DNA results thread

DNA results thread.
Proud, pure white, southern USA citizen reporting for duty.

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la creatura...

what is the mutation that allowed them to determine your ancestors settled in that area just 200 years ago?

Shittttt...I'm pure as the driven snow

I haven't gotten mine done but both of my parents gave me their results so I was able to figure it out. Actually ended up white as fuck not expecting to be.

great britain - mainly midlands - 51.5%
scandinavia - 14.5%
ireland/scotland - 13%
finland - 11%
western european - 4.5%
caucasus - 3%
iberian - 1.5%
europe east - .5%
europe south - .5%

I got a huge penis, so maybe that?

IDK a few of those sound sketchy

post previous results before the update. Just to compare

I don't see why. fits perfectly with our oral family history.

>Pure white
Truly a rare specimen. I'm guessing your ancestors didn't settle out west too much?

Previous results

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I'm the first to move west from the Carolinas

99.08 European
.02 Native American...….am I a nigger?

A prairie nigger, yes

That explains it then. I wish my ancestors never left the Southeast for Texas.

TN here

Attached: notwhitetbh.png (381x333, 11K)

Typical American

Lots of Mexican blood?

Attached: fml.png (220x183, 41K)

I didn't need anyone to tell me I was britmutt as fuck. The blonde eyebrows and settling in the 13 colonies meant my family way far back was britmutt from northern England.

No... I don't mean ancestry wise, I just think it would be better if I had more of a connection to it.
I have a little bit of Indian blood judging by some photo's of my ancestors from after the civil war. My ancestor left Alabama for Arkansas and then Texas. His wife has to be at least half Cherokee or some shit (she was born in Alabama so she isn't a mexican) because she is dark as fuck. Her name is a typical English one and both of her parents had English names (I can't find info on her mom tho so maybe her mom was an adopted cherokee or some shit)

My dad always said he was German but I've looked at his ancestry and aside from some possible Indians he is completely English or Ulster-Scots. Don't know where the fuck he got German from.

My moms' side swears we are all Native. Families just make up shit and get mad when science proves them wrong

Yeah my dad always said his mother was redskin but I never found anything other than British. Some British do have a sort of indian look to them but I think it's from the Welsh. It turns out his dad is the one that is probably part redskin. I don't understand why boomers think it is some sort of accomplishment or something to brag about. My dad gives no shits for his actual European ancestors

I have pages upon pages of family legends and I've had a hard time proving any of it. As fun as most of them are to read I figure most are either bullshit or have some kernel of truth to them but got exaggerated.

So most of the Celt and Scandinavian just got converted to British. Seems about right. Most people agree that it's more accurate but less "interesting"

Him being closely related to people who also have ancestors from the area. It's a cool feature only ancestry can do

Very few Germans settled the east coast. Simply wasn't room for them and hostility from the British community. Germans did have ghettos in some of the major cities, most prominent germantown and the lowereast side of Manhattan before it was taken over by the Irish and Italian. Most Germans are found in the Midwest, Pennsylvania western edge, and Texas.

My test just barely went into processing yesterday. Been waiting a month and a half. Woo.

I already mostly know what I am; traced my ancestry tree. My white ancestors came from England, Germany, Ireland, France, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, and the Island of Jersey. The rest are Native Americans who lived on the rez. Just waiting on the percentages.

But uhh... OP... didn't we have a war to get away from these people?

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Don't fall for these DNA tests. It's incredibly stupid to give your DNA to the Jews who run these things.

>implying the jews don't already have your dna

I work for the Federal Government and get multitudes of testing, blood draws, etc. They had my info long from this DNA test.

long before*

Which people, Americans or English?

what if they don t and i m just giving it for free ? not gonna risk it .

Yeah its pretty uncommon.

Am I white?

Attached: ancestry.png (1167x606, 171K)

Whiter than this guy

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There isn’t a person alive from the south that is remotely pure white. Furthermore proclaiming such fact only confirms your great grand mammy was a nigger.

>posting images on an imageboard
>50% Germany
>25% France
>15% Spain
>9% Ireland
>1% Africa
That thing about the Jews adding 1% Africa to otherwise pure European results is true right? That's not real right? I'm not a nigger right?

Only a few thousand people settled the Carolinas and then had 8+ children, and grew to be the ancestry of most people living there

My people came over and settled the land before negroes ever knew it existed. Matter of fact, several of my direct ancestors, owned slaves and more than a dozen that I know of fought in the Confederacy against the northern aggressors.

Ancestry is run by Mormons. Sorry bro, you're BLACKED.

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I don't have 1% African on mine

I don't need to have this done. I have a full genealogy of my family going to back to the 14th century. Bavarian German, with one French ancestor in the 18th century. Welcome to the Midwest rural regions.

I assume your 1% Africa is North African, which is almost guaranteed from anyone with Iberian ancestry due to getting MOORED


Attached: Moor.jpg (640x424, 138K)

Hate to break it to you Cletus but your ancestors not only owned slaves, but they also fucked them. Be true to yourself jiggaboo. Pure white folk can’t live in the south. One day you will come to terms. There’s a reason why your neck is red year round and doesn’t hurt. You’re genetically designed to live in the south coon.

Now try to convince me aussies aren’t at least a quarter spade.

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Fucking Spaniards got MOORED and now I'm a nigger. This confirms it. So I can say "hello fellow nigger" the next time I see a nigger, right? I'm blond and pale, but they'll know I'm a fellow nigger right? Wait, do I get reparations too?

How do I pinpoint my result's locations? I'm still on the Nov 2017 update. It won't change.

lol you have an active imagination. I like it, if you were black I'd put you to work on my plantation.

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Not sure, my wife and daughters haven't updated, but mine did. It has to be random updates going out.

we wuz a proud tribe b4 da whitey came along

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how to update?

Where do i take these tests? I wanna figure out what percent i am

>giving your dna to a private company

Ancestry and 23andme seem to be the best. My heritage seems ok too

conspiracyfag, don't worry no one is gonna clone your ass.

>owned slaves
Oh, so your family is Jewish then.

Could just be that Native genetics were bred out over time.

we all are jews, just look down in your pants, you don't hav foreskin

Speak for yourself. My father was based enough to not want to have his sons circumcised.

you are 84% from the shaft of a giant penis
12% from the head
2% from each testicle
I hope you're proud

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Fuck off mutt, you lost and will never rise