Fascism is a far-right/left ideology

>Fascism is a far-right/left ideology

Attached: 550.png (207x243, 6K)

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"In the ranks of Conservatism there are many who are attracted there by the Party's tradition of loyalty, order and stability - but who are, none the less, repelled by it's lethargy and stagnation. In the ranks of Labour there are many who follow the Party's humane ideals, and are attracted by it's virtual urge to remedy social and economic evils - but who are, none the less, repelled by it's endless and inconclusive debates, it's cowardice, it's lack of leadership and decision. In our movement we aim to incorporate the benefits of both party while leaving the ailments in the past." ~ The Greater Britain by Oswald Mosley

"In all countries, Fascism has been led by men who came from the "Left," and the rank and file has combined the Conservative and patriotic elements of the nation with ex-Socialists, ex-Communists and revolutionaries who have forsaken their various illusions of progress for the new and orderly reality of progress." ~ The Greater Britain by Oswald Mosley

Attached: 1512245996591-620x595.jpg (620x595, 43K)

Hardcore radical extreme centrism

It’s unironically radical centrist

It's far right, deal with it. Ultranationalism is as rightwing as you can get, and the degree to which it is radical, it is "pallingenetic", ie, it aims for a "national rebirth", not for the establishment of a new order but a "return" to an imagined past.


nationalists used to be seen as left wing in contrast to what is actually oftentimes a rather internationalist family of monarchs who lord over multiple ethnic groups and marry into one another's houses for political gain

Shitposting is a radical centrist ideology.

Ultranationalism is not a unique characteristic of the right. Stalin was an ultranationalist, is he a right-winger? Of course not, that's a brainlet-tier argument and shows you've little to no political knowledge. There is no return to the past, Fascism is inherintly futuristic not traditional.


Fascists never advocated a return to anything, they all fought for the birth of a new civilization, not return to an old one. Take note the Mussolini and Mosley both funded artists of a new, not traditional, style; futurism. They both made plans to do away with ok architecture and build a new civilization, a futuristic one.

Attached: Giulio-DAnna-artwork-865x577.jpg (865x577, 72K)

>political ideology can be be spanned by a left-right axis
>political ideology can be described with a two dimensional plane, with left/right authoritarian/libertarian axes
>political ideology can be represented as a finite vector space
>fascism werks

Attached: QaYqtd7.png (645x729, 90K)

>nationalists used to be seen as left wing
No they didn't. The Liberals saw themselves as an internationalist movement, so did the later socialists and the later still Marxists.

>not for the establishment of a new order
This is quite literally what all Fascists advocated you stupid tankie.

>the art they funded is called "Futurism" ergo their ideology is not rooted in traditionalism

>>political ideology can be be spanned by a left-right axis
Never claimed this
>>political ideology can be described with a two dimensional plane, with left/right authoritarian/libertarian axes
Most can, yes. Some ideologies like monarchism don't fit though.
>>political ideology can be represented as a finite vector space
No but it can fit into a general area
>>fascism werks
I never claimed this.

Here are some real political ideologies that at least make somewhat sense, unlike the ones we have seen previously:


So you agree with me?

>unironically believing futurism is based in it's polar opposite, traditionalism
Any other uneducated things you want to say to make us all laugh?

fascism is third position you brainlet

lmao what in the fuck is that website?

The more I learn about fascism, the more appealing and reasonable it seems to be, although you’d never be able to get a movement started without being steamrolled by everyone within the political sphere

>What is thirdpositionism
>what is the idea of progress through strength

That's the not what I said at all.
>the ideology of someone is defined by the art they like

It's the reasonable middle ground between right and left. The only reason it's hated is because it's misunderstood. I challenge everyone who says fascism is evil to read Mosleys essays and come back.

>Stalin was an ultranationalist
he was head of the Soviets, a COLLECTION of many nations

Hitler and his german supremacist autism really ruined the repuatation of an otherwise sensible philosophy, it’s a shame.

A fictional future history of the next 14000 years. pretty cool

I agree completely. If Hitler never came to power the world would have a much better view of Fascism and all of Europe could have become Fascist.

He was an Ultranationalist of the Slavic nation.

Fascism was never intended to be part of the left or the right, as Mussolini and Gentile try to explain over and over again in parts of the "La Dottrina del Fascismo", such as this:

"Fascism is now clearly defined not only as a regime but as a doctrine. This means that Fascism, exercising its critical faculties on itself and on others, has studied from its own special standpoint and judged by its own standards all the problems affecting the material and intellectual interests now causing such grave anxiety to the nations of the world, and is ready to deal with them by its own policies."

I think it is only fair for anyone trying to put a label on something to account for the opinion of the creator. If the likes of Gentile, one of the masterminds of Italian fascism, says that it was supposed to distance itself from left or right, then that's how it is.

But it would be wrong to call it Third Position, too. This is a different ideology altogether, although similar in practice. There were advocates for the Third Position in Italy and Germany at the time of Mussolini and Hitler, and most of them opposed Fascism and National Socialism. From that, you can gather that both ideologies were not one and the same.

My final answer is that Fascism is neither right, nor left, nor third way. It was intended to be as completely different and detached from the political thought of the time as possible. It ended up failing and becoming more or less the same as the powers that were, much like socialism tends to become just another form of tyranny when put into practice. Nevertheless, we don't name socialism by its effects, but by its intentions. We should do the same for Fascism.

Nationalism is a left-wing concept.

>look at this nice theoretical text we wrote
>shame it has literally no resemblance to anything we actually did
Using memetalian fascist texts as sources is brainlet tier.
Wrong. Read Anderson.

>>Wrong. Read Anderson.
>you're wrong but instead of quoting evidence that disproves you I'll tell you to look up for yourself the writings of a vague person called Anderson who can be one of 10 million political thinkers
Brainlet-tier desu


so fascism then just extreme centrism?

Not extreme centrism, radical centrism.

Let me repeat myself, since you appear to have trouble reading simple texts and have to resort to straw man argumentation to rebut others:

"I think it is only fair for anyone trying to put a label on something to account for the opinion of the creator."

"It ended up failing and becoming more or less the same as the powers that were, much like socialism tends to become just another form of tyranny when put into practice. Nevertheless, we don't name socialism by its effects, but by its intentions. We should do the same for Fascism."

I'm completely aware that what Mussolini and Gentile said differ from what they did. My point is that every political ideology has that issue, yet we position them in the political spectrum by its intentions and theories, not its actions or results. Why should Fascism be the same?

If you account only results, then yes, Fascism must be some retarded mix between extreme left and right. If you account intentions, Fascism was never a part of the spectrum at all, neither a part of the Third Position movement. And since we account intentions for all other political theories, then we must account intentions for Fascism. Would you not agree?

fascism is neither left, nor right. it is authoritarian

>faggot overload
don't move these threads here plox

fascism is a supplementary meme. a purely fascistic state has never existed and will never exist.

What board did this come from? This is what Jow Forums looked like before the drumpf invasion.

Attached: What is Fascism.png (886x1322, 125K)

It’s from /his/, still a largely civil board

We weren’t really talking about fascist states, more the philosophy itself.

Smh, mods moved this to Jow Forums thinking it’d be more suited here, when in reality the posters here care more about cuckold porn and twitter screenshots

Absolutely not. The very idea is ludicrous considering he wasn't even a fucking Slav. Find me anything nationalist about him that predates Operation Barbarossa.

He’s thinking of the Russification of the other SSR’s and confusing it for Russian nationalism. When I’m reality it was just to try and reduce the problem of separatism in the Republics