
Why haven't you started reading into gnosticism yet Jow Forums? Its literally the true patrician's interpretation of christianity. Completely uncucked by judaism, goes so far as to say the jewish god is a malignant lower god of the material that we must seek to free ourselves from. Encourages gnosis, the acquisition of knowledge to free oneself from the material. It also has many concepts that explain the behavior of the jews and their mindslaves.

The god the jews serve, which has been called by many names by many different cultures, but that they refer to at YHWH, is the demiurge that the gnostics refer to. You can see that jews are very materially driven people that seek control here and now in the material. Most jewish subversion also focuses on making sure the goyim are preoccupied with the material and see the spiritual as absurd. The families such as the rothschilds are unironic followers of the demiurge and his emanations the archons. But judaic thinking in general also serves these interests. The mark of the archons is INVERSION. These people are incapable of creation, they can only invert what already exists. This can be seen in almost all subversion that has led to modern society. A couple of examples are how government operates and the relationship between males and females. Optimal, natural and efficient governance arises from individual -> family -> community ->->-> nation. When we look at how nations are run now we see that there is no concern for the individuals that make up the nation. They are seen as interchangeable cogs. Evidence of this is the clear disregard of the current leaders in the demographic replacement of their native peoples. Modern western nations do not serve the people who constitute them, the people who constitute them exist to keep the nation machine running. In the case of the roles of the male and female, we see feminist bulldykes, women trying to be masculine, and soft basedboys and trannies, men trying to feminine. Continuing...

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this guy gets it

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fuck off weev

fuck off cantwell, go suck an FBI dick

Once again, the inversion is overt. Neither of these can realistically portray what they attempt to portray. Males can only emulate femininity, and females can only emulate masculinity. Only through acceptance of each gender's role can order be restored. They are complimentary.

As servants of the archons, the internationalist cabal (or whatever name you attribute to them) invert, but they go further. Gnosticism holds that material reality is essentially a dream/illusion/simulation. A false interpretation of the true reality that comes from the true god. You can actively see through media control how the elite themselves are forging their own false perception of reality within the people. They are false gods in a false reality creating a false reality within the false reality. Perception is far more powerful than we are lead to believe. Another trend you will see among these groups is transhumanism and immortalism. These people know what they are serving, and wish to live forever. Its a zero sum game to them, to die is to lose. Beyond that the push for transhumanism in the general population (things such as uploading your mind to a computer) is an attempt to keep as many people as separated from god as they are able. I would argue this even entails permanent separation from the true god (hell).

I am trying to think of more to write about, maybe it will come to me shortly, but as a short humorous aside, I want to touch on why the left can't meme. This is because leftism in general is anti-order and anti-nature. This is displayed through their inversions of power structures and the like. Most of these people have willingly cut themselves off from god and creative energy. They cannot CREATE memes, they can only INVERT. If you keep this in mind, it starts to give a model to the trend in their lack of creativity.

tl;dr Whereever you find inversion, you will find the source to be servants whether willing or unknowing of material reality's keeper.

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Who is that, the daily stormer guy? I can say as I've never once stopped by that place.

Bumping for visibility because I think this would be of great interest to at least entertain by any Jow Forumsack

>muh christianity
it's a jew religion no matter how you try to spin it. the fact that Jow Forums constantly fights over which version is "most based" and "least cucked" proves this. I wish the nucancer would fuck off with the religion threads.

The gnostics were actively killed where ever they gathered by the proto-catholics. However the organization the early gnostics had forced the early catholic church to order themselves and decide what was what in terms of Christianity. Gnosticism is less a religion and more of a loose belief system, a model to look at reality with. Anyway, I'm guessing you're a proud atheist and that any discussion of the spiritual annoys you because you exist from a materialist's perspective.

>another spam thread.
Fuck off and enjoy your ban.

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Thought of another thing:

Some people have made the distinction between the old testament god and the new testament god. I would argue that the old testament god was the demiurge, which explains its very self absorbed childish behavior, and that the new testament god, is the true god. The god that sent his son Jesus (who I imagine was what could be called a gnostic) to show people the way to him.

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does gnosticism require you to be anti-semitic? I think you might be influenced a little more than you admit by your already-existing prejudices

lol what are you even getting at, did you read anything I said?

Don't be so quick to let dogma cloud your vision. I don't see any reason gnosticism has to be incompatible with christianity. the one point of contention might be that gnostics view material creation and malignant and trapping and that christians see creation as perfect because it comes from god. I do not take gnosticism to its word. Beyond that, basically all we know of gnosticism comes from a limited cluster of writing in the hag nammadi library, since the proto-catholics made sure to burn all the heresy.

>since the catholics made sure to burn all the heresy.
praise God

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>Its literally the true patrician's interpretation of christianity
fucking pleb

No it doesn't require anything other than to try to reach gnosis and free yourself from the demiurge's illusion. I am simply using the model of gnosticism to explain phenomena I see in material reality. I don't understand why you would even make this post. I am attracted to gnosticism for my own reasons, counter semitism is just something that lines up with it very well. But even the early gnostics seemed to be at odds with the jewish perception of reality.

(((Gnosticism))) = Jewed inverted NeoPlatonism.

Jesus gives Jews and esoteric Satanists all their power.

Without whites worshiping Jews they would be laughed at for being in a weird archaic cult. They would be Scientologists to whites. Judaism fed off of Christian Rome then Christian Europe. It wouldn't even exist!

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Good numbers, I find neoplatonism to be just as interesting, perhaps better desu. As I already mentioned, I do not take gnosticism all that literally, and am not absolutely adherent to its ideas. I simply think it is a useful model for making sense of reality. I think there is beauty and enjoyment to be had in the material, but I think over attachment to the material is absolutely a mistake.

I just think you are considering Judaic tradition and beliefs about reality as the same as a modern Jewish person, therefore challenging OT beliefs=challenging modern "Jewish World Order" or whatever its called. they aren't that closely linked, gnosticism is a blend of many traditions rather than just "counter Jewish"

Because Gnosticism is basically jewish mysticism.
It's interesting, but semitic in nature.

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MODS!!! THIS GUY!!! THINKS YOURE HIS BITCH!!! are you just going to take that?

I would argue that many of the powerful jews are still immersed in the style of thinking.

Every religion is in essence gnostic because they come from the inteligence whose planned and launched the universe alog with is laws. every religion is adapted to the
each religion is adapted to the region and time where it arises but comse from the same source. The purpose of religion is the RELIGARE, the return to the origin. That is gnosticism.

The knowloege to acomplish this can only be taught by a person who has alread passed through that path. Then we can name Jesus the Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Quetzalcoatl, etc.

This is necessary because ordinary humans can not obtain knowledge only with the experience of what they perceive with their senses. their senses only know the material, but they can not and will not know anything about the spiritual, the supreme intelligence that set everything in motion.

Nag Hammadi was a jewish forgery

Shills like you should be banned. You’re copying and pasting the same bullshit in every Christian thread right now.

Btw Gnosticism is a convoluted lie based on misconceptions of Satan and the demiurge.

Gnostic reporting in. But fuck that Black Sun imagery - it's just more kike Saturn/demi-urge worship.

Check out Anthroposophy, it's the inner knowing objective style. And gnostics want firsthand confirmation of reality, inner or material, For Thine Own Eyes is the motto. Gnostics believe you Can know. Have some faith in your evolution

Gnosticism is Greek mystic bullshit that is literally made up accounts of shit that Jesus and the Apostles never said. First start with Orthodox Christianity and then supplement it with the writings of the stoics to drive your inner will and you will be on the right track. Start with Marcus Aurelius and then move on to Epictetus.

To me the black sun represents the spiritual power within reality, the unseen sun

Write your own gospel, live your own myth. Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio is a good source for the different blends of gnosticism