Goodbye fbi

goodbye fbi
goodbye educated politicians
goodbye trades
goodbye allies
goodbye nfl
goodbye cable tv
goodbye pop culture
goodbye journalism
america is fading away i hope this really was what you wanted
he may not have built a wall but theres a wall around us now that divides us from the rest of the world

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invaders make america kill

Lol fucking KYS

goodbye fbi
goodbye educated politicians
goodbye trades
goodbye allies
goodbye nfl
goodbye cable tv
goodbye pop culture
goodbye journalism
america is fading away i hope this really was what you wanted
he may not have built a wall but theres a wall around us now that divides us from the rest of the world

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I sort of want to start over, then I'd get a chance you know? too many people in the way... but the more I grow old the more I realize even after america only skill matters

(And thats a good thing)

goodbye fbi
goodbye educated politicians
goodbye trades
goodbye allies
goodbye nfl
goodbye cable tv
goodbye pop culture
goodbye journalism
america is fading away i hope this really was what you wanted
he may not have built a wall but theres a wall around us now that divides us from the rest of the world

How many of these topics you can put in ((()))?

All those things suck who gives a shit?

Libtards ruin everything.
At least they admit that's their goal.

goodbye Jews
goodbye Jews

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The bulk of the FBI is fine. The people who swarmed around the Clinton investigation are not.
>educated politicians
Career politicians dying is the best thing possible.
We're doing alright. Unless you think Canadian trade is critical to the US somehow.
Just because we tell basedboy Trudeau to pony up a fair trade deal doesn't mean we've broken any alliances. Let's also not forget that very few of the NATO member actually pay their dues. They're the shitty allies.
>goodbye NFL
It's dying anyway. Every player gets brain damage.
>cable tv
>pop culture
Died a long time ago. The propaganda that's left is better off scrubbed from the face of the Earth.

So why should I be concerned again?

Thanks JIDF

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In other words, goodbye all the terrible shit that has had a part in ruining this country. The vacuum left from their absence will be filled with a new pax Americana/post WW2 prosperity

I'm fine with this. All that shit sucks anyway.

>goodbye all these shitty things
>fading away
It’s like cancer entering remission

The end started with FDR and the smoot hawley tariff


We hated all of those things. It's like you don't get us at all, do you?

All things destroyed by progressivism. Good fucking riddance


all the things you mentioned wont be missed at all

cable t.v. pop culture and journalism killed themselves///

so basically goodbye jews

the federal government IS the fucking problem

unless the feds go full Reich, the US is done for

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Goodbye asshole send us a meme every now and then.. where you going btw ?

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What you see as a negative I see as a future positive. Or, to quote Nietzsche.. " Bad! Bad!... is he not going back? ... Yes... he goes back as everyone must who is trying to take a great leap forward"

You need to understand how absolutely and totally corrupt politics is now. Sure, it's always been that way, but not like this. It is so rotten to the core, and so full of amoral monsters, that the only real solution is to shake the tree, prune it, and to remove the diseased limbs.

Eight years of Trump screwing with the system won't always be easy, but it is necessary to avoid even greater catastrophe in the future.

I'm not feeling so good, Trump.

Trump is just a temporary bandaid at best


How can you even believe that?
You fucking stupid Fanboys on here are worse than degenerate liberals with your mental gymnastics.

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>he may not have built a wall but theres a wall around us now that divides us from the rest of the world
Good. We were never supposed to get involved in world affairs.

You just wait until the OIG report is released you fucking LIBTARD!!! This is going to be the best birthday present we can give The Donald ever.

Nigga, what the hell are you going om about? None of those things are going away except maybe the NFL. And that is because of the useless players and owners.

Fuck you shareblue faggot. Yes I want your leftist cancer to disappear from America. Don't let the door hit your fat nigger ass on the way out motherfucker.

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Beat me to it. You sir, are an intellectual and a scholar. I salute you.

yfw all of those things are somewhere between useless and bad

ayy lmao dueces phoebe


I knew I clicked this thread for a reason.

Good. Now Hollywood needs to be next.

>The right fights hard against socialism and is pro-capitalism
>Business's constantly pander to liberals and are politically correct

Why do nearly all massive corporations spread liberal ideology? What can we do to prevent smaller business's for falling for it?

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The deep state exposed
Law enforcement hated
The swamp being indicted
The banks will burn next after the 2020 crash

Time to hit the reset button 1776 style on tyranny


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>Good bye NFL
Because you fucked it up
>Goodbye cable tv
Shit was going to die anyways, good riddance, it can't die soon enough
>Goodbye pop culture
Shit you fucked up and is pretty much in other countries as well? Good riddance really considering American pop culture sucks ass
>Goodbye journalism
Killed itself by overdosing on shitty medication

Because it's a safe position to take, where they can try to get their product to a wider audience, and decry objectors as bigoted. The majority won't give a shit about about these policies and continue purchasing that product because it doesn't directly negatively influence them, while the decimal point that DOES discontinue using a product is considered an acceptable loss. I think it's fucking patronizing low-effort pandering, though.