Jews refuse to say Jesus name

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Duh, Jews hate Jesus more than anything else in the world, hence their eternal grudge match against Christianity.

So the Alexa and Google AI are Jews? Great

whats jesus his name anyway?

But she does say his name faggot. Did you even watch the vid you mong?

demons can't say the name of the lord

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they said, while calling yeshua "jesus"
how does it feel being this cucked?

how does it feel not having a foreskin? i bet you don't feel much actually
fucking jew


how does it feel to be calling yeshua "jesus" thou?

Jesus gives Jews and esoteric Satanists all their power..

Without whites worshiping Jews they would be laughed at for being in a weird archaic cult. They would be Scientologists to whites. Judaism fed off of Christian Rome then Christian Europe. It wouldn't even exist.

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"gee zeus"

They would burn

This they try to say its yeshua but they cant say jesus the liars.

nice psyop faggot

how does it feel praying to "the soil of zeus"?


always remember the jew is under compulsion to reflexively exhibit their hate for Christ and Hitler.

drink of the blood of jesus

That can't be right, Cuckstianity is a Jewish religion

They invented him, Jesus was a jewish fairy tale that got memed by goys, then eventually they began to believe it was a real historical figure rather than just a story and the jews forgot it was even their story to begin with.

This. Christcucks are Jew-worshippers.

Even muslims are not this brutal

t. rabbi
Its well known jews hate christ and christ hated jews
larp more

Jesus was King of the Jews.

i knew orthodox jews in new york, they always called him yoshke

a rabbi told me not to say jesus or yashua around him unless i said it as a curse word

these israelis are probably atheists and don't care, but the religious jews do

Unrepentant Jesus murderers are unrepentant Jesus murderers. It's not like there's a compromise position.

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then are you an atheist then.

((they)) are Sabbateans (aka. Frankism).


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they hate him because they saw him as a traitor.

Tony? No Mike! right?

Everyone on One For Israel is a Christian.

Most are shocked to find out that Jesus was a Jew, and that his name was really Yehoshua.

Of course they can. Both Jesus and Paul told demons to shut up about witnessing for the identity of Jesus Christ. Legion springs to mind, as does the little divination girl.

They hate Jesus because they do not believe Moses and the prophets.


i have no problem naming the son of a leg opening whore and a random hobo - jesus.


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But why is the jew infatuated with "David"? Star of David etc.

/\ \/

He is the one whose throne is eternal, so an heir of David, and/or David, will sit on the throne in Jerusalem.

It's good to be on the king's good side.

I had a rabbi tell me his name was in the middle. Never understood wtf he meant

> /\ \/

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Oh check out the edgy kike. Ohh wow Jesus mom was a whore who opened her legs for hobos. Sooo edgy and rebellious.
Lol cringey pathetic kike

He has a bad day in his future.

Revelation 3:9 Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.

t. Jesus

It is their guilt. They know they are going to burn.
Pic related is literally jew repellent. Proves they got demons, bro.

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have a portable KJ version, user

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these testimonies are powerful

Great video user, thx for sharing

My brother’s car broke down while driving through a lonely mountain pass at night and no phone since this was the 90s. He was about 10 miles outside the nearest town with the temperature just above freezing and raining like hell. He sat outside his car trying to hitchhike but none would stop for him. My brother wasn’t religious at the time, but he started praying and begging God to have someone stop for him because he was drenched and starting to freeze. A few minutes later a car stops for him and it happens to be a Priest. His faith was sealed after that

is she zionist tho?


I know that it's not popular to have anything other than a murderously negative opinion of Jews, but the fact of the matter is that Jews, Christians and Muslims are all brothers of the same one true God, and should not hate one another.

I don't know if this kind of manipulation is a psyop from outside forces like CoS, or simple deception on behalf of Satan himself, but anyone who knows God, knows that this is not the way to view one another. We will be judged as we judge one another, and if we are to hope for mercy from God, the most perfect being in existence, then how can we not show mercy to other flawed people? All followers of Christ should embrace The Word of God and love the very people that they see as their enemy, because it is their enemy, the mislead children of God, who need mercy the most.

Jesus..................Of Nazareth

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It's the Jews hatred of my Christ and my people that turned me against them. Fuck em. CRANK UP THE OVENS!!!!!

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Look at the many translations of "God" in Hebrew and their evolution in time and you'll see how this Argentinian user is right.

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The Jews today, since Jesus was killed, are the synagogue of Satan. Christians are the true chosen people, which is why they prosper. Christians are the "Jews" and the so called Jews are Satanic. They are evil, they steal, murder, and suck baby dick.

Yeshua in Hebrew. The man is a legend. Pay your respects. He's alright man.....

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Isn't this yeshu guy in hell now?

Who cares about him anymore.

I love Jesus. He loves me and El even told me he loved me. I bet YHWH never told you he loved you. Not directly anyway. He never spoke to you did he? How's that cuck taste. You God is my homie. We love each other.

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Eh. Call on his name user. Maybe I was wrong about you. Seek Christ. Seek YHWH.

No. He was standing in my Bro's living room once though. Black suit, white shirt. I thought homie was Amish.

>Adjusting glasses
Freemason move. She lying and shilling for schillings


Listen to this spineless wyrm's death throes.

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I'm not outright saying you're wrong, but what if someone just happens to adjust their glasses?

“Give us Barabas”
t. The jews

Really cool video OP. Thanks for sharing.

How big is your nose schlomo?

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if you happen to watch the rest of the video, she clearly says that she turned to jesus and that the jewish community treated her like a traitor for it. its literally in the name of the video that she found christ. are you fucking idiots unable to even read the title of a video before posting? she says ''i know it to be true in my heart, jesus is the messiah. i have the rest of my life to udnerstand the why, but i know its true''. you fucking idiots. just watch the video

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Checked and kek'd. It's ok Jesus, don't facepalm, it gets better fren.

The Almighty is alrighty.

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who /Risen Lord/ here

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always remember goy: there is nothing, NOTHING, in this world that Jews hate more than Christ. Whatever doubts or problems you have with he Christian faith, with x denomination, with the Catholic Church, just remember that the Jews hate Christ. Whenever you see some Jewish artist blaspheming Christ, remember. Whenever you see some Jewish movie full of filth, remember. And whenever some autist says “Christianity is cuck jew faith xD” remember.

>Jews, Christians and Muslims are all brothers of the same one true God
you forgot literally everyone else. god is in all of us. do you honestly believe in all loving god is going to punish his children for eternity, even those who do not believe in him? do you not think an all knowing, all powerful, all loving god doesnt know that religions are being used to manipulate people, and that it would turn people away from his word? listen to this everyone: god loves all of us, because he knows we cant understand his complexity as simple human beings. but he gave us one simple thing to always remember him: love. sorry for shitting on your post i know you mean well, but its important to remember everyone, even those we hate. in the end, god accepts us all. but we need to spread his word and his love in this life so we can be truly ready for him in the next.

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christ let his enemy kill himself because he knew he was going into god's hands. you want to honor him by killing everyone? a bit misguided dont you think?

>Jews hate Jesus more than anything else in the world
they also subconsciously hate greek people

That was a nice video, thanks. Very uplifting.