welcome to the future built by feminism.
Welcome to the future built by feminism
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>It's fucking real
Holy shit, literal Jow Forums parodies of feminist extremism are now reality. What in the fuck is going on in the world?
So how are we supposed to find mates in this day and age? Is it restricted to tinder and contracts? I would move to a different country if this is the case
Letting women join the workforce was mistake. Giving them equal rights in the workplace was suicidal.
You're not supposed to reproduce goy. Stay at home and play video games.
I agree
It never even occurred to me that the outlaw and complete social stigma of sex in the movie "demolition man" could ever be a realty for us. I can now see how a society could be pushed into it.
Equal rights is fine, it's that they have supremacy as of writing.
Fucking link shill
Will do.
The insanity is seeping into every crack in society and breaking apart the foundations, can you feel it lads? Can you feel the great collapse coming?
I'm not surprised by anything the feminists do anymore. It's all just one big series of shit tests, and men keep failing them over and over, so the shit tests are bound to keep getting more and more preposterous. This all ends with forced mass castration eventually.
>Implying I didn't do both
Feels good knowing I can now die in 15 years and say I accomplished my main biological purpose in life.
the acceleration of stare rape has begun
>netflix crews start to have neck problems from staring at the ground
>everyone can't hear anyone because everyone is mumbling while looking down
>instructions get messed up
>cameramen fuck up shoots because they are having to look away and blinding film scenes
>sound is fucked up because the boom mic holder can't look at the scenes
You aren’t. You’re supposed to pay for some roastie’s halfbreeds after she gets raped by Jamal and Abdul.
I was watching some of these clips recently, it's where we are headed...and fast.
I've been feeling it for years, but it always fails to come.
If the collapse doesn't come by 2025, I'll just go innawoods like Varg and forget this gay earth exists
There is a good chance of a long slow decline but it may be a staggered collapse and complete implosion is far from unthinkable.
Vargs way looks increasingly appealing t b h.
Being born ugly is the biggest societal barrier than any race or gender argument could ever produce. Thank god was born a 6/10...
How long of a break do you need to take before you look again. If you timed it right, you could on/off fap while staring at a coworker and she would never know.
netflix is shit anyway
>tfw it only took 36 years in the movie
>reality seems to be confirming that timeframe
Remember, Zionism and Feminism were cut from the same cloth and Jews in Israel and America brag about this fact constantly.
"It is in the nature of feminism and Zionism that they cannot rest until they have reached true equality: until the resources of power are redistributed so that women and Jews are no longer ever in danger of being put “back in their place.” This can only be achieved with the transformation of the civilizational systems that have determined what that “proper place” is. This is why feminism does not stop with education, voting, reproductive rights, equal pay at work, and safety at work"
So next time you dislike what feminism has given you? Remember, the Jews see it the same as their zionism and they plan to NEVER stop pushing it until you fight back!
I want off this timeline
shlomo wants the population at large to reproduce as little as possible to pave the way for replacement migration, but shlomo wants his political enemies - us - to have families so that we can't commit to activism and are easy to threaten/silence
kikes successfully implant premonitions of the future in the movies they make
sounds good
This is what happens when you have fucking liberals in your society.
Isn't this basically One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest?
Many companies have policies like that in place already. Especially toward outside contractors.
yeah the studios make you attend a seminar before shooting on their lot. 3 "diverse" feminists explain the 5 second rule and muh feelz
The most dystopian of movies and books are their blueprint for goy society.
kek. The women at my work just stop short of calling me big dick user and sexually harass me all the fucking time. My faggy leftist male cousin thinks I should report them to HR and it's like why?
Fuck these retards and I hope they all die.
the future is everyone afraid to look at each other like kids at a dance. get used to it.
>Can't look at someone for more than 5 seconds
That policy is going to be really tough for the makeup artists.
Who knew that movie would turn out to be ahead of its time?
This is one of the times where I feel like Orwell was more right than Huxley. Those are rare moments.
That is just an utterly underrated film, in every capacity. As an action movie, as social commentary, still nubile Sandra Bullock's hips/ass... That movie is top notch.
Don’t report them but, start recording it. Eventually, one will acuse you of rape.
It's only just begun.
>be in high school
>go to summer program for gifted youth in dorm at a college
>hanging in lounge talking to others
>play game
>go around the circle and compliment each other
>hey next round lets criticize each other
>girl says to me "sometimes I don't like the way you look at me"
>22 years later
>look her up
>news story about her
>she has rare eye disease
Is this joke??
No it's more live OMG I'M FAT AND UGLY AND NO ONE IS LOOKING AT ME! NO ONE GETS TO LOOK AT ANYONE NOW. Attractive girls enjoy attention
Yup huge intersection between Zionists and feminists.
The former tend to be radical far left and the same with feminists.
Good job user you are not retarded
I just want to take up arms and fix things before we end up like dinosaur
What if you are the camera man?
Is this kind of thing happening over there Pajeet?
Soon I will die and my bones will be free of my torment.
All the Jews rejoice to this, I say gas you all.
One is not more 'right' than the other.
Their visions are two sides of the same coin. Orwell particularly with the ever present, ever intrusive govt and Huxley with the social constructivism + stratification.
Now mix in Brandão (And Still the Earth) with it's ever growing pollution and waste and you might have our future.
It’s camera person you wamyn oppressor
Whelp, fuck.
Eye for an eye.
Can somebody explain what the fuck this is? Why is it on BBC?
Yes. Birth rates in certain parts of India are under 2.1, and shitty people from poor parts of india are coming in and ruining comfy places.
It's happening, and it's beautiful. Sexuality is degenerate and disgusting
And here was starting to think about starting my subscription again. I'll stick to Prime.
It's going to get to the point many men will start refusing to work in any environment where there are women, for fear of their career and social life; and the sad part is they'd have a rational reason to feel that way.
holy fuck...
let's say that if they implement in other work spaces then all hell breaks loose because shady female individuals could abuse that law to make you or break you. guess who is going to get fucked again? most males over nothing.
how do they enforce this? if somebody notices that a netflix staff member has been looking at another for more than 5 seconds, they themselves have been looking at somebody for more than 5 seconds
Doesn't matter until Starbucks does it.
holy shit is this real
They enforce it by believing any accusation made against the person. Unless you can somehow prove your innocence you're fucked.
A bong government sponsored broken english translator for African refugees who aren't fluent in grammar.
So newspeak, in other words.
that's where the unwritten law of self-righteousness comes in. if you don't call them out, you're gonna let it happen. it's gonna happen regardless if they think and know they have more social leverage and a higher status within that group than you. so what the fuck happens in the end?
>pls, Mr. user, be understanding that we have to axe you and get rid of you. we appreciate your work ethic...blah blah... but we want you to move on and look past that incident.
t. brainwashed employer faggot
This is a good thing. Let them get crazier and crazier with their rules. Men will segregate themselves from women, ala Mike Pence (think about how much they already rage about him doing that).
THOTS will no longer get any alpha males, they'll be stuck with their s o y beta cuck males.
You think this is about Feminism? How quaint.
but the person making the claim had to be looking at the perpetrator for more than 5 seconds to know they were getting optically raped for 5 seconds
>be shy
>get accused of being a racist because you were born an introvert
>have life ruined by insane feminist matriarchy
we getting back to Shakesperean plays with men doing all the roles. Hell yeah
doesn't matter if the "poor victim" can play make-believe and claim they've never been the same again on the inside because you eye-raped them.
> before this news article, Jow Forums never heard of the five second rule.
Because you guys just live in echo chambers, lol. This is non-news, and is already in practice by men the world over.
Get some class, Jow Forums, and learn how to act like civil men in public.
Its why you can walk around any "cosmopolitan" city and see everyone not making eye contact and terrified of interacting with each other.
Its just eyes down staring at a phone or ear buds in listening to music.
The goyim are enslaved and they don't even know it. I will never ever live in a major city again.
Stare at everyone you see for exactly 4.5 seconds while repeating that you are not thinking of anything sexual.
What faggotry have you subscribed to, faggot?
At least the culture in Demolition Man is some what innocent. They are listening to child like music with no swearing or degeneracy and put their criminals on ice so they cant harm society.
We listen to degenerate music, watch porn and let violent criminals out of jail because its "Racist" to lock them up. We are 1000 times worse then the people in that movie.
no physical contact goy, no close human interaction
Tfw Jow Forums is less insane than the real world.
Funny isn't it?
I think that "rule" might be common knowledge among postmodern r*dditors like yourself, but the rest of us in the real world aren't so nuanced as you
ill rape the feminmindvirus right out of you bitches.
I don't know but I want off
Netflix shit is going to turn into days of our lives with actors turned away from each other and saying their lines.
1. Not a r*dditor.
2. When you 'real world's eexactly what the fuck are you talking about?
This board is so far out there it's like stepping into a circus, lol. You guys HAVE to make shit up and be offended by simplistic shit because otherwise- you'd be forced to understand the 'real world' which might include challenging your perception.
Which would be horrible because ya know, fuck Jewish people LMAO.
Grow up precious.
>Not a r*dditor
>>proceeds to behave just like one
Isn't the 5 second rule how long you can have food on the ground before its contaminated
Lucky europe. I bet they are terribly happy about that. Sure beats the good old days when men and women could talk, laugh and have fun together (I don't even mean that in a sexual way.)
BTW People with "class" are not so terrified of each other that they flip the fuck out when someone looks at them. Those kinds of people are supposed to be locked up in mental institution with chronic schizophrenia.
LMFAO! @ You telling us that we get offended at simplistic shit! When you idiots can't even handle five seconds of someone looking at you! OMFG this is the comment of the year! I never thought that someone so pathetic would make my day feel so complete!
>be autist
>cannot make eye contact
>guilty of racism
they fear the samurai