
Tekashi 6ix9ine is literally the biggest threat to ZOG right now. He's using CIA binaural beats technology to reverse-program the youth against their Jewish oligarchs. He might look like another urban youth degenerate, but he's basically just a trojan horse who's trying to blow up the NWO from the inside. In order to gain traction online he needs to pose as a deviant so they throw money at him. Jewish youtube algorithms only promote the most degenerate music so he's playing 4-D chess.

All the "SCUUUUUM GANG" and "NIGGA" talk is just a machiavellian smokescreen he ingeniously created to fly under the radar. It's in our best interest to promote 6ix9ine and unveil the truth behind his lyrics

Protip: that money he's making is being funneled into dissident groups across North America

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Other urls found in this thread:

Big if true

Isn't this guy a pedo for lil Tay?

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>Supporting a diddler

Are you retarded?

It all makes sense now

t. Tekashi

Spic9ine is a shit rapper not Albert fucking Einstein

lmao at Canadians who can't understand the deeper meaning of songs.

binaural means heard with both ears. your first sentence is word salad

Every now and then this thread pops up. Fuck off.

btw hes a undercover cop retard

There is no deeper meaning. He's a fucking kid who can't write rhymes for shit.

It's a nigger, there is no deeper meaning.

Mr.Gonzalez is an embodiment of what the human intellect can achieve when it performs to its optimum capacity. I would give everything I have to if it meant Michelangelo could experience his creations, I wager he would be brought to tears.

most retarded thread ever made on Jow Forums congrats

Sage, hide, report.

Wanna bet the user from the OP's pic has a humanities degree?

>young people can't write thoughtful music
Kys brainlet

69 is Latinx

Literally have seen this guy being forced on chan for months now fuck off you nigger

you's a silly nigger

VIA binaural beats technology fucking LMAO dawg this is gold holy shit I CAN'T BREAVE

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JIDF shills angry that 6ix9ine liberated new york from the ZOG

Attached: d5c.jpg (297x365, 55K)

If you enjoy degenerate music consisting of yelling random words and repeating the same cliches of drugs, flexing, and stealing your girl, fine by me.

is this like the bog posting we were doing last month?

because I can get into this

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you clearly are

The only thing he's liberating is children from the venue to his tour bus

this is brill, faggot

this is so freakin dumb it's got to be some sort of attempt to force a meme

Music should reflect real life, and real life isn't always pretty. His music reflects his experiences.

niggas stiffy in this thread huh?


It's obnoxious, boring, and cliche.

It's Hernandez. David Hernandez.

He's actually a Trump supporter and anti-PC. No joke.

He steals lyrics and fucked with Sosa and Lil Reese.

This boy sucks ass and he'll be dead within a year no cap

>He's actually a Trump supporter and anti-PC. No joke.
Why does someone with these qualities in the mainstream have to be a degenerate mutt?

>Tekashi 6ix9ine is literally the biggest faggot /ourguy/ or not. 99.999999999% NOT. So fuck off with your Trojan horse theory. There's no way in hell you'll get us to become more degenerate.

that guy is /b/ incarnate

Not true. No sauce.

Hold up, let me get it started
B.B. with the Robin's, lookin' all retarded
B.B. saggin', fly like a dragon
Bitches suck my dick 'cause I'm fly like Aladdin
Scum Gang!

> 69 is a secert code to gas all kikes

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