hate the working class and want to see us thrown into gulags for our ingrained contempt of their philosophy

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Thanks for the link. I really have a lot to think about. The oligarchs are mostly jews. Their religion basically justifies the worst behavior to man and nature imaginable. I just have a hard time with the casual racism of it all. I don't care if an African wants to be African. It is just difficult because to be in nationalism means to contend with people who are fueled by hate and not a higher ideal.This is true. Identity politics have crippled the real left. My grandfather fought strike busting cops in the depression but would not abide a faggot or kike. He fought in WW2 and told me the holocaust was a lie. He liberated Auschwitz ffs.

>The state and state capitalism existed in the neolithic period
I am assuming you are a retard

KYS for being a commie.

National anarchism makes sense. It cannot happen in the cosmopolitan globalist milleu. You should check it out if you have not. It is so critical of Hitler and still cannot hide the fact that he came from literally nothing to be a savior of his country

realize that the fucking idiots who taught you about muh evil capitalism are the same fucking idiots telling you about white males now

>t. Capitalist jew pig

>90s leftism wasn't SJW
lel that old meme... and Jow Forums is probably young enough to believe it.

How is a chieftain demanding tribute from his subjects and engaging in trade with other tribes not state capitalism?

>Their religion basically justifies the worst behavior to man and nature imaginable. I just have a hard time with the casual racism of it all. I don't care if an African wants to be African. It is just difficult because to be in nationalism means to contend with people who are fueled by hate and not a higher
Racism is the tool of the jew to distract us while they rob us blind i recognize that races are fundamentally different on a biological level but it is foolish to hate people for this alone i want africans to have africans europeans to have europe etc. Hitler believed this as well he even shook jesse owens hand while that Kike pos Roosevelt snubbed him

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OP is a fine example of a useful idiot.
Op should become a classical liberal, if he can even comprehend the idea of individual character and merit.

*africans to have africa

>calls other people useful idiots
>advocates for classical liberalism
LOL go back to jerking off to Sargon videos brainlet

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Hey nig i was there. SJW politics was not present. I remember having nothing but respect for Timothy McVeigh. You are just another jew apologist i expect.>How is the organic operation of familial ties operating on the lines of heroism and combat not exactly the same as the life destroying function of a bureaucratic delineation of power which serves a small largely jewish elite?

Thank you. Yes whites are admirable in many ways. So are blacks. I just want us to have our cultures and homelands and not monohomoculture.

Well you are now mate
Might as well buy an stg since you're a Nazi.
A AR will do just as well too

I never realized being the royal treasurers of German princes and anglo/frank aristocrats was how capitalism truly operated.

>stealing is the same as earning

What is an 90s-00s leftist? It can be literally anything. That's when SJW were already growing in American colleges. Sanders was already around, and the Democratic Party was turning more liberal. But what were you exactly?

>I was a member of the brainwashed masses trust me I know that there was no identity politics!
Just because it was purposely kept out of your sight doesn't mean it wasn't there.

You realized you were just an useful idiot. that's the first step. The others will come in time, dont worry.

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Faggot I'm not saying those are the same. just that states and trade have almost always been there and will always be there because, as corruptible as they are, because there's no better alternative.

join the eco-fash wave with me brethren. we are more than you know.

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well quothed and memed frend

So you really don't know what capitalism is do you? Because it isn't the tool the jews used to rise to power, it is simply the institution they have taken control over because of their convenient tribal role as money lenders and merchants.

No economic institution is pure of their influence. This does not mean it is all tools created by the kikes to control the goyim.
And this doesn't mean capitalism is some holy truth like people like you insist others believe. It is a man made system and as such is susceptible to man's corruption.

The real Jewish mind control technique is convincing people like you that they should shun something they don't understand instead of learning about that something. If you learn all about it you gain power over it, and this is the real secret the kikes keep from the goyim.
It's all just information warfare.

Me 5 years ago:
>Come on guys, we need to be nice to muslim immigrants they have a lot on their plates
Me today

You to?
Occupy changed me.
That progressive stack bullshit made me hang around the camps stabbing and raping.

>he doesnt know about kike nepotism and how they used our economic system against to gain ascendancy
lurk moar you might learn something new friend

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go to /leftypol/ and ask them some questions, if you're not a total newfag you should be able to find your way there

You should be murdered. Fucking cunt.

Bernie style socialists need to merge with Trump style nationalists.
They can call themselves National Socialists or something like that.

>I really am not a conservative.
Oh yes you are. Welcome to the fold

Change your party registration to Independent, vote based on candidates not party, and call yourself a "moderate" or "centrist" if anyone asks about your politics.

Eco-fash sounds nice. Jews are destroying our home planet

yeah im a white male that marched in Occupy Wallstreet. I was called an undercover cop more times than i can count.
they didn't want me there. so be it, let the movement be controlled by retards and diversity stacks. and we saw how good they did. lol

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Go all the way, my man.

Tbqh i have to read this dude manifesto. He seems like a intelligent man. I always find myself agreeing with pretty much every quote attributed to him.

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Me too. The only chance we have is that Trump literally 'locks them up'. The party is just too corrupt to ever organically ever correct, and the people have gotten far too stupid.

I imagine I'll vote Trump in 2020, Rand in 2024, unless Tulsi ever gets a legitimate shot at winning.

You're a man, not a "male."

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You do know modern leftism is just classical liberalism on steroids with welfare?

The average leftists of the 90's and 00's we're practically more libertarian than anything else, they just argued for bigger social safety nets. Unfortunately, they never voted, and lost complete control of their party, and even though it's always been partially corrupt like any other party, now it's openly and unabashedly being ran by criminals. \