Eating out at a restaurant by myself

>eating out at a restaurant by myself
>some flamboyant faggot comes up to wait me
>listen a bit, decide that I don't want AIDS
>ask for different waiter
>faggot gives me a weird look, couple minutes later manager comes out
>asks me to leave
What happened to the customer is always right? I didn't even say anything except ask for a different waiter so it wasn't like I was abusing this faggot. I'm uncomfortable with being served food by a faggot and it would kill my enjoyment of the meal. Fucking capitalism.

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Where is Mike Pence when you need him?

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Pick better places to eat out. This will never happen at Chic Fil A, also if only queers ate at queer friendly businesses they would run out of money quickly.

>What happened to the customer is always right?
Guess you're supposed to be a boomer or a POC to get that.
I also hate how nowdays all those worthless people who shoot drugs and had tattoos instead of learning and getting experience are now working in a service industry. It's fucking impossible today to find a water with no tats and just 20 years ago this would just not be even possible.

>Chic Fil A
Isn't that a mecca for pot smoking niggers?

You should sue for discrimination.

This is precisely the treatment you should get as an customer, because the customer is never right, just pay and shut up

Sorry, I would've made you leave too. That is a douche move on your part.

There's no way the vast majority of people like being served food by faggots. Most people are probably just too scared to say anything. Faggot waiters have to be causing restaurants to lose money. Most people will eat and pretend they're not uncomfortable but they'll never come back.

No, that's Taco Bell for pot smokers and KFC for niggers. Chic Fil A is all whites.

You sound like a salty bitch and probably a closer homo

You sound like an entitled child.
>Boo hoo I was being an obnoxious shithead and got politely asked to leave by the manager, now I'm going to rant about it on an anonymous image board

Wtf were you doing in a gay club in the first place. Don't you know you only vote with your money these days?

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>I was being an obnoxious shithead and got politely asked to leave by the manager, now I'm going to rant about it on an anonymous image board
I've seen people actually be obnoxious to waiters and they never get asked to leave unless they're causing commotion. Asking for a different waiter isn't being obnoxious.

This is exactly what happened to Omar Mateen before he shot up that fag dance club

what's the matter? don't want intestinal parasites in your food?
Check your privilege bigot

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He wouldn't have touched your food at all. You were just being a sperg. Now if you noticed the cook being a flaming faggot I'd understand.

>going to a HIV restaurant in the first place

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Anyone have that super gay soccer poster with Belgium trying to stop people from posting it?

>he doesn't go to Chick-fil-a for a faggot free experience

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Checked, don't have it tho sorry

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also daily reminder you should buy Kingdom Come deliverance if only because it triggered SJWs

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kill yourself capitalist nigger sodomite enabler
fucking boomerspeak. neck yourself subhuman

If it is a chain you can call customer service and make up some bullshit about how they were rude or something and get the guy fired or free food. I worked in a restaurant and the managers are so scared of offending customers that they would probably do anything to keep them from calling the company.

Well, I don't object in their face because I don't want to give those degenerates an extra incentive to spit in my food.
And I can't just easily go to a siphilis-free joint because inked junkies are nearly everywhere, I'd have to spend half a day looking for a place without them serving.

I get you user, I hate faggots too, but the phrase “the customer is always right” doesn’t actually mean that *you* the customer, is right.
It actually refers to the origin of the business owner-customer contract, as in, if you sell hamburgers, and customers keep asking you for hot dogs, you should start selling hot dogs too, or you miss out on business opportunities. The customer in that sense is right, you should sell hot dogs.
People always fuck this up. But yeah, in this case it’s cheaper for the manager to lose your business than get every AIDS infected homo faggot to boycott his restaurant. If more people in your town were anti-faggot, then he wouldn’t have hired a mental case to begin with.

But OP, the faggot is you

And I would have relieved your little bitch mouth of teeth

Was it a local place or a chain? Complain to the manager's boss or corporate or leave them tons of bad reviews or something don't let them fuck you.

>eating out at a restaurant by myself
>some flamboyant faggot comes up to wait me
>listen a bit, decide that I don't want AIDS
>i leave and never come back because they employ faggots

He did you a favour. They would have probably fucked with your food had you stayed.


Sorry but an entire generation of millenials grew up thinking the movie Waiting is how you treat customers in the food service business. You should always trust your instincts about food and if you are uncomfortable with anyone in that chain you shouldn't eat it. Pro tip don't ever go to Golden Corral their entire staff are degenerate Mexicans you can't work there unless you're at least bilingual and have 5 tattoos.

Fuck your "customer is always right" dick sucking shit
Customers are assholes

>t. bitter that his taco stand failed meawhile the one with the smiling vendor now has a Taco Cabana chain where all the staff are nice and friendly and know that I am in fact always right because I'm the guy with the $ faggot

Hire some bums to hold signs outside the business protesting their discriminatory practices and denial of service to a paying customer. Call the local news and report the protest. If you didn't say anything provocative, then they can only guess at your motives.

Claim to be Jewish or another minority and say the waiter was making anti semetic white nationalist remarks shut them down OP.

These shitskins are goat fucking their way to the top and I’m sick of it! Nordic gods be pissed!

more like
>t. person who was working in a call center and was always nice and understanding per company policy had to deal with dozens of retards and assholes on a day-to-day business got his stress amped up 1000% due to said assholes

jesus fuck I'm glad I quit that job
"the customer is always right" type of thinking will surely lead to unhappy employees which in turn will hurt the company, i'm 100% certain about that

All whites and most of the waitresses are qts.

nope literally had a hijabi muslim cunt hand me my food at the drive thru, was thoroughly disgusted

You lack the proper color or age to be right

Your so deep in the closet your liable to meet aslan

Fucking burgers.
It's always about consumption to u faggots.
That's the only time you care about anything.
Just go to McDonalds next time ya fucking terrestrial walrus.

>AIDS on a platter
>Go to McDonald's next time
A dingo stole my platypus, ya cunt!

>customer is always right
I would literally kick your ass out

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But never does the burger make his own food.
He will talk about it, they love to talk.
But they do not create, only consume.

At what point was he being rude?

What is wrong with being served by a faggot?

Owner was probably gay too

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Thats not up for debate. He prefereed a different waiter, and this stuck up fag thinks its all about him.

If you reject a waiter without having been served it's pretty clear that there's another reason you're rejecting him.

Aside from faggots being literal walking petri dishes?

Well, if one is such a snoflake that he can't handle rejection then servicing customers is not for him. Go apply for a toilet cleaning or shoveling, oh, I forgot, I mean creative writing or rasing awareness.

Urban pirate gangs.

fuck off leddit

Not any more than your average person. The statistics that aren't made up are skewed by the inclusion of male prostitutes. Besides, many diseases can't be transmitted outside of blood or sexual contact, and restaurants have strict hygiene standards.

well done

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At least we know why you were eating by yourself.

t. a fag

>copypasta full of 30 year old statistics, some probably of questionable authenticity

>rejecting him
Victim mentality. Why does your mind jump right to "he must be a homophobe"? Maybe the waiter is related to someone the customer doesn't like, or maybe they had a negative encounter in the past. Maybe the waiter was dismissive or rude at the onset. Unless the customer explicitly stated a reason for wanting a different waiter, his motives are unknown and only assumed.

You can't get HIV from having a waiter serve you food unless he's HIV+ and cutting himself and bleeding on the food...

No that's taco bell
Chic Fil A is like KFC if KFC was good and supported conservative values
The real kind not the neocon meme

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Thank you guys for the insights. Keeping up with american pop-culture is a fulltime job.

>american pop-culture is a fulltime job.
I'm sorry it has to be this way

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back to work pedro, break's over

It's not pop culture. It's just being aware of the environment. If you're not aware you could walk into a food place and everybody there is black and you're the only white there. When I'm in multicultural environments I only go to places that just white people like. There's a lot of places in America that you have to avoid unless you live in like the midwest then you'll be fine going anywhere.

If I'm driving through a place that I'm not sure about I have to be careful where I stop.

Because you were refused service based on your religious beliefs.