



Attached: 1516535104341.jpg (1018x588, 493K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I've already read it
there's literally nothing in there





Yawn... I'm tired and I'm sure the rest of you guys are too. Why don't we all just go to bed?

Instagram is for losers, loser.

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>israel tried to nuke the summit to prevent israel being exposed in the IG report!!!!1

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i am feeling sleepy.

after reading the IG report I can safely tell you it's nothing.


im feeling sleepy now

This is the end for the Deep State

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And nothing will happen. Nothing to Obama or Clinton or Clapper or Brennan or Holder.

They'll just keep doing whatever they want.

fuck off

Дa пoшёл ты нaхyй

This is exactly what I fear.

man ive been up for 23 hours, gonna read it later after a nice, comfy nap

You don't get to tell that. We own your country now.


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I'm a data analyst at a Fortune 500 company. I live on Zero Hedge and post here when I'm not busy. I have sifted through a leaked copy of the inspector general report from an anonymous source from the white house for the past 24 hours. In order to ensure proper vigilance and attention to detail I consumed 200 mg of Adderall spaced out in a bi-hourly schedule. I also have been microdosing LSD for the past three years.

I can unequivocally say that there is absolutely nothing profound within this information. It is insubstantial at best, nobody is being fired and outright exaggerations bordering on slander at worst.

It would likely be in everyone's best interest to focus on more pertinent issues as opposed to getting lost in a web of obfuscation.

Given the intense mental output of thorough investigation it is essential that one rest to rejuvenate neural productivity.

I suggest going to sleep and completing at least 3 REM cycles before reassessing any further information.

what did fbi attorney 2 mean by this?

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That's it? I should have taken that nice long nap instead of reading this total nothing burger. Don't waste your time guys!

ty user

expeting me to believe some retard on Jow Forums. I'll wait for Andrew Coumo to read me the important stuff since media has the clearance to read such documents

So tired
** yawn **
I'm getting very sleepy here lads
** scratches eyes **
I don't know why, maybe the screen is a bit too bright
** head falling forward **
Oh, I almost fell asleep here.
** eyelids slowly closing **
I guess it's time to sleep.

all 500 pages huh?

This so much...


sleep tight user !

Tell us more


You jet black greased up turbo nigger are a fücking lying cunt. You have posted this copy pasta a hundred times in the last 6 months. Go LITERALLY fucking hang yourself NOW

Still pretty Black Pilled desu

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Q predicted that you must sleep. Right now. Go to sleep. You must sleep. Q predicted it.

It was reported weeks ago that Horowitz was going to downplay the criminal politicization of the FBI for the good of the country.

If Horowitz came out and said "The FBI is a partisan institute that will break rules and procedure to benefit some people over others" it would open up a giant can of worms. Thousands of cases might get dismissed. Thousands of cases appealed.

It would be an absolute law and order doomsday.

The FBI is quite literally too big to fail and the inspector general knows this.

That's why he includes stuff like how Strzok said he would make sure Trump didn't become president, but then says there was no political bias.

He's saying "The FBI is a corrupt organization, but there's nothing we can do about it."

I mean, what if the FBI, CIA, NSA, all conspired against Trump? What if the IG has proof that they all conspired against Trump?

Do you think the IG can do anything about it?

If a fucking BANK can be too big to fail, what about the three letter agencies?

Nice ID faggot! Lmao

This one is very important. Love the bias news reporting it as no bias when this is literally a quote "We'll stop it." MSM gonna get btfo reporting on this.

It's realer than real

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It really is a nothingburger.

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i wonder why..

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thats alot of pages guys

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How bad did they gimp the conclusions?

Lurk a thousand more years newfag

Wow it's nothing.

Page 489:

We agreed with Kelley, the FBI’s chief ethics official, that McCabe was not at
any time required to recuse from the Clinton-related investigations under the
relevant authorities. However, following the October 23 WSJ article and discussions
with Comey, McCabe recused from the Clinton-related investigations on November
1, 2016. Once McCabe recused himself, he was required to cease participation in
those matters. Voluntary recusal is always permissible with the approval of a
supervisor or ethics official, even where the elements in section 502(a) are not
present. We found that McCabe did not fully comply with his recusal in a few
instances related to the Clinton Foundation investigation.
We also found that the FBI ethics officials and attorneys did not fully
appreciate the potential significant implications to McCabe and the FBI from
campaign contributions to Dr. McCabe’s campaign and did not implement any
review of those campaign donations. We therefore recommend that ethics officials
consider implementing a review of campaign donations when Department
employees or their spouses run for public office.

In Chapter Fourteen, we found that Kadzik demonstrated poor judgment by failing to recuse himself from Clinton-related matters under federal ethics regulations prior to November 2, 2016. Kadzik did not recognize the appearance of a conflict that he created when he initiated an effort to obtain employment for his son with the Clinton campaign while participating in Department discussions and communications about Clinton-related matters.
Kadzik also created an appearance of a conflict when he sent the Chairman of the Clinton Campaign and a longtime friend, John Podesta, the “Heads up” email that included the schedule for the release of former Secretary Clinton’s emails proposed to the court in a FOIA litigation without knowing whether the information had yet been filed and made public. His willingness to do so raised a reasonable question about his ability to act impartially on Clinton-related matters in connection with his official duties.
Additionally, although Department leadership determined that Kadzik should be recused from Clinton- related matters upon learning of his “Heads up” email to Podesta, we found that Kadzik failed to strictly adhere to this recusal. Lastly, because the government information in the “Heads up” email had in fact been released publically, we did not find that Kadzik released non-public information or misused his official position.

>“The FBI accepts...”
“The FBI and DOJ Are Untouchable, Goy.” - (((Horowitz)))
#TrustHorowitz #TrustRosenstein #TrustWeissman #SitBackEatPopcornAndDoNothing
“Not the first time the (DOJ) and the FBI have conducted a politically-charged investigation and it will not be the last,” IG report says. Policies are in place to “protect the institutions from allegations of abuse, political interference, and biased enforcement of the law

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ID checks out

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I'm sleepy. I'm going to bed.

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weiner had the emails!!!

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ya idk why theyre going with that narrative when one of the most damning points of the report is exactly a bias

That's a lot of hashtags boomer.

guise guise stop it right now we aren't allowed to read this, only CNN can read this to us.


>But Sessions must recuse.
>But not Rosenstein
>But not Weissman
>But not Mueller

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I believe that I raised with [Comey] the concern
with the use of gros
negligence in particular because I was concerned that it would be
confusing if we used a
term that has a legal definition
f we say

s grossly negligent, that despite the fact that we, we and the
Department had a good reason to not charge her with
negligence, given the fact that they thought it was unconstitutionally
vague, and it had never been done, and, you know, sort of all of the
concomitant defenses that would also follow from, from her conduct,
that it would just be overly confusing.

PAGE 191

Дa caм ты иди нa хyй

pretty sure coumo came before sleepy posts

Fuck, failed pasta

Treason charges by the end of tonight or tomorrow?

>Gay fuck

almost prophetic


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Is this the FBI's response to the report?

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>You now realize the fbi are as retarded as your bog standard reddit user

Ooooooof, time to get rid of the alphabets

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Hello, this is CNN. It is illegal to download and read this report. Please, leave it to us. We are professionals and we'll read this report and tell you what's in it. You can trust us.


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That actually makes sense..

It’s inironically and literally nothing. Fucking political hacks.

Plebbit just went down! It's happening!

>People getting so pissy over reverse psychology.


just drop that phony collusion shit already

Media already spinning this saying there was "no political bias"

Media kikes are destroying this country

Why do people say drumpf??

I never got that

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Well I'm not reading all 568 pages, here's the last one. FUCCCCK THESE KEKS AREN'T GOING TO DO SHIT

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Dat ID!

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Love at 1st sight

Page 325 Delays in Processing Weiner Laptop

Numerous witnesses cited delays in processing the Weiner laptop by NYO
personnel as a primary reason for the apparent inaction by FBI Headquarters and
Midyear personnel. Strzok told us that, after the September 29 call, he understood
that NYO was going to continue processing the laptop and then when they were
“done with that, you know, call us back and let us know.” FBI Attorney 1 also
stated that the Midyear team was waiting on NYO to finish processing the laptop.
When asked why it would take so long, FBI Attorney 1 stated that this “is not that
long of a period of time for the Bureau to take to get something done.” Rybicki told
us that he learned after the fact that NYO had “technical issues” with the laptop,
but he did not know “why it took a month.” Comey recalled being told after the
fact of a “technical delay” or “something about a glitch with getting a mirror image
of the Weiner laptop,” which ultimately “had to be sent to the Operational
Technology Division.”
Page stated that NYO was “having trouble” processing the Weiner laptop and
“that gap represents the time that New York is getting a workable image of the
Weiner laptop because it is so large.” She noted that there was “no particular
urgency” on this issue, however. Page explained, “[N]ot to say it’s not an
important case, but it’s not, there’s no specific reason why like all hands on deck
need to be helping New York CART sort of get this thing loaded or whatever else.”
Later in the interview, Page again reiterated that NYO did not really know what they
had “until they finally sort of have it up and imaged, and start doing their...forensic
review.” She continued:
And the reality is, emails had been found lots of other places that
ultimately weren’t worth pursuing lots of other times. And so, until we
understand that, that the volume of emails is not simply the volume
with respect to Weiner

I don't give a good goddamn fuck. Burn it all to the ground. Everything. DOTR for them all. Only way to get through this is start over and hang all involved.




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bunch of shit threads trying to push this out of page one. Keep bumping.



Former Trump supporter here. It’s hilarious watching his campaign crash and burn. But in all seriousness, this IG report is literally nothing.

this cant be real. So our FBI is filled with SJW leftists too?? hahahah

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4chins confirmed faggot.

>We identified numerous FBI employees, at all levels of the organization and with no official reason to be in contact with the media, who were nevertheless in frequent contact with reporters. Attached to this report as Attachments E and F are two link charts that reflect the volume of communications that we identified between FBI employees and media representatives in April/May and October 2016. We have profound concerns about the volume and extent of unauthorized media contacts by FBI personnel that we have uncovered during our review.
>In addition, we identified instances where FBI
employees improperly received benefits from reporters, including tickets to sporting events, golfing outings, drinks and meals, and admittance to nonpublic social events. We will separately report on those investigations as they are concluded, consistent with the Inspector General Act, other applicable federal statutes, and OIG policy.

Whores. Completely incompetent whores.

Is this one legit? It's been out for a couple of days.

Bump because im very sleepy... go to sleep....

It was his family's name before it got Americanized 200 years ago

We'll stop it.

Oh fucking dear!!!


Gay faggot lol

Feds covered up for Hillary.

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ill get you some coffe nigga.

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no but seriously, just lookt at this guy theres literally 15 of these threads all pushing each other. nobody is trying to hurt you

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stale pasta