Refugee situation takes a turn for the worse

First off, let me issue an apology to all of you anons at Jow Forums. I was a fucking retard to think that the refugee situation could go easy. (I made a thread while ago)

Rape happened in Bihac. Three guys one girl. Refugees.

Here, one lad was recently stabbed by them.

As if that's not enough, they have started attacking people and stealing their phones.

My mother got her phone stolen by two of those motherfuckers. Pic related.

But all in all. Wait till you hear this.


The rapists are walking freely. Those thieves are walking freely. The police isn't doing anything.

I swear, Bosnia was already fucked up, and now this...

Is violence really the answer Jow Forums ? What should Bosnians do? We are not protected by our own government.

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Violence would appear to be the only way.

>What should Bosnians do?
Your near history should provide some answers...

>What should Bosnians do?
Abandon Islam then remove kebab

Violence has always been the answer to Jewish parasites

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Serial killer mode. One of the nicities of dealing with refugees is that nobody really gives a shit when they go missing because they never really existed in the system. I have a friend in Italy whose village had an issue with some African animals. Long story short after a girl got molested some strings were pulled and the local family took care of them nice and quietly

Dont worry, there are negotiations for building camps in your country, we pay and send our refugees there, but taking in a few more shouldnt be a problem.

Faggot, the fuck you think we care about rape? This is pol, we hate women.

> What should Bosnians do?

Inform the world whats happening and how it got to this. I know lots of bosniaks who moved here and still go back to bosnia to visit relatives. All of them, im not even joking, all of them said there's saudi financed imams who try to subvert your country.

the refugee situation is a systematic invasion. It will absolutely get worse, biblical proportions worse, for any country that does not stem the influx of these militant invaders.

everyone one of them said "when i left bosnia there was no muslims who were covered head to toes, no extreeme ones" Now they're getting paid by saudis if they go this path.

You cunts always wonder why Americans cling to our guns....muh freedoms.... Well, it’s because of shit like this. You can’t trust government to protect you. Government is self serving. Arm yourself, take back your streets one by one. Take back your country.

Same shit is happening everywhere in Europe. The Turks are also paying their nationals. Qatari money is also visible.
The EU ought to be corrupted by that money as well. Sorry Belgian anons but Brussels and Strasbourg need to burn.

>sandniggers pay other sandniggers to be more like sandniggers
I fail to see the problem here.

This is why you need to grab 3 of your closest friends, a bunch of deadly weapons, and all black clothing.

Don't communicate anything electronically. Meet in person to plan it all. Pick a time, place, number of targets and a means of "getting away" so you can do this again.

Then, start murdering the shit out of these non-white fuckers. Walk up behind them, and stab them in the spine. When they collapse, slit their throat. Wear gloves, you don't want dirty non-white blood on your exposed skin. HIV and all that bullshit that these non-white faggots have. Do this repeatedly until they are scared to do anything.

If all whites started doing this, the world would be a much much much better place.

A Saud prince paid for a multi-million dollar mosque in Anchorage, Alaska ffs. They have been doing this around the world for decades.

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Go away FBI/Interpol

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While I get that you'd think that, no I'm not.

I'm a pissed off white man who is sick of all these non-white racist fuckers abuse our culture, our societies and rape and pillage our women and resources.

These motherfuckers all deserve to die. All immigrants of all nations of this Earth in the last 20 years.

Every. Single. One.

Kill them all and this world will be infinitely better off.

Fuck Interpol and the FBI.

How do we make Bosnians rise up against them?

Croatia is guarding it's borders and they aren't coming back. They are stuck inhere and we are stuck with them

>What should Bosnians do?

Act like you always do? how the people of the balkans can not deal with these mystery meat arabs is beyond me...

I thought Bosnians were a bunch of bad asses

You're both muslim, who cares.

can you post sources on any claim this sounds like bullshit
im following both online and irl news an iv never heard about stabbings or a rape

the few petty crimes they did they good booted by the locals for that immediately

nah, they are shocked their "based muslim brothers" are arab dog shit. bosniak muslims are like reaaaally fuckin tame muslims, like the swedes of muslims if you think about it.

in the end, the great waves will not stop coming until a big enough force and the WILL to stop them is found

nigger i have a friend who got beaten up by the father of a girl with a rusty pipe because he hit on a girl of the "wrong tribe"
if any shitskin raped a girl here he would be lynched and it would be big fucking news

as for petty crimes few were reported if any so far
i think OP is bullshiting

These Arabs and Africans don't give a shit if you're a fellow Muslim, you're all white to them and therefore are an easy mark to be robbed, raped and ultimately killed. Convert and start genociding these fuckers

why the fuck are there refugees in bosnia?

If your government will not protect you, you must take on that job yourself.

>First off, let me issue an apology to all of you anons at Jow Forums.
Amend for your crimes by getting the fuck off my website nigger

>First off, let me issue an apology to all of you anons at Jow Forums. I was a fucking retard to think that the refugee situation could go easy.

I hate to say it but Jow Forums is always right

>Bosniaks can't defend their women from other Muslims
The entire Ummah is laughing at you

Trips of truth

if they arent protecting you you have to protect yourself. basic af. bosnia of all places u faggots know how to fight for your shit, start fighting retard.

srebrenica but with muslims

>Is violence really the answer Jow Forums ?
Dealing with third world subhumans? What do you think?

What the fuck happened, Bosnia? Did your balls drop off?

Bosnia has had way too much extrajudicial violence and shit for you to try to tell me that these assholes can't be dealt with properly. Get together some of the fuckin boys and beat these fucking wogs senseless, strip them and throw them into a river.

you know what to do user

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Im not a muslim and i fucking care

HAHAHA I knfow, right Redd-, I mean \pol/

Shitskins raping shitskins who cares

This is a proof that Semitic people are savages regardless of religion


>What should Bosnians do?
Let the Serbs kill them an then you.

Wait for them to kill a jew-girl, you'll get plenty of attention.

>What should Bosnians do?
Kill them.