>You know this perfectly well. It's fine if they're one race, but not if they're from a different race. I'm not a nationalist, but still. I know the children suffer, then they get abandoned and that's it, they stay with their mom here
Russian lawmaker warns against sex with foreigners
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And what implication is it that you want me to draw from this, oh leaf
That will not stop them lmao. Women over there are naturally coal burning
She is just jelly because nobody will fuck her
speak for yourself
Really made me think.
God I hope she has a dick
Yikes. That's the future of Russian women as they get older?
Slavic women are the biggest coalburners on earth.
... but only because they are the biggest gold diggers on earth. They don't care about the race of who they are with as long as they can get money. Why are so many prostitutes slavic? Because they prize money above their pride. Same reason all those mail brides come from Russia as well. It is degenerate, admittedly. I think they are just more honest about it than other women, other women are the same too.
what's the braps of queef?
But blacks typically make way less than whites, so your explanation doesn't make sense. Also, my gf is slav and she hates when people spend money on her. She's also only ever been attracted to white guys, though she's not consciously racist.
obviously not *all* slavic girls are going to be gold diggers but, as a stereotype many are
>she hates when people spend money on her
most women hate that too, what I mean is most slavic girls will look past race for a really really rich guys
White women prefer white men by VAST majorities. There have been numerous studies of this. Nigger men and women are the lowest ranking in desirability.
False they prize money highest and they are still prideful about it, because in slavland its one of the «only option» its such a depressing shithole
They don't desire niggers though
They desire the stigma built up around them
Either as payback/rebellion or wanting to be perceived as cool
i was stumbling down a deep rabbit hole of videos on youtube and there was a black hebrew isrealite talking about how womens vaginas are cobra mouths, is that you?
The ones that sleep with niggers do so for those reasons you stated, yes. But probably 90% of white women would never touch a nigger.
Black men reject their own women.
That includes me, though. She thinks it's a waste. She likes if I get her lingerie or something and is very appreciative of any gifts, but she's not going to ask me for it. She's also rather frugal in general and doesn't need a lot. But you also didn't explain why they'd somehow be coalburners if they are looking for wealth. There's only so many rappers.
there it is!
I don't think most women are even racist or conscious of this though. I think when a girl supports race mixing done by others, she's not virtue signaling. She genuinely thinks it's fine despite never having the desire herself. Women are naturally agreeable, so they never take hard stances on anything. They just say things like "I don't believe/I'm not interested in that but if it works for them they can live as they please." They also just can't often connect the dots because they aren't introspective enough and don't push further with ideas beyond the surface..
wtf? now I want to fuck spiders
The problem with Slav women of the older generations is that they lived a harder life and didn't take care of themselves properly. Slav women who take care of themselves with exercise, diet, and a good dicking (from a loving husband of course) look good for a long time. Diet and exercise for the sake of exercise just didn't exist for most of EE until 10-15 years ago.
What type of demonic sickness is this? Depravity is off the charts. Death must come!