Black woman catches up to a kid who called her the n-word

Jow Forums BTFO

you could actually sense the self awareness and shame that runs through this one.

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Other urls found in this thread:

totally fake because a nigger would never have the sense to not show the kids face

Kids a little cuck, never give a nog the time of day, or for that matter any fucking person, some fag comes up to you and wants to start shit kick their fucking teeth in like a man

A violent reaction from words, how primal

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FUCK wh*toids

the only BTFO that needs to be done here is a estwing rock hammer to the head of the negress.

Don't do shit like that and this wouldn't happen. Whites are supposed to be smart

>I could be the wrong black person. I could be a black person with a gun

Proving they are all animal niggers that deserve to be skinned and hung from hooks by their chimp eye lids.

Easy to talk shit on the net, William.

no. you crack a niggers skull in and leave it to die.


sweet sweatshirt

That kid is totally the prototypical Jow Forums poster. Talks all sorts of shit online. But when they make a racist comment in RL and realise that shit got real, they cower like a little bitch boi. lmao



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This is more than likely fake, that's more than likely her boyfriend and this was all made to stir p fake outrage.

Probably. The whole confederate flag shirt gave it away. Who the fuck would wear that everyday?


You are now aware of the fact that niggers in the United States are completely surrounded by a well armed white population. Literally all of them.

One of these days we're not going to run.

shit, these niggers get triggered by the confederate flag 150 years after the WHITE MAN freed their sorry gibsmedat ass.

we really need a final solution to this problem.

Strong words Marcelle.

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This is fake.

her argument is that, shes not a nigger, but that most blacks are niggers and have guns and shoot people over words? what a NIGGER

>leaf with a good point

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They call each other nigger all day, then when a white person does it they attack them? Sounds like blacks are the racist ones

Posting super gay ‘bantz’ images. Why?

>i could be a black person with guns
>i could be black person with friends that have guns
>and you're LUCKY IM NOT

what a fucking NIGGER

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Just be patient. When the true consequences of multiculturalism become apparent to the white race there will be a collective mass redpilling moment.

This sort of problem fixes itself.

Keep boycotting America and chewing on your cuck pork while our bacon melts in our mouths

As usual, fpbp.
Also, what a cohencidence the kid just happens to have a Dixie flag costume on.
fake and gay af

For every legally armed white theres ten more blacks illegally packing, Billy. Only difference is you have way more to lose than they do

Thought it was pic related but OP is just a faggot. I think she was in the right here. She didn't touch him, just warned him there aren't as nice niggers who might have shot him for doing what he did to her and to cut it out before he gets himself killed or really hurt.

>Only black people have guns
Are you even American or a D&C shill?

and why is this monkey talking like a KKK south member

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you give niggers far too much credit. drive-by's only count in nigger-town. and niggers can barely understand how to load a gun provided they don't shoot their own foot or face off first.

>as can be ssen here the negress catches her prey in preparation for mating.

>Jow Forums leaves the basement


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Legally armed whites practice at the range and maintain their shit while nigs with their falling apart allay-bought pieces of shit can’t hit shit because they shoot fucking sideways

thank God I live in eastern Poland
I haven't seen a nigger for roughly 13 years, and when I have it was in d England

Fuck you leaf you faggot.

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100 bucks that you're the same kind of little shits as the white kid in this video. God damn you're fucking pathetic.

wrong. double this kids age easily and love popping them nigger targets at the range. you can send the 100 to me paypal nigger lover

for anyone wondering where the OP pic is from, its from the time leftists attacked trump supporters at a california trump rally


I hate niggers. Get the fuck out of my country or im gonna flatten your fucking ghetto with a killdozer.

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>call a black person nigger for no reason
>gets put in his place
>shrivels up like some child
Love these types of people. I honestly do. Talk all types of tough shit, but when confronted they recoil and become submissive. He needs to learn some basic manners and respect - doesn't matter if you hate the person, you show respect. The replies to this post isn't surprising, Americans really are the niggers of white people.

The black actor in this skit speaks and acts like someone in the Human Resources dep't in some shit gov't agency, not like an authentic nigger would.
Fake and cringe? Agreed

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This bitch just created the next Dylan Roof.

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kek you're fucking retarded

surprised you took the abo-nigger cock out of your mouth long enough to post

>mfw expressing my honest opinion

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He can do that whilst posting though

>for no reason
Mhmm. Hiow often do you hear white people say nigger? No reason my ass. She had to have done something. Probably almost hit him. Obviously she was in a hurry that day. She didnt stop to chimp out. It seems plausible that she almost hit him. But what the fuck would i know. I dont speak monkey.

help me understand. is that some kind of gorilla-human hybrid?


Just a reminder that blacks aren't people

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Can't tell if serious

Not an argument and you sound scared

Nerve gas.

This has to be fake. You can't both be that proud yet also that shameful. Realistically somebody with a confederate sweater would accept her confrontation and not coil up.
Also "I could be a Black person who MURDERS YOU OVER WORDS" lul wtf I love niggers now

>Also "I could be a Black person who MURDERS YOU OVER WORDS" lul wtf I love niggers now
Right, cuse no other group of people fight or kill over words? most fights start over just words exchanged

This thread and this board. Also nice nigger-tier logic you've got going there.

how can you type when your fingers are coated with abo-nigger sperm from your master. fingers not sticking to the keyboard?

>Mhmm. Hiow often do you hear white people say nigger? No reason my ass. She had to have done something.
There is no other group of people that I have seen more than whites attack others for no reason other than simply existing in their vicinity while being the wrong color. I have seen plenty of whites walk up to some nonwhite person and attack them simply for being nonwhite

"Start with" as though whipping out a gun is a proper escalation to being slurred once. The kid in that video didn't verbally escalate anything past that.

>There is no other group of people that I have seen more than non-whites attack others for no reason other than simply existing in their vicinity while being the wrong color. I have seen plenty of non-whites walk up to some white person and attack them simply for being white

didn't watch, why would you call a black person a nigger in public? even you hate blacks you hold that out in public, i've punched blacks in the jaw but I never yelled nigger and I never use that word, not even on this site.

"Run forest, run"

Why you hate black people? They're chill and cool as fuck

Fuck off you dumb fucking nigger lover. This thread is ass.

You want some too mate?

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staged. the nigger sounds like a red neck and nobody has a real southern accent any more. not even people in the south. people in fucking virginia do that shit talk with a fake southern accent saying shit like their rehearsing for a gone with the wind reboot like "i do declare"

>Me angry
>Me smash
>Negro smart guder than white
And you wonder why we don’t want you living around us

the gayest part is that the guy must be a great friend of that niggress for helping her out on that stunt.

>1 post by this id
man, you guys are REALLY SALTY that trump won and exposed you fucks in the OIG report
theres more reports coming too

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I'm William, his name is Billy... and after kickin shits teeth in we share a 30 pack Bob.
> N E MOR Q'S??

The white kid in OP's pic is cute would suck his dick
>No homo

not worried about a fucking hi point... you'll shoot your eye out kid

I got slightly erect

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that coat is sweet.

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Jesus fucking Christ Jow Forums you’re an embarrassment


Words are not a violent attack and though their nature and presentation may justify you preparing for violence that may be done upon you they cannot be justification for carrying out violence pre-emptively upon a person. Words must be met with words. To be considered civilized this animalistic behaviour must stop.

tldr; grow a thicker skin.

You guys are fools.
In the south this sort of junk is typical. It wasn't long ago you'd often see blacks themselves sporting that flag.
When you actually live in the south where growing up in communities mixed with blacks and whites is normal and has been normal for many generations shit like this is common place.
I'm not even trying to argue that that makes the white kid a bad person or anything like that but this video is completely believable.

>niggers hunting down white kids
that's the future, soon

this. also so little ebonics. she sounds almost civilized like a real human bean.
her text must have been pre-written for her. I guess it's some viral SOROS media campaign.

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>female nigger bullying and threatening a kid because he said a mean word

Niggers must be purged from this Earth

I've seen one once in Gdansk. :o

True, niggers hate whites with a passion.


Americans aren't people.

European whites will always be people.

Wait wut? She's saying black people aren't capable of having guns and being non-violent? What fucking racist idea!

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Ha hah because onions green was made of people. PEE-PUHL!!!!!

He did nothing at all. What kind of drugs is she on?


I would have totally just responded to the
question with "well you ARE a nigger right?" I
mean that much is obvious.

she probably just wanted some white dick