Real Talk: Why does this happen?

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People seek better life?

>people seek gibs
there I fixed it for you

Like bank robbers and rapists. Hey, just trying to improve my living standard and sex life ?

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You gotta be tough and smart. End the invasion or your descendants will spit on your graves.

The shittiest soup you can think of.
>niggers who "seek a better life", which often means free money and consequence-free rape
>economic liberals who see a way to add competition to the job market to drive the wages down and push to get rid of some old worker rights
>ISIS fighters retreating from Syria and going for an easier battlefield
>bleeding heart lefties who see nothing wrong with any of this because "muh women and children" even though the shipments are 99% young adult males
>politicians who never had one original thought in their lives and only take decisions based on opinion polls influenced by the (((media)))

I suppose the question is also: Why is this allowed to happen?

weaponized virtue signaling

Europe constantly fucks over poor countries and Breitbart does not want to admit that is what these people are fleeing from?

Whiter than you mohammed?

You can be as white as me but not whiter

Replacement consumers to make up for 1.3 TFR

WWIII starts with a Serbian killing a refugee, remember this post

They need slaves. Whites throw off the yoke, but browns accept it willingly.

>in before retarded hungarians shill against /ourprimeminister/

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>World War
you sure?

Cowardice. Bribery.

Ya, those vicious Norwegians and british...sending all that money, doctors etc.

The black hand strikes again

They're going to serbia.
That SerbiaAnon today, maybe he was onto something. He said there will be happening. Their government is going down soon.