How common is this in land of the redheads?

How common is this in land of the redheads?

Attached: IRA.jpg (720x960, 73K)

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Get off my falls road Achmed, we havent gone away you know

We're not all muslim loving cucks user. There are still true nationalists in the north. Our day will come

What better time then now?

>irish nationalist
>gb flag
c u c c e d

Attached: smug_pepe_uk_by_neetsfagging322297-da7y9wz.png (736x708, 534K)

Ireland is probably the nation with the saddest "nationalist" movements I've ever seen. It truly seems like there is literally 0 resistance over there. Even Sweden and UK display a pretense of being for their people, Ireland on the other hand...

Ugh. You come to my home and yet havent bothered to learn the first thing about it. Yes we are still under british occupation, but we are outbreeding the fuckers. Wont be long now until a united ireland. Until then, ill shill for an irish exit from the united states of soviet europe.

Lol you faggots literally know nothing

Roughly every half century for 800 years we have risen up to cast off the shackles of the eternal anglo. Our time is coming

Impressive indeed, but forgotten very quickly. How the fuck do people memoryhole a conflict that ended 20 years ago? Where are the men and women that fought, today?

Irish people have solidarity with Palestinians because their land was stolen by absolute CUNTS.

We understand their struggle.

Its hardly been memory holed. There are still active paramilitary groups continuing the struggle but they dont have the public support that they used to. Fact is, nationalism in this country was hijacked by leftists promising "equality for all". Because of this, all the british had to do to end the conflict was to give us the vote and the right to work and own property. Once we had that, nationalist support died outright, and the movements now continue this leftist tradition, then wonder why they have no support, never realising that people dont see the need to struggle for rights we already have. Nationalist parties have failed us in that they have offered "irishness" to everyone and stupidly cant figure out that this devalues the very thing they claim to stand for.

Also most of the people that fought in the troubles are either dead or alcohol/drug addicted. Murdering your neighbors for traitors like Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness will do that to you

Fuck off and die you pretender. Israel are assholes and should be glassed sure, but if you know fucking ANYTHING about palestine you'll know that they are just as deserving of being wiped out. Honour killings of women, cowardly Hamas leadership sending valient men to die for nothing, Islamic cancer everywhere, how do you square that up with the ideals of Irish nationalism? Have you even read our declaration of independance?


Serious question, what has Ireland achieved?

europeans used to do that same shit to their women as well, remember the witch burnings

whites weren't always feminists

The week should fear the strong.

They were pretty important in the middle ages, lots of scholarly work but now they are nothing but white niggers.

"white niggers" - i believe you are talking about floridians (the white ones anyway)

How long ago was that you retard?
The only ones that torture women in Europe now are niggers and Muslims

Ireland has always been Ireland.

Palestine is a region, just like Connemerra. There have never been any leaders from Palestine until the Egyptian took charge of the PLO.

If you care to discuss land being stolen by CUNTS refer to the history of Mohammed and the spread of the insidious virus Islam.

In the meantime go suck you Indian shitskin PM's cock you faggot.

I couldnt give a single fuck about what europeans used to do, or about feminism. In fact, fuck feminism. Women were always respected in Ireland, as homemakers and caregivers. We understood the natsoc family ideal of "little world holding up the bigger world" before natsoc was even a thing. And when push came to shove, our fierce women would stand by our side, often even in battle, to free our people and secure our childrens future. To any irishman worth his salt, the brutalisation of your own women and children is repugnant

i'm just saying stop being a feminist, it goes against most of our history

Boy you really are retarded.
I'm not feminist by any means but since we can't do things that "goes against most of our history"
Then drop the fucking internet, living in houses, getting and education, farming, reading and writing, getting medical treatment, speaking English or anything that didn't exist 3 thousand years ago you fucking mongrel.

i'm not opposed to technology you dolt, the point was you are lying about our history and pretending europeans have always been feminists

BOI you a really are a fucking brain dead retard aren't you?
Where exactly did I ever say feminism was part of European history?
Where did I mention feminism at all before your autistic ass came at me with all these feminism crap.

Irish "nationalists" are mostly left wing, and in that respect incredibly bizarre. Most would be perfectly happy with the country being 40% blacks as long protestant Brits leave.

Irish Nationalism, the IRA and Marxism

Nationalism was originally a leftist movement my dude.

Its disgraceful how we compare ourselves to those sand apes when our history is ripe of mad motherfuckers that fought insane wars, even the folklore is top tier stuff and they pick fucking palestine it just goes to show ya that they dont give a shite about Ăˆire