Christcucks are against deportation

Christianity is probably the worst thing to happen to us

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Other urls found in this thread:!MahAVQYR!M7fBxWWNIYh9fevOFHL7WQ

If Jesus were reincarnated today he would come back as a trans disabled person of color migrant. FACT.

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The pope is not a christian.

Yeah, multiculturalism, third world mass immigration, race-mixing, all these things were so rampant when we were strong Christian nations, but now, with Jews, atheists and pagans running the West, it is all under control, right? Atheists are the Jews useful idiots. You ruined the greatest civilization the world has ever seen, Christianity, in a matter of decades. Traitors.

Pic is girls having supper of Christ near Church destroyed by (((atheists))). Traitors.

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are you sure?

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where is the part of the bible that says
>then become their slaves and pay more and more in taxes forever and ever

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"Boomer Christianity" is not Christianity. It is unbiblical. Learn the difference. Atheism has been a disaster for the West. Jews love you guys.

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Woah, so that’s what natural hair color looks like.

>implying modern progressive values aren't rooted in christian morality

I really want a label I use to dissociate myself from modern cucked zionist Christians. Even Catholics are falling for that bs the proddies did now and I was indoctrinated into it until I found Jow Forums. A label like Christian Identity implies I subscribe to every one of their beliefs which I don’t. I need something general that describes a worshipper of Christ but not associated with cucked Christians. Maybe something like Adonaism or radical Christianity would work.

>two tweets represent the majority of Christians
America is Christian and most of them are Trump supporters. Trumps supporters voted Trump to get illegals out of the country.

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>Matthew 22:20-21
20 And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription?
21 They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.

This basically means that you must follow the law of the lands, if they are going to invoke gods name in regards to compassion then they must also follow by extension what Jesus said about following the laws of the land.

>1st Timothy 5:8
8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

This is commanding people to look after their own, this means that you should care firstly for your family, then for your neighbours, then for your neighbourhood and so forth and so forth until you reach nation level, when all of yours are cared for then you can care for others, to do any less is pretty much well heretical.

There are a tonne of other verses which you can use to prove that caring for your own first and following the law of the land supercede what those fake christians are throwing out atm.

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Don't they know what happened to the Amalekites? The Bible also endorses self preservation and utter annihilation of conquers.

The real redpill that both pagacucks (myself included) and christcucks need to swallow is that Christianity is not an actual doctrine really. No society follows the bible 100%. Never have, never will.

The religion is irrelevant, because society will always pick and choose parts of the bible to focus on to suit its needs. A strong nation will cite the strong parts of the bible, a weak nation will cite the weak parts of the bible. Our society is weak, so it acts thusly

The Western world is fucked. Luckily for us we don't take in migrants, refugees or asylum seekers

I agree with you. It's a shame that generic terms like "Christian" have been sullied beyond repair but it is what it is. The pagan community actually has a similar issue they are facing because "pagan" or "heathen" just makes you think of overweight edgy LARPers who hate their parents. Kind of amusing.

>America is Christian
As someone who is not Christian I wish what you said was true, but it just simply isn't.

>pagans running the West
Nigger are you high?

So, cucked Southern Baptists just elected an open-borders, anti-white SJW (JD Greear) as their new president. Now they’re acting like retarded wiggers. This is one of the most cringeworthy videos I’ve ever seen.
J.D. Greear - 2 Legit 2 Quit

True. Our European state churches are completely insane. Atheists politicians have ruled them for decades and they have gone full Marxist. Good ideas for new labels of Christianity. What about "Classic Christianity"? To indicate that we have the true Christianity and boomers only have a deviation?

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Classical Christianity actually sounds really good and doesn't have any edgy connotations.

>It’s not Christianity! They aren’t true Christians, who care if they’re following what the Bible actually says and not Christian/pol/ memes!
>Dooos volt xD

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Of course a stupid Swedish atheist can't face reality. Very few atheists are actually pure atheists, most of you idiots run around with your new age paganism, yoga, meditation, boomer Beatles mysticism, tarot cards, you name it. Repent for your stupidity and atheism, Swede.

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Reminds me of communists, they use the same excuse.

I hate you too you stupid faggot piece of shit Norwegian. Learn to speak proper Swedish or kys.

Of course they are, Christianity is literally the religion of the weak, of the pathetic, of the lowest scum.

I'd rather be a muslim or a jew than a christiancuck

We have a 2000 year old consistent and unbroken history and understanding of Christianity. Boomer Christianity is totally new. That you are unable to see that, is not my problem. As you are a rabid atheist, I am pretty sure you never bothered to look into it. Ignorance is the main basis for atheism.

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as a mexican and therefore a catholic, you are right. you catholics are weak and pathetic just like your leader the islamic pope.
real christians, the protestants, are not however.

>I hate you too you stupid faggot piece of shit Norwegian. Learn to speak proper Swedish or kys.
Yeah, great arguments there, atheist ape. For anyone wondering why Sweden is crashing so hard, just look at the comments from this retarded Swedish atheist animal.

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Do you think Christian Europe from 300 a.d. to 1300 was great?
Why was Early Christianity defeated by Islams and its innocent inhabitants subject to Arab raids and enslavements.

Lmao no they're not

like 80% of evangelicals voted Trump. He literally would not have won without them.

Only controlled globalist mega-church leaders and "Christian intellectuals" are against deportations

Apart from muh ebil human sacrifice. Christianity and the arrival of the Spanish has been a downgrade.



I don't feel the need to argue with a retard who literally believes there's a magical sky daddy watching his every move and that he will burn in hell unless he embraces a desert sand monkey religion and worships a Jew on a stick. There's no convincing brainlets like you, you'll believe what you want to believe regardless of how many stupid things I point out about your irrational beliefs.

Hahaha don't make me laugh. You mean like the prodesrants that have female bishops that is a lesbian and married with adopted kids?

Kill your self.

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Rome rules us all faggots

>Knight of Malta, Jesuits, Colombus, Opus day , public Masonic orders infest the US government
>Jesuits assassinated a pope for disbanding them, Napoleon restored them in Europe with force
>Jesuits trained Stalin, Kim Jung Un, Hitler and all the other leaders at their military academies

Even Trump has been trained at a Papal military facility. All the while stupid faggots gargle mainstream memetics about the retarded Jew.

Why does Rome hate Jews? Because they can't be so easily manipulated, also likely because the religion doesn't fully carry the social programming of Rome

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Im not a catholic, you mongrel.
Catholics literally are polytheists and practice idolatry

>real christians, the protestants, are not however.

Thats fucking cute, considering the fact most of the degeneracy today is result of you imbeciles

Christian Byzantine was great 300-1300. Western Europe was saved by monks and monetarists, preserving European and Christian culture. Outside these Christian islands of civilization, it was downfall.

Islam never conquered Christianity, unlike pagan Persian Empire and large portions of pagan Hindustan. Christian Europe conquered the Muslim Ummah and the Muslim caliphate was abolished. Atheist Sweden invites and pay for Muslim invaders.

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Christianity is the religion of the weak. No wonder is getting replaced by islam.

I'm Christian and I am for mass deportation of all illegals and anchor babies

Question for you "Classical Christians" (I like that suggestion) in this thread: let's say that hundreds of millions of followers are wrong and that every major and influential denomination of Christianity has been subverted to the detriment of Western society. How do you even remotely approach that problem and begin to fix it?

Every sect of Christianity on the planet disavows racism because "we are all gods children in his eyes". A lot of pagans are larpers but at least they acknowledge race explicitly as important where as Christian just hide their racism.

Traditional Catholics don't agree with the Pope on migration, because he's not infallible in this regard.

Believe me Swedish atheist ape. I am far better and more educated than you, with a substantial higher IQ. Your atheism is based on ignorance and stupidity. Nothing more. Thanks for making that so obvious and showing everyone why Sweden is so retarded and imploding. You have never been conquered in recorded history. Now you atheist apes pay for your own destruction and invasion. Atheism is the height of stupidity. No wonder Dawkins run away from every debate with William Lane Craig.

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Trumpism is the biggest enemy of itself.

They are ripping kids away from their mothers breastfeeding them and them arresting them for resisting.

With this kind of shit they will manufacture majority support for open borders fast!!

Maybe that's what Trump secretly wants????

>it’s an atheist tries to use scripture to convince Christians to let them enforce degeneracy episode

I’m not even an atheist lmao

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>great fromgame 300—1300?
Why? It was constantly btfo and outside of healthcare was mostly irrelevant.

Half of Europe was held by Muslims.

Do you know that Christians banned philosophy and its because of them that we have lost so much? „Stay clear of pagan books“ Apostolic Constitutions.
„As for the writings of the Greeks they are all put out and vanished“ Chrysostom

>2000 year old consistent and unbroken history and understanding of Christianity.
Holy shit the delusion.
What are the multitude of schisms, conflicting ideals, and political organizations then?
Hell, the anabaptists were practically 16th century communists.

Don't give me that horseshit.

Why is it always jews talking about Vatican conspiracies. Even the crazy proddies who made conspiracy videos are often ethnic jews. Why do specifically you guys hate the Vatican so much?

I am not a racist. But I am against multiculturalism, see tower of Babel, and race-mixing, see how God dealt with Israel. We have a new Pact, so race-mixing is not explicit forbidden, but clearly discouraged, and definitely in a large scale. The idea of a people ruling themselves, with fix borders and own identity, is typical European, and based on God's dealing with Israel in the Old Testament. I am no racist, but all foreigners have to go home. That would also include Jews.

There is no ban on race-mixing in paganism. Al l major neo-pagan organizations are pro multiculturalism and mass-immigration, The pagans you see on Jow Forums is for the most part atheists, making up their own stuff, and rambling a lot about pagan la-la land.

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>a man
He was a man not jesus nor what the bible says.

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I hate these fucking people. They are up there with socialists. The most vocal of them live far away from the direct, day-to-day consequences of their suicidal marching orders.

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>We have a 2000 year old consistent and unbroken history and understanding of Christianity.
I would say it's even older. The OT is just Christianity before Christ was born. Judaism wasn't invented until hundreds of years after Christ's birth and includes their own extra fanfics.

>I’m not even an atheist lmao
So what theistic God do you believe in?

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>we were strong Christian nations
HAHA Yeah you think this was real? Because guess what kiddo christian kings allowed in fuckloads of nonwhites.

These are the same "churches" that let gays in as pastors, too. They twist the Bible to support whatever they want, truly degenerates.

Byzantine Empire was in constant decline throughout its history. Plagued by civil wars, religious strife, famines and overblown bureaucracy. In fact, it was the Byzantine Emperors who initially settled nomadic Turks in Anatolia, hoping for a mass conversion like with the Slavs a couple of centuries earlier. They saw the seeds of their own destruction. 4th crusade and the subsequent sacking of Constantinople didn't help either.

lmao what are you smoking snow nigger? because of christianity the romans got weak .

They are the reason Greeks aren’t descendants of the Ancients. Greece is the prime example of what happens whento you turn Christian

Not true. Show me your documentation for ban of pagan books. And please note that since you gave a general statement about Christianity, you must demonstrate a consistent and widespread doctrine and practice. Some dude saying something, sometime is not enough. And before you talk about Arabs giving us books, where did the Arabs get them from?

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>antichristian post

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ah, yes yes because one tweet represents every single one of us. good call.

>I'm not a racist.
That's it. Christianity got you by the balls. Racism isn't something abhorrent. It's a biological reaction to limited resources available in the world. You put your blood above all else. Not everyone can survive. You have to make sure it's your kin who will thrive and prosper.

All major Christian doctrines have been clear and consistent. Your comment is garbage. If what you are saying is true, you will have no problem finding major Christian theologians pre boomers, advocating multiculturalism and third world mass immigration. Go ahead, lying atheist, show us your documentation.

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>4th wave faggot Christians interpreting the Bible how they want in order to push an agenda.
These people are all going to hell, unironically.
Sage as usual

>I am not a racist.
Then what good are you to the white race? If all you want is to be "brother in Christ" with borders then your an idiot because those "brothers" are going to tear down those borders to come live with you because we both know none whites create shit environments.

man you really are fucking stupid

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We have the tale of Simeon Stylites. The historian Ammianus Marcellinus refers to owners burning books in his work the Later Roman Empire. Theodoret and Augustine mention how philosophies like Epicureanism are banned.
But Christians like Arabs to preserved some, that is true. In general though Christianity has neen a downgrade.

Sure thing nip. I bet he would gook nukem your kiddie porn anime asses and reclaim the purity of the whites by casting the kikes out who are promoting such race bait posts and blood mixing.

Now for their actual policies... The popes even invited and maintained jewish comunities in Italy, shielding them from persecution, while consenting with their usury privileges, and even with the banking practices of the Rothschilds...
"If you worship your enemy, you are defeated. If you adopt your enemy's religion you are enslaved. If you breed with your enemy you are destroyed." - Ancient Greek quote

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For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews' spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings - Romans 15:27

And Charlemagne's court was full of jews, who enjoyed privileges, especially the long lasting usury one that was soon reinstated afterwards, and was backed by the church.

Charlemagne, when not attacking the Saxons and killing their nobles at parleys, or invading christian Italy, was busy fighting the Basques, who were being overwhelmed by the muslims, while sending embassies to the Caliph. He also invaded fucking Croatia, instead of pushing more against the muslims who were in civil war, which allowed them to rule in there for 700 years... Charlemagne is far from being the only case here, even the popes consented with the Rothschilds banking practices...

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I am not a racist. Meaning I don't hate and wish ill on a person, just based on their race. What you are talking about is not racism, but what you will find in the Old Testament regarding Israel.

Where is the racism in paganism, or atheism. Show me.

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you sure you wanna do this?

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>modernists turn Christianity from a religion based on order and subservience to God into gay shit
>this is the fault of traditionalist christians
look I hate the antipope and these cucks more than any of you pagantards ever could

>this kills the atheist larping pagans

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Or a douchey goth faggot who mansplains or identifies as ayylmaogbta.

>more 4th wave “Christianity”
Lmao nice meme

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it's actually the reverse modernist christians base their values on secularhumanism

They barely can manage their own collection of idols much less a nation state

Look up the term racist. You have no clue. We had borders in Europe for centuries. We did not get flooded due to the scenario you are painting. Clearly your analysis is wrong. After we got atheism and neo-paganism ruling Europe we got third world (Muslim) mass immigration.

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>Haha were killing the roots of traditional Europe, fuck white people who don't do what we tell them to do!
Christians are always in favor of genocide as long as the person they are killing is their own for worshiping the wrong god.

post the entire thing kike


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see now cry more.

>blaming religion for a society's collapse when society's collapse has progressively warped the religion

>Christian theologians pre boomers, advocating multiculturalism and third world mass immigration.
Again, look up the anabaptists.
>All major Christian doctrines have been clear and consistent
The very fact that there's more than one demonstrates that understanding of christianity is not clear or unbroken.
More than that,protestantism isn't at all consistent, even internally.

>blocks your path

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lol blocks your own path
kill yourself

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>After we got atheism and neo-paganism ruling Europe we got third world (Muslim) mass immigration.
Holy shit you looney dude. It's not atheists and Pagans writing the laws that get these people in it's Jews. It doesn't matter what once was, what is, is that your being invaded and if anything Christians doing nothing or are passively helping.

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Woah scary

What is Asatru?
Asatru - Europe’s Ancient Religion Reborn
Tales of Blood and Gods Some Thoughts on Religion and Race
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The Noble Virtues Defined
Odin’s Volk - Virtues
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What is a Rune?
The Sacred Calendar and Rites of Asatru
Why the European Religion?
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The Utter Necessity and Normality of A Profound Resistance
My cause on behalf of my noble Race and Asatru racial-spirituality
The Dark Ages
Kemp on Christianity
Why Christianity Can’t Save Us

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Thanks JIDF