IG Report

Just got home from 14 hour work day. Can someone give me a quick rundown of the IG report? Pic not related.

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cock goes where?

Literally fucking nothing.

Tomorrow is gonna be a massacre.

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Go on?

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another memeburger

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Strzok and Page flat-out had a convo about "stopping" Trump, and there's a line about the Clinton Foundation and "crimes against children." Trump has said nothing for almost 12 hours now. Tomorrow will be bloody. And beautiful.

Federal agents trash-talking the president during elections is breach of protocol. There might be some wrist-slaps; but nothing to foam at the mouth over.

Pic related sums it up

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shows FBI ignored thousands of emails on wiener laptop in order to go after trump instead all done by the comey cunt. Still more to come

>T Swift's expression...
My gf made the same face when she say my dick for the first time. She followed it up with "its so cute..." Feels good man.

the word is likely impeachment of Trump tomorrow.

Nothing. Nothing will EVER happen. The Swamp will never be drained.


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wtf is wrong with right wing retards? do they not remember that Comey handed Trump the election with that memo a week before election day?

wtf i love comey now

Oh wait? It was Comey now? I thought Big Bad Vlad stole it away?

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She summarizes it pretty well

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god i wish i could smell taytay's hair

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there are armies of russian shills online who shill for trump because he's russia's puppet but im referring to the comey memo a week before the election

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>Just got home from 14 hour work day. Can someone give me a quick rundown of the IG report? Pic not related.
It was a big nothing burger, don't you feel like going to sleep?

Cute is not a good thing to call a penis...

Comey 2.0

Why was the head of counterespionage (as Strzok calls himself) running a supposedly criminal investigation into how Hillary Clinton used email as Secretary of State?

That's a question that's legitimately never been asked and should be

What's more interesting is that Bill Priestap's wife was on the 9/11 comission and worked at Kroll. Her mother and father are influential Khazars too

I know what you're referring to, but it's stated in the media daily that Russia colluded with Trump and that is what swung the election towards him. Now you're saying it's James Comey? Even though he fully cleared her again publicly for a second time even closer to the election?

Which is it? Can't be both

So are they going to reopen the Clinton investigation or what? Also who is going to decide how the FBI people get prosecuted for this?

>and then I woke up and realized i had LARP-ejaculated all over my Mom's panties

In cases where no prosecution is brought, they aren't ever really closed, they can be reopened anytime new evidence becomes introduced. Ask Paul Manafort. DOJ sat on his indictment for 10 years until it became expedient for the Mueller team to move forward with it. (Ironically this will also be one of the pitfalls for Mueller, as the judge assigned is looking at dismissing it with prejudice because it clearly falls outside the scope of Mueller's mandate nor did it's investigative findings "arise" from anything related to the 2016 election - again, it just sat on a shelf at DOJ until they found an opportunity to use it for political points)

Horowitz (IG)is a jew name...
Rosenstein - jew

take a wild fucking guess what happened

There's lots of great juicy new shit in it. They just fudged the conclusions (we already knew it would be mostly toothless given OIG lack of subpoena and prosecutorial discretion). The "no political bias" meme was taken largely out of proper context, as the report more or less details 500+ pages of manifested political bias, page after page. Hardly a nothingburger. Clintonbots are up all night drafting new countermeme campaigns to combat some of the really nasty new shit that the report confirmed as fact

can be both

r u retarded

Oh youre a reality denier


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>tfw the blood of a great, dead empire is in your veins

my copypasta
Hillary Clinton
"crimes against children"
OIG report, p. 282, I think
She's fucked it's just going to take a while
HRC and Obama won't get rolled up until late 2019 or 2020
All the scumbags will get BTFOd starting this summer thru 2020
Horowitzs job is to look impartial and present facts
Huber and the other DOJ folks are handling the prosecutions
There is a lot NOT in this report due to the ongoing investigations
user sleep well cause IT'S FUCKING HABBENING!!

Here is a good thread on why todays DOJ OIG report is so explosive


The FBI using their institution to sabotage Americas Elections shows willful and malicious negligence in their deference towards the United States making them an unlawful hostile actor in their efforts against the United States. It would be as easy as indicting a ham sandwich with any grand jury.

This shows they wont stop user, that is what RICO is for, you dont wait until an organized group completes what they want to do, its used to stop an organized effort to cease its criminal action. Right now the News, SPLC, AIPAC and ADL are buying our leaders off, RICO is the tool given to us to stop these aggressions against our country and people. These Fake News organizations operating in unison is an organized effort breaching the most sacred of public trusts, the freedom of the press by working against the people to form false narratives. Its time Trump strikes back.

Should Trump fail to act, he only leaves the door open for rogue actors to attempt to fix the situation which would only make matters worse. For Trump to Make America Great Again, he must implement RICO effective immediately to shutdown these cartels of crime and save our country...

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The whole document pretty much points out how reddit the people involving with the Hillary email and Russian collusion case are and needed to be fired if not charge all together.

But the executive summary and the FBI press conference just white wash it as if nothing serious happened.

>Part 29

Fuck twitter so hard

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God that image its like reddit and the fbi were the same all along.

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This absolutely shattered the image I had of the FBI.

perhaps the FBI created leddit

fun fact the the ads the russians used and that the left pretended are the manipultion have been bought by Russians AFTER trump was elected, bet you dumb faggot didnt know this FACT.
Meaning you are all retarded monkeys at best.

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Interesting point by someone on a law blog:

""Worried of threats of retaliation by a person famous for never forgetting a slight?"

I think that this is underappreciated. Strzok was one of two agents to interview Crooked Hillary. One of the things that he and Page discussed in their text messages was that he was going to treat her with kid gloves, because he very much did not want to be on her shit list, once she became President. This is a woman who never forgot a slight, and to the extent possible, got her revenge. She is famously vindictive, and that fear of her, much more than political leanings, was a lot more of a factor in the FBI going soft on her and her minions. Little love for her, but a lot of fear."

Reddit is going apeshit

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alright im going to give you guys my half-baked stream of consciousness review of the first 100 pages (but only because all the shills seem to be in a meeting)

>1. background and all the shit you already know if you browse Jow Forums seriously
>2. details on mishandled classified documents
>3. emails, emails, emails- three servers and the FBI didn't think to grab any devices except for the compromised ones.
>4. Lynch and Comey DO NOT AGREE on what was said on various occasions. no trust, it seems
>5. we don't need no stinking search - warrant we got consent
>6. lol i backed up your emails so you wouldn't lose them! yay!

the really juicy stuff happens later, i know. maybe their tactic is to bore us to death so we don't bother reading to the end and getting the good shit.

are you re-LAX-ing now after that long day? are you having some "me time" ARE YOU ENJOYING EXISTENCE?!!?

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lmao what a fail

Funniest gif I’ve seen in months.

Nothing is going to change unless we make it change.

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exterminations are necessary, but wont occur

move along

What is your point?

Reading through some of these FBI messages has me taken aback by how both stupid and smug these people are.

No wonder terrorist and shootings happen in this country if these people are anything to go by.
Speaking of which, why do we have so many intelligence agencies when they can't do fuck all to prevent attacks and mass killings that happen in this country?
The few of the FBI agents I respect is Ted Gunderson.

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Nothing crazy in the report. I think a lot of people take Hillary's emails out of context. The craziest thing in the report is that Comey had also used his own Gmail account from time to time. And, if anything Comey had broken protocol by reporting that the FBI had found additional emails on Wiener's laptop. So what. Much ado about nothing. Even with the Russians and Wikileaks breaking in to Hillary's emails, they still didn't find anything illegal going on. It's just animus towards Hillary for no reason. So what if FBI agents used government devices to relay personal messages from time to time. Nobody has demonstrating anything horrific going on with Hillary's email account. This is a dumb distraction and a waste of our paychecks.

Let's talk about Devin Nunes, head of the intelligence committee investigating Trump (and member of Trump's transition team)... obstructing justice.

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seriously this will sway as many votes as Hillary’s “basket of deplorables” dif

And this needs to go viral

There has been an upsurge in people posting shitty low res images. CIA niggers I say.

Its a big nothing until people get indicted or the bajillion warrants get unsealed. Otherwise we wait for pedo justice with just our two cent to rub together and numb nuts. Dems blue balled us worse than t swift cucked drew. Devils cock goes where?

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