The crisis of Canadian identity really hit me yesterday. I was out in fort Langley (BCfags know where this is) and some high school girls stop me and ask if I want to participate in a social studies project for their class.
>what does being Canadian mean to you?
I had no idea what to say to that, and gave a rambling incoherent response about the British empire, despite modern Canada having very little Britishness left in it.
What does being a leaf mean to you, Jow Forums?
The Canadian question
Other urls found in this thread:
It'd be a reason to kill myself
>what does being Canadian mean to you?
Canada is a nuke receptacle without any nukes. Please burgers, make us whole.
Don’t b mean >:|
It literally doesn't mean anything. Trudeau himself said that Canada is a post-national state.
We can thank his daddy for that
You are supposed to say Multi-culturalism. That's what the kids have been taught.
I'm probably the last generation who wasn't really spooned multi-cult -- they really are just waiting for the old people to die, because they're an uncomfortable living reminder that the entire Canada story being taught is a lie. Once they are gone the whole story can be re-written to suit contemporary realities.
Natives will become heroic, Europeans will be Snidley Whiplash villains, and the colored masses will be revised as having always been there and vital.
Right now immigration is framed as a redemption of the white soul for the crime of racism. It makes an evil place become good again.
They seemed pretty surprised that I was talking about Britain considering I’m only 19
When did that loss of identity happen?
Canada had a strong very masculine one a few years ago. All mounted police, lumber Jack, seal clubbing, the strong,silent, independent bit.
Post WW2 something just changed. It happened pretty much everywhere in different forms.
The jews no longer had any opposition, they pretty much controlled the whole show from then on... but I'm sure there were a lot of other factors at play.
Somebody need to write a book. (Somebody more right-wing)
you need to get out the cities but even then it's faded over the past 20 years.
It’s been fading ever since Trudeau senior came into power, and been speeding up with each cycle of high school students. Masculinity is a naughty word in the school system, and whites were a very small minority (
Spain... I'm not being defensive or prickly here -- you are one of a select group that is actually farther along in the degradation than we are.
You guys are way out there in Lala land to. Don't try to deny it. You are at the EUs left fringe
Fuck Canada. We were founded on Liberalism.
Terry Fox is the heart of what the world considered Canada to be. Altruistic and silent heroes who bear heavy burdens without complaining. Terry Fix is basically Jesus Christ in Canada
not sure what you're talking about, plenty of people idolize franco, not a crime to show a swastika or deny the holocaust, we gave asylum to various nazis who continued with their propaganda in here, most people know fascist anthems and sing them joyfuly if you start singing them, i could keep going
Canada did not survive broadband Internet. Essentially the culture was being diluted by too much American media and then BAM an entire generation who know nothing about Canada. I won't go into details now.
Canada, as well as the entirety of the colonized New World, has never had an identity. Your country is completely artificial, an accident in history. Canada is not a nationality, it's not an ethnicity, it is nothing more than a term applicable to a certain geographical area.
There are distinct cultures innthe rural areas. The are offshoots of old world places like Ireland, but they have their own dialects, sayings, and pace of life. There absolutely was an identity. It just was not protected. It was targeted by sinister international forces and suffocated. My hometown is slowly dying off and their cukture will go with them. But it did exist.
I've often wondered that. There isn't an answer anymore. Various governments have worked aggressively to destroy any sense of national identity we once had, and they've succeeded.
Right now, all we have as an identity is a bunch of ridiculous memes that we fucking hate. It depresses the shit out of me.
You're crazy if you think spain is worse off than we are
Locally or regionally, maybe. But has there ever been a collective identity that encompasses the entire nation?
>bunch of ridiculous memes that we fucking hate
You mean the Canadian Values™ of “openness, tolerance, inclusivity, and multiculturalism”? :)
Being on a Quebec and proud of my culture is pretty since. Meanwhile Anglocucks are sad because they have nothing to feel special about. Also hating on the Anglos is also a pretty fun passtime of us Frenchies.
I actually asked a close vancoverite friend of mine, and he told me that the most patriotic thing in all of canada are beer commercials, followed by hockey night in Canada. Those little doughnut things used to be third, but apparently it's a very canadian thing for American companies to buy your shit and fuck it up.
In the USA and Mexico they certainly developed very distinct and tangible cultures, Canada used to have one as well. It was intentionally destroyed by those within our highest levels of government, academia, and media
Apologizing for nothing and wearing plaid
Even then you are basically just a product of Europeans' love of adventure.
Accurate. My grandfather was a UN peacekeeper and his house looks just like this.
>Come here boys and smell your mama pussy on my fingers.
If you have to ask this you are not nor will you ever be Canadian t. Family came from scotland in the late 1600s.
I'll add this.
Canada was nationalist in the old days, we didn't even want refugees from Europe during World War Two, Britain had to bribe us to take Czech and Finnish refugees during the war, and we ended up deporting most of them anyway. In the 1800's even Catholics weren't allowed to vote In the 1920's the Supreme Court determined women were legally property and not people Until the 1960's it was illegal for foreigners to purchase a fire arm Compared to Britain, Australia and America we proportionally took in the least amount of refugees before WWII and deported the most people. When someone made an application to immigrate to Canada from America we first contacted authorities in America to make sure they were white, some niggers slipped through the cracks and there was protests so they got deported. The biggest race riot in Canadian history was targeted against the Toronto Greek community, because a Canadian got kicked out of a Greek restaurant for hitting the waitress, the police didn't even bother stepping in during the riots. Old Canada is a Jow Forums dream country we were 99% white, nobody had rights except white men, fags and sodomites got hanged and the biggest problem in your life was a Catholic moved in next door
Nothing wrong with that, it gave rise to American individualism and personal responsibility and freedom (the cowboy American), and in Mexico a culture with a blend of Amerindian and european culture and genetics. The music, language, architecture of both these nations reflects their history, and Canada’s doesnt
Hahaha, unlucky.
It means to hold a false sense of superiority despite having no unifying cultural values or symbols or shared past, a resource-based petrodollar which has no hope of diversifying, massive brain drain across all industries to the USA because Canadian companies are cheapass pieces of shit who won't pay to retain talent, second class visa mill universities with low endowments subsidized by foreigners who can't speak either official language professionally, multiple money laundering fronts including Vancouver and Toronto real estate that destroy the future economic prospects of young Canadians for the short term illusion of economic growth, a healthcare system where it takes a 10 hour wait for a broken arm and a two year wait for anything that requires a specialist, and above all the fact that Canada is by definition not a country because it has no military capacity to protect its borders but is in fact an American protectorate with an economy half the size of California.
It must be still there somewhere deep inside. The Germans were terrified of you lads in both wars, even the yanks admired you. Canada was the stable Americans, compared to the yanks craziness. The dependable ones.
>When did that loss of identity happen?
When the UN was formed. But the real blow came in the 70s-80s under Trudeau and Mulroney who basically opened the floodgates and destroyed our labor force and the economy by selling out to Asia and now Trudeau Jr. wants to go even further with the whole US tariff debacle and idiots will vote him in for bravely sticking up for Canada against evil Drumpfy and once he does a FTD with China we will be fucking destroyed and the full scale Balkanization will begin.
Canada no longer has an identity.
How transgressive. Powerful.
You failed the nation-building process (read Stein Rokkan) pretty hard. Spain is the go-to case-study for political scientists when learning about how failed nation-building leads to independence-movements.
Norwegian on vacatiom in Barcelona here, it's a beautiful city, but I've seen Catalonian flags on every building, only state-buildinng carry the Spanish flag. The streets here are filled with Africans as well, got offered drugs and hookers constantly everywhere.
I try not to think about that anymore.
Ironically I do what I do for my imaginary fuher. It's what keeps me going these days.
It's a sad life.
We were never American you muppet.
>What does being a leaf mean to you, Jow Forums?
A degraded, decadent, pitiful society, where people willingly devolved into an insignificant country with no culture, no identity, and no taste. Your national pride is frivolous, like a middle school mascot or Overwatch team, never to be taken seriously from every class from every nation. You're a nation of disgrace, without honor and without balls
Right on bro.
Not the USA the continent. You do know where you live I hope.
Hockey, Poutine, fucking my dog, Cottages,
Yes I know I'm being a dickhead.
Honestly, I feel like bragging about "social progressiveness" is the most important part of the contemporary Canadian identity. I happen to know a Canadian myself and dear God does she ever do anything but ridicule those "backward Americans". I don't know if it's genuine pride or a coping mechanism for witnessing the destruction of their country.
When I get lost sometimes (too often), this seems to help.
Don't be so stupid. No one knows what to say when asked this question. You only really ever know an answer after you've travelled.
The stereotypical image of Canada use to be burly manly men hacking down huge maple trees and rugged moose country.
Not anymore
It used to be a thing for Canadians to hate being called American or being viewed as the same thing because we did have our differences in lifestyle and culture, but now most so called "Prideful Canadian's" only hate being associated with America due to leftist indoctrination causing a huge political swing. Our consumption of American media and culture diluted Canada's own culture. And although many liberal Canadian's act as if they are better than Americans when they are really only different in their political belief.
Do we start saying the Obama represents the avg yankee man.
underrated post.
>Altruistic and silent heroes who bear heavy burdens without complaining
if only Canada held true to this
>The streets here are filled with Africans as well
Aren't yours?
We have our nigger/kike problems. Perhaps you start worrying about yourselves is the point. Thats what nationalism is.
Canada was distinctly British and French up until the 1980's
Comme dans le bon vieux temps...l'anglo Canadien moyen a l'air de ceci, ne l'oubliez jamais
There is no British Empire now. Canadian identity should nevert lose hat part of itself because it's who you are but two other factors have effected the issue, population growth globally and the greed behind those who fill Canada with foreigners too fast deliberately to create wealth and power for themselves at the cost to the real Canadians of their decedents ownership of that land. The nu-Canadians are people but not your family. Not your blood. There would always be some admixture, some might have become your people naturally but most are not your people.
Without the Empire and without the white man spirit the world had which made empire building possible (we swapped it for PC bullshit) Canadians still should have had time and resources to invent themselves through their children's generations into a mighty nation or perhaps at least a safe and happy one but they sold you out (same as everywhere) they literally sold your future.
Money. And who controls money creation? Those fuckers are the enemies final boss.
(I don't even know if you are an Anglo Saxon, just assuming).
Same with everywhere really. Just check or uncheck the box about being in the Empire and all the rest applies to every other country worth giving a shit about.
Canadians finally realize they have no identity. Meanwhile, we sit on a goldmine of culture and they only get some sniffs of it, then call it their own.
Probably only in Oslo and Bergen
why is everything we don't like a question?
>(I don't even know if you are an Anglo Saxon, just assuming)
Un Norman, Nigel...tu sais, tes maitres éternels...
Canadian means you are a part of one of the founding, settler nations that built Canada. Anglos of Upper Canada, le Quebecois, Maritimers, Metis, etc.
>start worrying about yourselves
Lmao you lot flood our threads and always keep us on top of your tongue. So do we faggot.
Daily reminder for all the Saxons cucks in this thread that Normans Québécois are running the country forever, never forget it...
One of the most Canadian things has been a way to tolerate the other not integrating completely. E.g., The Quebec Act 1774, the patriated constitution with only 9 signatures etc. It didn't used to mean giving up everything like it seems to since Free Trade for example.
We had find a way to live with Anglos, francophones (first nations, still haven't done well there) a century and a half before the rest of the world had to come to grips with the failing ethnostate.
It sounds like a shit superpower, but not always going apeshit on each other is a good thing, long term.
Are Canadians really boycotting us? I go on some Canadian sites and they all say "dont visit the US". it makes me sad. I see so many of them say "Yeah I canceled my trip to the US and am going to Mexico instead".
You are the most Homo-friendly nation in EU
We are sort of middle of the road
Those in charge don't want people to feel any personal/historical attachment to their country. At least in the west. These are the world government types. If you have basically no attachment to your home country why would you care if you gave up sovereignty to some global group of bureaucrats? The west fell for this trick very easily, but east asia doesn't seem to have fallen for it yet.
Should have asked them if they were down to fuck while you were at it.
there's a segment of our population that is just nucking futso
in the US SJW's are probably 10%
In canada they're like 25
The East coast provinces not counting Ontario are still pretty good. It's going down the shitter pretty quick though, so I'm enjoying it while it lasts.
Canada was largely influenced by British innovation and culture. Our anthem is literally written in the name of the Queen of England. That tradition was kept constant and in relative harmony. This was until kikes in Toronto thought it was a good idea to create the goal to make Canada reach a population of 100M. Then all our Prime Ministers had an open borders foreign policy cuz "diversity" and "multiculturalism is our identity". It's a hell that they created and do so intentionally.
On the other end you have China buying up the entire west cost at no cost because politicians sold them residency slips in Quebec for cheap.
nothing until Jow Forums recognized us for our poor quality shitposting.
i fucking hate my country. but then again, i hate the entire concept of the nation state.
Canada has a lot of culture but nobody respects it which is why it seems there is no culture, when in reality there is just no respectable people living in Canada.
I'm glad you've finally realized the problem that has plagued our country for 150 years.
At one point we built an identity loosely unified around our participation in Vimy Ridge and excellent exploits in WW2. That is all gone, and we've destroyed any semblance of a "unified" Canada.
Canada is in extreme turmoil right now; potentially more so than ever before. It's similar to the USA except it's subtle and we are far more subdued because our "leaders" use the USA to distract from all the fuckery they do to us here.
Canada is a disaster.
I'm getting my engineering practice license to work in the states. The people saying "don't visit the US" are the mainstream cucks.
Canada has always had an identity crisis. We have never known what to properly do with Aboriginals, what to properly do with Metis, or what to properly do about our French/English divide.
We have *always* been a disaster and all our iconography that was loosely unifying is dying and being replaced with new things like soccer.
>rambling incoherent response about the British empire
what the fuck? Did you learn anything in school you retarded underage b&?
Canadian Confederation in 1867 was brought up because they wanted to become independent BUT didn't want to go to war like what happened in 1776 and in America
so they did some shit and agreed on other shit and walah, since 1867 we are a Confederacy that also has ties to the British Empire. But we can do what we want.
The Attorney General also can only 'advise' on most things that govern the Canadian government, and isn't the British Empire's footsoldier
Many will. We'll get very prickly when the US trys to throw their weight around.
You will laugh, but if I was a trump advisor, Id tell him to do what he has to, but be diplomatic and be respectful when dealing with Canada -- I'm not kidding -- this is the ONE issue that will unite virtually everyone in this country.
This is a big nothingburger as it stands, but It could potentially become a somthingburger. And with just a slight alteration in tone and style could be completely avoided.
there will be no such thing until the canschluss
Fox and Gretzky is all we've ever had.
having a good time with your pals
The things that united Anglo Canada alienated French Canada.
People aren't required to respect us its up to us to force the visitors. If only the older generations weren't self indulgent faggot we wouldnt be in the position we are now.
>I want lefty government forever and ever
It's not surprising though. Canadians always have this smug superiority complex regarding Americans. The average Canadian really thinks "Canada is quality, USA is quantity."
That's one of the things that actually started waking me up. My experiences with USA and Americans has been excellent. I'd love to one day live there. I grew fond of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the Founders and American history - it is truly exceptional, and unprecedented.
The average Canadian thinks "those mean dumb Americans can't even name all 12 provinces" but couldn't name more than 10 States. It's just shockingly frustrating living here - since 2015 I've felt like I've been in a constant identity crisis and everyone around me is, too, they just ignore it or block it out with platitude.
I think platitude is the Canadian way.
When the housing bubble explodes and out economy collapses they are going to blame it on trump's tariffs even though they only affect 0.5% of the GDP
How did Vimy alienate French Canada? It was a battle for French freedom. You're also aware that French Canada has gone out of it's way to alienate ITSELF, right? And this is what I'm talking about. All the way back to our founding, we've been dysfunctional. It would objectively have been better for our country to be the melting pot than whatever the fuck sad, stitched-together abomination we are now.
Being a Canadian means cherishing the land that the indigenous people lived on (and still do), and knowing that we are grateful to be on this great land today.
Therefore, Canada is a lesson for the rest of the world on how to work together with multiple cultures and beliefs, and that truly the law of the people can work out just like it did in America and getting rid of the King's law.
I have a friend that works as a school teacher in BC, she also asked this question. She doesn't work in Fort Langley though, so I'm thinking this question might be coming down from the powers that be. Interesting.
For me, being Canadian means sucking it up and being a steward of the land. In short, peasantry.
>Are Canadians really boycotting us?
Americans boycotted themselves to the rest of the world.