>niggers are ruining American citi-
Well? Care to explain, white "people"?
Niggers are ruining American citi-
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southerners aren't white
sauce? i used to live in knoxville.
also opiod addicts and heroin users are everywhere in knoxville
Crime is more of a socio-economic problem and less of a racial problem.
Keep moving those goalposts
You really know how cities work do you.. also, I don't recommend learning.
Knoxville here I come!!
wow, you found a city full of mostly white people that's not doing that well, but still isn't doing as bad as majority black areas like the south side of chicago and many many many many others. amazing.
congrats, you're the master of cherrypicking bro.
to add, if the original 91% is actually legit, i wonder if the 91% to 72% has anything to do with the surge in crime, really makes you think
knoxville is a terrible place to live in if you are 25-40
the economy is focused on major corporations.
also drugs are a major part of violence.
this isnt a race issue
knoxville is being flooded with dindus from Memphis and Atlanta in recent years due to obamas section 8 diversity shit. its going to shit
knoxville has a bunch of programs to benefit homeless people.
for some reason they failed to realize that it would attract thousands of other bums from nearby cities/states.
Knoxville is 70.9% white.
Well, it says metro, which includes suburbs and some exurbs. But, the city itself is not 91% white.
The day niggers want independence from us is the day I take niggers seriously. You follow us around for gibs, yet never want to move to Africa.
Only one city?
All that graph says is that it only takes a 9% nigger/spic population to have a high crime rate, which everybody here already knows.
don't they still count beaners as whites anyway?
You're either far right setting up this pic, or you are an afro-idiot.
There's no way Omaha is 87% white. Half the people I see are assorted colors of shit. Mexicans, basketball Americans, and especially hijab wearing fucks have been increasing at a noticable rate in the formerly safe and almost all white western half of Omaha. North O is nigger central with mudsharks all over and South O is spic central. This chart is horseshit and most likely counting half the invading army of Mexicans as white.