Why so many people like him?

Why so many people like him?

Attached: CheHigh.jpg (200x256, 14K)

Also, it's he's birthday today.

Because they see his face literally everywhere without knowing who he is. It's like that Hamilton play, people like it, but don't know how much of a faggot he was.

jewkike media pushes him as a meme on people. that's it. end of story. half of the people who wear tshirts of him dont even know who he is and the people that sell them and make money off them obviously arent communists.

Because he was a pretty cool guy that didn't afraid of anything and even Peron liked him.

He fought the corrupt aristocracy that kept South America a backward feudal shithole. Unfortunately he couldn't save South America because the damage had already been done by the elite's promotion of race mixing and importing black slaves.

Attached: 98dbbdc6b16c5501a99ed76a21a92c49.jpg (860x481, 28K)

cause he looks good on a poster or t-shirt

It's just a symbol.

Retarded mestizos wear Che shirts when he would have recognized them as the retarded mixed race illiterates they are.

Attached: quote-mexicans-are-a-band-of-illiterate-indians-che-guevara-71-66-32.jpg (850x400, 51K)

most people are dumb as fuck

Attached: merryeducation4.png (1053x412, 52K)

the hat

I mean he killed so many people for nothing, why so many people just don't care about this?

Feel that is a bit of an unfair question to mark intelligence. Anyone could be caught out by it, it’s like a riddle.


also not a commie, im an individualist.

i dont wanna lie but che guevara is fucking sexyu ok, personally id have sex with him

Fucking hated niggers, so he wasn't entirely retarded.

>killed so many people for nothing

Other than people in battle he didn't kill anyone. And the feudal aristocrats of Latin America are corrupt as shit anyway, you should know you live there. There is every reason to rebel if you live there.

The problem is that in Latin America almost everyone is mixed race, so any pro-Republic movement is doomed.

Che acknowledge as much in his dairy about the Congo rebellion. Non-whites, especially blacks, are simply too fucking dumb and incompetent to do anything right.

That's why it's funny when non-whites and la raza types invoke Che. He knew how retarded Mestizos are. Che was a White European of Basque descent, yet Mestizos wear his image and rant about killing whitey.

Attached: la-raza-illegal-aliens-racism.jpg?w=538.jpg (460x345, 31K)

just like zorro

>He was violent
>He was leftist
That's all they need to know.
He his image has personified and increased their image.

The leftist has no cure for inequity or violence, only a new brand with him at the top. The sheep followers are made to worship violence under the pretense of enforced quality. It has to suck for them learning about his racist thoughts against Africans.

Not really a commie. Hated negros and fags, known mysoginist(clearly not a marxist guy), mercenary warmoger against the bourgeoise. He was more of an syndicalist anarchist (or gangster as called in general terms). Based.

he was apparently very charismatic

Saw a nog at my work the other day with a Che tattoo on his wrist and pic is all I was thinking about

Didnt this commie kill / or openly want to kill gays? Why do leftists give him a pass?

He also described niggers to be dimwitted and lazy. He was more of a nazbol in some sense, but the had no allegiance to no country or power, so he was some kind of proto-anarchist.

I never thought about this, he actually was kind of a nazbol

Cool picture.....yep Illustrates the depth of a typical liberal.....Cool picture .


i only liked him cause kids who gave me fireworks and let me break bottles with them wore him on a shirt.

>Hated negros and fags, known mysoginist(clearly not a marxist guy), mercenary warmoger against the bourgeoise.
The only real and original promise of the left is quality. In process they actually bring *nearly* everyone lower than they previously were, even if they flatten out the "gap" a little or a lot. You get WAY LESS, but you don't have to see to many rich guys lording it over you without a red star on their lapel. As always this process eats itself as competence is perpetually lowered by this attrition of peak achievers and the promotion of their characteristically violent value-signaling critics.

> he was a rebel!
T. Every retarded Amerishart/mutt
I see him less as time goes by, X’ers were the most guilty of wearing his shirts.
Millennials prolly would have worn it more if his beliefs weren’t problematic.
Gen z just wants to dab on the haters or some shit

They are fascinated with serious or "cool" looking people's portraits. Notice how we lampoon Trump in over-the-top ways and have a sense of irony about it. They on the other hand take us seriously, because they ACTUALLY are like this. Look at all the dumb clothes and tattoos they wear with people face portraits. Just like much of their recent political lies show, they cannot not PROJECT themselves.

Nah Che was a commie but it was secondary to being a Latin American nationalist. Fidel was the same way. Motorcycle Diaries he puts more emphasis on wanting fully independent Latin America without US influence than on communism.

He was a warrior. You have to give him that.