>over 80% of the population lives in HDB apartments
>apartments are offered for a down-payment of just 20% of the total cost of the homes, with the balance covered by the national pension
pic related is what makes boomers urch
>over 80% of the population lives in HDB apartments
>apartments are offered for a down-payment of just 20% of the total cost of the homes, with the balance covered by the national pension
pic related is what makes boomers urch
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commie blox
Dont listen to Singapoor's propaganda - It's a metropolitan hellhole with a massive, low IQ robotic population who count on the government for everything.
You forgot to mention the HDBs cost at least 300k for a single room apartment and prices can go up to 1 million for the higher end HDBs. Everything's not sunshine and roses here. We have our own immigration problems too.
>cuck blocks
>just lower your standards goy
>just hook up with this divorcee slut with 3 kids instead of a pure waifu
well its all you got if you dont have millions
I was in Singapore many many times. It always made me feel its not a country, but a big, distopian IslandMall
fashyblox arent better than commieblox
It wasn't always like this.
What country is it?
What was it like before?
Looks like North Korea.
I like Singapore it's very ordered and doesn't feel as crowded as it should, it's a good thing that they hide them all in those commie blocks and keep them off the street. Also makes you realise why the poms never tried to mount an actual defence of the island, It's as flat as a tack.
this is the view from a 4MM apartment
srsly? are u in the wrong thread
Mostly I believe it has to do with Singapore being waterless, thus dependent on a resentful overpopulated country across a bridge and generally being too full of chinks and poo in loos for me to not release a deadly pandemic.
can get the same,if better view, from a 800k apt in tokyo
well the 4m doesnt just include the view.
it is a penthouse.
You won't believe but commie blocks was invented in Germany. Thank to western commie shitbags.
Singapore is a great country, even the industrial and logistics sectors are clean and ordered. It's full of trees and flowers, good ecological tourist attractions and nice malls but for an Aussie or American used to large spaces it would certainly be uncomfortable for long term living and raising a family.
It's funny that the only sector that is filthy and putrid if the poo in loo section which literally smells like a giant shitting street complete with stagnant water sitting on the ground in its sidewalks and food market.
Don't take notice of my troll name I'm not a chink
Is Singapore basically fascist or nah
Ive heard it is but without the nationalism
chewing gum is considering a hate crime
It's fascist insofar as it has some very strict laws on it's books, you hardly ever see a copper though and they're usually friendly.
It is a muslim hellhole.
Nuke them
Have you been there ? its like a giant dentists lobby, zero soul and everything ridiculous price as they import absolutely everything...
i had to live there for 6mths on a contract, hated it for living just there for the pay, onlt thing good about the place is its near to the rest of Asia for the weekend, other than that its just one big tower block and reminds me of a screensaver looking out most apt windows.. real sanitary and false as fuck.
It a one party democracy so really just a dictatorship, they jail the opposition and people disappear that get out of line thats true..
Saying that it is a smart dictatorship and has managed the economy of the place very well but mainly since HK was given back to China business has boomed and becoming the financial hub of Asia for obvious reasons.
10/10 would live.
Meh. Where I live isn't half as nice and a 1 bd, or even a shitty old house that's dilapidated and full of bugs, starts at 300k, with the good areas starting at 600k.
Really? But's it's so peaceful and prosperous. They can't possibly be muslim in practice. Maybe in name as token, but nonpracticing?
You don't actually own the apartments, you just lease them from the government for 99 years.
Pretty awesome stuff. Every country should aim to have its citizens be primarily homeowners, and have quality of life.
I dont wish to live like an insect.
tbqh worst korea-esque
why hasn't singapore laid massive water pipes to every major surrounding country so they're not reliant on malaysia in a crisis.
Did a construction site job today in the countryside of northern NSW, It was an acreage property with a citrus orchard but it also had ancient macadamia tree's dotted around, it gave me serious yearnings, I could live there like a fat hobbit.
>implying you wouldn't
It's run by Britaboo chinamen and something like 70% chinese, there are just a fair number of Malay/Indonesian people there.
Because that is what it is. Singapore is only fun if you're the 1% there.
Dirt poor fishing village in a swamp
You own that 4m penthouse?
Is that LA?
theyve already turned all rivers into lakes and gathered all the rainwater.
This soothes my autism
even if i had 4m i wouldnt
Ever did any shopping on Orchard Road?
You can unironically get a better Place in a better-off East European country like Slovenia or Estonia. Go to Prague if you want more people. Even with their somewhat higher houses, you get to live far better than in some fucking dystopian ant colony which looks ripped out of Soviet Russia.
yes. everyone has
Income would be much lower. No cheap vacations for you if you move to Prague and get Czech wage there.
Only cheap vacation would be to go to Ukraine
This is the best but not every country can do it but America has enough land.
>This is the best?
Dude this is a horrible way to plan your cities.
I don't think anyone actually wan'ts to live in Singapore, we're just merely admiring the way the have managed to corral their chinks and poo's into containment area's and kept the place clean for the occasional visit.
0 capital gains tax.
Except they never own the flat, basically just renting from the government
Because I have a house. Why would I want to live in a cubicle?
>I don't think anyone actually wan'ts to live in Singapore
lol all the (smart) rich people are there
>live in house
>have to constantly pay money to repair the 9000 shit that breaks
>have to spend every weekend slaving on the grass to avoid getting a fine
>located 2 hours drive (5 hours by public transit) from your workplace
>nothing special, just a basic house. Couple of rooms, a shitty kitchen, and a bathroom modeled in the 80s
>have apartment in sky tower
>be a fucking wizard on the tenth story with a city view
>able to take the elevator down and walk outside, instantly surrounded by cool stuff to do, central location, lots of people and things around
>have no responsibilities other than rent. If something breaks the landy will fix it within 3 days.
>no lawn to tend, no worrying about the roof in a hail storm
>common area amenities include a gym, hot tub, pool, free coffee, free wifi, and a lounge area with comfy as fuck couches, television, and study areas
>no excess space in home to clean, cleaning it takes 10 minutes instead of 10 hours to clean a house
>everything is within easy reach, no running back and forth from this room to that and up and down stairs all day like a plebian
>meet interesting people every day, make friends and even find lovers in your own apartment complex, lots of other complexes around the area as well
>can walk everywhere you need to go, don't need to own a (((car))) and pay 100 different bills for it
>commute to work is 10 minutes by bicycle, and there is a bus line right outside the complex that would take you directly there
Gee willikers Bobby Joe, those city slicker folk don't know what they're missin'. Hows about we go on our bimonthly 4 hour treck to wally world and get sum a dem groceries, we's is out of mac and cheese. *roof caves in from accumulated water damage.* Dang it, get the tarp out again.
No it's the best.
You literally never see it like pictured, idiot. You just live in your OWN house and have a little land. It's ideal.
Or you could live in a liveable city in a nice townhouse
I literally don't understand what is your problem with having your OWN house and your OWN fenced off backyard for activities. Not sharing apartment building with Muslims and Somalis?? KYS, toothpaste cuck.
>implying the only two options are either a McMansion in suburbia or an apartmentbuilding in a ghetto
you can own anything with enough money
How many Singaporeans have RUssian mailorder brides?
Because I live in Vancouver and once it passed 30% Asian in some areas it became a dystopian hellscape that drives me to murderously cussing under my breath on the daily.
>McMansion in suburbia
You don't even know what you're saying you leftist-brainwashed eurocuck.
You just have a psychotic hatred for America for no reason other than your leftist brainwashing.
You love your daily 2 hour commute to work and your food desert?
> who count on the government for everything.
Coming from shithole Malingsia where the Malay population live entirely on gibs
And they're wealthier than you in spite of their low iq?
Whats your IQ?
God, it was hot as hell as well. Never again. You guys can keep it.
Only niggers physically commute to work. Smart people telecommute, it's 2018 ffs.
> 2 hour commute
Throw away your bicycle and invest in real transportation. Oh and build decent highways like Americans then it'll be only 30 minutes.
You understand that if you want to provide this decent living conditions to many people then there will be distances from the city center you fucking moron??
This is basic shit.
Build good roads and make fuel cheap. Or live like cattle in commieblocks with Somalis.
So you're stuck in your McMansion with all the housewives and do conference calls all day?
Maybe just have more and smaller cities?
who wants to start a real estate agency in singapore?
>russian brides
those are rentals here
You can't force that, economics dictates that businesses flock in one place where all the others are also. That's why smaller cities are disappearing and big ones are getting bigger.
>save money and time, get 2-4 hours extra work done or sleep longer instead of (((commuting)))
>afternoon pussy before a home cooked lunch while you eat a lukewarm (((bagel))) in some cafeteria
Yeah I totally want to work in some shitty cubicle all day long.
Government can force that lol
What A fucking idiot
Is it Taiwan?
Because not all Americans don't want to live in that kind of density
>t urban planner
Government can force you to cut down trees in -50 degrees in summer closes while only feeding you 300 grams of bread if you work super hard all day and fill your quota.
Doesn't mean it's optimal.
You sound like you'll end up killing yourself over a petty cosmopolite discussion.
I'd rathsr kill myself than live in that psychotic anthill of a city state
Damn right. I telecommute and it’s the greatest thing to ever happen to me. I get to shitpost all fucking day when I should be working. Get paid 115,000 a year to talk to you faggots all day! Life is good.
who the fuck wants to live in a shitty fucking apartment
summer clothes