Why are conservatives so prone to violence?
Why are conservatives so prone to violence?
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You seem upset. Did your daddy fuck you? Did you love it?
$18 billion lmao nice try fake news
At least they're not as prone to violence as the left.
Nice b8 m8
At $100/day, which is pretty good money to stand around with a sign, that's 180 million protesters, which is over 70% of the adult population of the United States.
Seems like it'd be a pretty big deal, but that article's from October 2017 and I don't remember a worldwide riot last year.
What are some noteworthy Antifa terrorist attacks lately?
Eric clanton
You seem upset.
its funny that you are actually retarded
newsflash organizing a protest is a bit more than what you think it is.
BLM chants "kill the pigs, fry them like bacon" and lo and behold, 4 dead cops killed by a BLM sympathizer. How many minorities have been killed by the alt-right again?
>*gets mocked*
>Y-y-y-you're just an-angry
18 billion dollars, for a single day of protests?
For context, Wrestlemania 32 made $170 million, which is less than one percent of $18 billion. Imagine 100 Antifa Wrestlemania events all at the same time. I feel like I'd remember that, instead of nothing at all happening that day.
>*gets mocked*
>Post consists entirely of the word "faggot"
>Calls it mockery
>I feel like I'd remember that, instead of nothing at all happening that day.
yeah they pussed out but an empty threat is still a threat
>insults aren't a form of mockery
>the picture you posted isn't part of your post
I'm sorry, are you telling me that George Soros spent 18 billion dollars, more than the budget of every Marvel movie and TV show combined, on a single day event, and we missed it because organizing a protest is hard?
>*Literally nothing happens*
>We sure showed him!
why do you find it so hard to believe that most people fear bullet wounds more than they love money?
How many people did George Soros pitch on this idea before giving up? How on earth did he plan to interview and hire tens of millions of people in the first place? What was the logistical setup for this? How many HR people were involved? Aren't mercenaries a thing that exist and couldn't he have hired paramilitary groups directly? Wouldn't 18 billion dollars in one-day spending have had a massive an obvious effect on the economy? If he was planning it in mid-October, what was his timetable, exactly? Why would you fear being shot is there were 170 million other protesters and your personal odds of injury were infinitesimal?
>How on earth did he plan to interview and hire tens of millions of people in the first place?
he didn't hire individuals you drooling retard. communists tend to gather in communes. he commissioned pre-existing groups of communists
They are just conflating the amount he's pledged to the "Open Your Borders" Society.
It's not $18B for one protest but grassroots radicals are definitely getting plenty of that money.
There was some fag from LA though that was putting out a fake Paid Soros meme campaign for lulz and then got BTFO on Tuckers show.
I'm far from convinced by the offical narrative on Charlottesville. There are a lot of suspicious things about that incident and there is evidence now that Antifa were attacking cars and threatening them with weapons.
As for your faggot assertion you people won't even allow some kike like Ben Shapiro to speak without violence or threatening a hecklers veto while you shoot up Republican politicians and threaten violence to anybody who dares to wear a hat with a political slogan you don't like. You have no business lecturing anybody about political violence. The left wrote the book on that. Nobody is more violent than the radical left. When far left regimes get into power millions of people die and millions of people starve but you are a retarded dickmunching shill so you probably never heard about that.
Because its fun. Are you scared or something?