Einstein's newly published travel diaries reveal his racism — and people are shocked

Einstein's newly published travel diaries reveal his racism — and people are shocked

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Say that racism is a white people disease
>be secretly racist

Just more proof that almost all claims of racism are actually projection.

user, Reverse Racism doesnt exist

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Einstein was so low IQ from being inbred that he married his first cousin like the inbred kike he is.

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Stole everything and copied from other people, never invented anything. Was so dumb from centuries of inbreeding didnt even realize the math he copied was wrong and Hawking had to fix it.

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Well, what the fuck did he say? Post a link and a screenshot you stupid nigger.

wtf i love einstien now!

any day now, stealing patents, you heard it here first screencap this. then he will just be a racist kike and nothing more. can¨'t stop winning

Does this mean they're going to start removing Einstein from history or some shit?

Einstein makes general observations.
makes comments that are logical.
>he's racist.

whats the medias angle on this? if you're intelligent you're racist?

And that's a bad thing. I mean good thing. I mean...

Einstein only got to where he was because the Jews sold the blacks into slavery stealing their lands in Africa just like they robbed the people of their native land to form Israhell where they continue their campaign of strangling Palestinian babies in cribs.

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So...I'm definitely banned, right?

its called if your a jew and fear the samurai, you bitch and moan about them using sneaky race baiting tricks to distract from the one race causing the worlds problems, the jews.

Post examples and deliver a sauce you cunt.

Based chinks

Does anyone have a sampling of Einsteins racist comments?

Tr!ps confirm intelligence makes you racist.

It’s almost like high iq and knowledge of races evolutionary traits and cultures are somehow linked

is einstein kicked out of the jew tribe and into the white tribe now?

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I found it, shit, he sounds like ones of us actually.

After I said that, who's jewing the jews?


It's fairly easy to find copies of this article from multiple sources

He was making observations of Asian cultures and writing them down like
>They don't sit at a table to eat they sit on the ground

Super racist stuff really

NO Jews allowed is plural so one is allowed
I vote Einstein

NY Times article detailing some of his thoughts:

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wait I thought he was half mulatto or moor? like Mozart

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>whats the medias angle on this?
They'll start calling him a hack fraud until he's pretty much removed from history and replaced with some retarded sociologist on gender theory.

Haha, he hated the chinks, loved the Japs and hated sand niggers.

What exactly did he say?

That guy died 60 years ago. How the fuck they are even finding a new diary after all this time? This is probably just a business prank. And also, /pol is fuck the zew board

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on www.einsteinlibrary.org/publications/journal/01 page 3 you'll see he wrote "we need to gas all these fucking niggers and gypsies"

TLDR: He made a few observations about people, and mused that perhaps their culture was to some extent a result of their race. Very minor, tame stuff.

He held the position that the law shouldn't discriminate based on race. For some reason progressives can't tell a difference between one's thoughts on how law should work, and what one's thoughts on what the possible reality of different peoples are.

Probably because they've been subjected to propaganda to make them think racism is a real thing, instead of a made up con job. It was all to facilitate liberalism combined with egalitarianism. But those good intentions are suicidal in the long run.

Wait so he wasn't gassed six times?

Einstein, who died in 1955, describes the Chinese as "industrious, filthy, obtuse people," remarking how they "don't sit on benches while eating but squat like Europeans do when they relieve themselves out in the leafy woods."

'People are shocked'

No, liberal basedboy are "shocked" and shocked more because of a cultural reflex than true shock.

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Around Mainland China

• He writes of observing “industrious, filthy, obtuse people.”

• “Chinese don’t sit on benches while eating but squat like Europeans do when they relieve themselves out in the leafy woods. All this occurs quietly and demurely. Even the children are spiritless and look obtuse.”

• “It would be a pity if these Chinese supplant all other races. For the likes of us, the mere thought is unspeakably dreary.”

Topkek i cant say souybouy anymore

the absilute state of Jow Forums

I've just had a very paralyzing realization about what you just said.

I believe they think that way not because they think of US that way, but because that's the ONLY WAY they know how to think. Thoughts = law. Beliefs = law. They are projecting onto us, essentially. They believe fundamentally that thought = law, because in their minds, their thought is law. What a terrifying prospect, that a lot of these lefties espouse. How could they think that way, and not differentiate? It's like someone taught them to think that way.


>But in his private writings on that journey from October 1922 to March 1923, “other peoples are portrayed as being biologically inferior, a clear hallmark of racism,” wrote Ze’ev Rosenkranz, assistant director of the Einstein Papers Project at the California Institute of Technology and the editor of the book.
>“Chinese don’t sit on benches while eating but squat like Europeans do when they relieve themselves out in the leafy woods. All this occurs quietly and demurely. Even the children are spiritless and look obtuse.”
>“It would be a pity if these Chinese supplant all other races. For the likes of us, the mere thought is unspeakably dreary.”
>“I noticed how little difference there is between men and women; I don’t understand what kind of fatal attraction Chinese women possess which enthralls the corresponding men to such an extent that they are incapable of defending themselves against the formidable blessing of offspring.”
>“In the air there is a stench of never-ending manifold variety.”
>“Even those reduced to working like horses never give the impression of conscious suffering. A peculiar herd-like nation,” he writes, “often more like automatons than people.”
Interesting, considering the excuses I hear about modern Chinese behavior is that their culture was destroyed by the Cultural Revolution.

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Liberals eternally btfo.

Gotta love tearing down liberal icons and bringing them to our level.

Germany had to be destroyed. First, they broke away from Weimar, usurious practices and rejected the concept of being a debt-based economy.
>b-b-but user. what does this have to do with Einstein?
The German intelligentsia removed the cuffs from science, physics and the maths

Second: They declared Jewish physics 'Dead-End'; Read: Relativity. They encouraged scientists to do what all scientists yearn to do; to create something wild, fantastic and previously thought to be impossible.

Its going to be funny to see leftists deconstruct relativity now

he invented the nuke though

shut the fuck up, literal fucking retard

Einstein was a genius. Even if he had never come up with relativity it was apparent.

a lot of people all at once invented the nuke, he helped

really most of his accomplishments were achieved collectively with a large group of other smart people

that's actually a pretty good argument against individualism to a certain degree

>racists are not intellige-

No he didn't.

Einstein can't be racist because he was Jewish and you can only be racist if your group holds power.

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Yeah, one common theme of progressive thought is the inability to tell a difference between things that should be legal, and things that they deem moral. On the flip side, things that violate their sense of morality must be controlled and subdued. Immoral speech = hate speech.(Thus should be censored or curated out, made illegal, etc...)

Their worldview kinda sucks too, because unlike other religions, they don't actually have a path to redemption once sin is committed in their eyes. Make one mistake, and you're branded with an -ist for the rest of your existence, like poor Einstein here.

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>Its going to be funny to see leftists deconstruct relativity now

Too late, they already did that long before this.

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He said he didn’t know how Chinese men could find chink women sufficiently attractive to procreate with them

>Einstein said we shouldn’t treat blacks like second class citizens
>Einstein thought the Chinese were weird insectoids
I don’t see how these are contradictory statements

Wait wouldn’t that mean only Jews can be racist

if we can only have one, it has to be

(((Seth Rich)))

literally worked at the patent office, eg had early access to other people's work.

>be incredibly smart
>know darkies are trouble
>fuck your cousin

Sorry brainlets

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apparently the answer is No.

>Breaking News: Jew despises filthy goyim
It’s sad that this actually surprises some people.

>scientific papers on fundamental physics get sent to patent offices
just shut up, idiot

Kike or not, Einstein was top 0.0001% intelligence and stormfags have trouble coping with it. I say this as someone who hates kikes.

What, are you suggesting that Jews are disproportionately powerful to their true numbers? Disgusting.

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Well definitely not an obvious path to redemption, I'm sure you could but it would be damn difficult to persuade them that you've changed. A lot of the people we see highlighted these days are fucking nut cases.

It really is true what you're saying about immoral speech VS hate speech. The define hate speech as essentially blasphemous that cannot be said. They would in a heart beat bring back blasphemy laws in a heart beat because we live in a society where some things are so horrific to say that most people believe that it's fine to beat you half to death for saying it. I.E look up any world star or normie book video of a black person beating up a white person after the white called them a nigger or supposedly called them this or that. A fair number of people are calling for blood and talking about how the white deserved it or this or that. Honestly big red pill for me as a wee white lad seeing people say that sort of stuff. They want to make it literally illegal to call someone a nigger. God damn, that should be a country wide poll - "Should we make it illegal to call someone a nigger?" fucking imagine the results. It would have to be totally anonymous of course for you to get any real answer.

>call whites racist
>be racist
Just a day in the life of a manipulative Jew.

Ivory tower - goys should live in multikilti, while they do normal stuff like living in the ethnostate and expressing racism.

Impossible! Racism = Privilege Plus Foreskin.

"You know, maybe different looking people aren't subhumans."
"Man, that asian fella has weird looking eyes"
>These are somehow completely contradictory statements, and pointing out ANY difference in people or making ANY jokes is a "racist streak"
Libs are just as bad as storm niggers.
If you can't make fun of niggers stealing or asians eating cats you're a faggot.
If you go through every day life thinking every single person from X group is exactly the same you're also retarded.

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Holy shit, did you guys read these statements Einstein wrote?

>"The oriental genetalia is quite small while the negro's rather large, the other races in between. Upon observation of the african female beachball-booty, and the chinese washboard-like backsides, I can only conclude that the respective lengths of the races are selected for the purpose of defeating all that cushion or lack there of. Random thought; I wounder if the smallest chink penis could possibly fit within the urethra of the largest african-horse specimen.. certainly strange thought, but all consuming. Set up medical examination of walk in subjects, need practical parallel program to justify to participants why I am making measuring their penis so closely."

>bug people

>Be Einstein
>Travel around
>Go to rural China
>Write in your diary how you dont like some chinks for acting like savages
>Be called a racist

The left would call anyone or anything racist these days. That adjective is being used so lightly that literally everyone is a racist in some of way, aside from actual racists.

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Take your fanfic to /lgbt/.

Is this real? You know, I always thought Einstein was a cuck faggot and this might be the proof

Of course ot exists
Reverse racism is being TOO nice to someone based only on their race and/or ethinicity

Lot of evidence much of his scholarship was stolen from his period as a patent clerk in Zurich. Not all of it by any means of course, but a vastly overrated scholar to academic physicists.

Based on what?

His mysogonist comments were off the charts by white men standards of the day in Princeton where he lived last 40 years. That was revealed 20 years ago.

>no Reimann

The photoelectric effect, the theory of bosonic particles, direct experimental observation of the electron spin as an angular momentum, just to name a few. Stormniggers are just ignorant of how much different work he did.

>dude from the 50s or some shit
>people expected him to not be racist
Come on famalam

>kike or not
If he's a kike then you must consider that what you know about him may be simply what he fabricated about himself.
You might as well say "whether the kikes deserved it or not, 6 million died in the Holocaust". You're trusting a lying jew to be telling the truth.
Einstein holds no individual achievements that can't be attributed to him stealing the work of those who came before him and one cannot prove whether he even contributed any degree of progress to the group accomplishments he was a part of.

I personally think relativity is analogous to reality but not a perfect description of reality. I don't believe "space-time" is real but rather a clever way of explaining the interaction between "space" and "time".
The mathematics of relativistic physics is not sound and any relativistic phenomenon can be explained using simpler physics phenomenon.
My favorite one is "time-dilation" where supposedly if you send a clock at the speed of light on a rocket ship it won't change the time but this can be simply explained.
I know this is an overly simplified description but generally all action is determined by vibrating particles moving back and forth bumping into eachother. The kinetic energy equation shows that it takes more energy to accelerate a moving particle than it takes to decelerate it the same amount. In addition to the infinite energy requirement to move at the speed of light and we have all we need.
Let's say we have a clock which uses the oscillation of a single particle as the pendulum of a clock. Stationary this particle would oscillate at the same rate consistently since from 0 accelerating 1 way or the other a constant amount requires the same amount of energy, however by moving the particle through space along the oscillation axis at approaching the speed of light there is an infinite energy requirement to accelerate it in the direction of movement thus ceasing movement, NOT "stopping time".

Relativity is a physics meme.

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Racism/sexism has nothing to do with power, that's SJW's adittion to justify their own intolerant behavior they so much criticize.

Yes, and? Why are people judging and crucifying people that died decades ago? Whats the point of applying current standards to them?

>Seeing other people's rigorous math on theoretical physics and intuitively understanding it is trivial, bro. Git gud

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Wasn't he a Jew and therefore incapable of racism?

Everyone born before 1950 would be considered racist/sexist/homophobic by today's standards. There is literally not a single historical figure that would not be. Even Martin Luther King Junior and Eleanor Roosevelt would be considered bigots. There has never been a point in history where people were so sensitive to race/sex/religion/sexual orientation.

If you know anything about mathematics you know Riemann was the only reason einstein discovered anything.

You're so stupid it hurts. Stop lecturing everyone on things about which you know nothing. Einstein was a genius and his work is real. Get the fuck over it.

t. physicist

Look, the man was brilliant. I respect the contributions he made to his field, and so should all of you. I appreciate what he did for the advancement of all mankind.

But he was still a Jew. And even the best Jews are our enemy. Its important to remember that.

>one of the smartest men ever hated niggers

Einstein sounds like a Jow Forums user

>muh actual racists
Good goy!

Hardly racist, he's just making comments on various patterns he noticed on his travels.

holy fuck you're retarded
light is isotropic and there is no absolute frame of reference

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jew still attacks Whites.