Cultural Appropriation

>A white guy plays one of your country's traditional instruments at a master's level
How do you feel?

Attached: jap flutist.jpg (1280x720, 59K)

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sony won e3


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Kek, they are dominating the world with their culture

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Japan literally supports weebs that handle their culture with the utmost respect, so long as they didn’t just get it from anime, and they’ve actually studied the nuance and practiced for years.

Cultural appropriation is a US Dem vs. white people thing.

>i think it is a beautiful display of two cultures coming together, imagine what simpletons thought as they played this instrument 500 years ago, never would they think of a world in such harmony

asians dont give a shit about this
only faggot liberal asian americans who know next to nothing about their own ancestral cutlures

Cultural appropriation is natural and how cultures form and grow.
We integrate the best and shed away what doesn't work.

If this is the case then black people aren't allowed to make rap or rock



as a chinese, I dont give a shit.

I'm impressed. in my school we had some wypipo in the Chinese Orchestra as well. there is literally nothing wrong with foreigners having passion and interest with Asian culture

Takeo Ischi is brilliant. And he's still out there:

Honorary Bavarian. If you ever wondered why the nips were our allies during WWII... hard to explain, but our cultures are extremely compatible. They respect and like our stuff, we respect and like their stuff.

nisei here
I feel flattered that he loves our culture so much he would take the time and hard work to master one of the traditional arts

By the way that's not a flute

Ghosts of Tsushima looks good.

Yeah there hasn't been a good chanbara game since Bushido Blade.

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Not your culture.your culture is American.

>American culture
There is no culture here my friend
Not in this state I'm currently living in

No. Only WASPS are american

That the guy from Ikiru?

Truly honorary aryans.

>at a master's level
dude sounded like absolute garbage lmao

Honorary Bavaryan you mean?

But yeah... There's this thing about nips: they are able to dedicate themselves fully to a task they want to achieve, no matter what. Call it autism, or work ethics, or whatever. We are the same, so I guess they are our soulmates.

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There was never any culture in Europe either

This studied iado and jodo for a while went to Japan for a grading the head teacher was a absolute bro he liked the fact people from other countries wanted to learn his cultures martial arts.


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You might not realize it because you live IN it, but our culture is our mindset. We have a completely different understanding of individuality, austerity, and self determination than the rest of the world.

We have our ills, but our virtue is literally foreign to most people. We have the freedom to think as we please, even if its idiotic. Most people outside the US don't get it, they never will.
You have to have born here and lived here your whole life (and taught correctly) but it really does set us apart.

Our culture is us, it is living as long as we live. Other nations have to "practice" their culture to keep it from being a zombified state.
Simply existing is us flexing our culture for all to see.

We are superior.

feel hilarious

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The best part is I wasn't joking or exaggerating. I honestly believe it.
Put it this way, you came to a US based website of people talking english, and talking about whatever the fuck they want freely, and knowing they are free to say it.

I have never been to a german website.

The whole world recognizes our mindset as superior, most just can't handle the strings attached (there are strings).

Attached: LaughsInFreedom.jpg (500x333, 13K)

Never been to many German websites either, they suck. We got Krautchan which is a low test copy of Jow Forums and on most boards you have to wait for hours to get a reply, if you're lucky. I don't mind talking English, I love languages. Got latin, greek, hebrew, french, spanish and a little esperanto under my belt. Oh, and some russian, arabic and polish too, but only a few phrases. English is extremely easy to learn for Germans, that's why most of us are bilingual at least.

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Thats good shit user.
I used to know some Polish curses from my old roommate, but thats it. And broken spanish because USA.

This fills me with joy.

I lost a friend over a debate on cultural appropriation. She was a tubro-liberal but prime petite pussy. I passed up a chance on dating her to yell at her on the internet about I thought cultural appropriation was bullshit. No regrets.

China is this way too, if you're fluent in Chinese they absolutely worship you and women will literally suck your dick.


good lad.
no amount of pussy is worth sacrificing your morals for.

This is awesome, thanks for sharing.

I get this sort of feeling watching them really get other cultures like what you posted but also watching Jap heavy metal groups, they play the music as good as Westerners. it's really something.


flute guy so cringe

I wish the Jews would master fucking off

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Another good one.

Yup. Disrespecting Japan is just stupid. As for metal or techno... they are on our level, or even beyond. What I miss is that dirty and fucked up bit, their music sounds too clean even if it's metal they are playing. But hey, different culture. Probably their metal and techno sounds completely fucked up to their ears and we just don't get it because we are not used to those nuances and spoiled with easy access to drugs or any kind, know what I mean?

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They treat you like a novelty, nothing more.
Even if you speak their language better than they do, live there for 40 years and gain citizenship, you will always be a foreigner.

you'll be something better than a national.

protip: everyone aside from your direct kin treat you as a novelty.
This is globally true, it is a human constant. Don't delude yourself otherwise.

>TFW the game is closer assassin's creed game than odyssey or origins


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AssCreed doesn't even pretend to be anything other than propaganda and a deliberate rewriting of history at this point.
The "game" is only a vehicle for marxism now.
Gaming is so fucked right now.