Guys I don’t think Trump will be getting re-elected after this camp stuff came out. His approval will literally plummet. It’s just like during WWII when we put Japanese children in camps.
Guys I don’t think Trump will be getting re-elected after this camp stuff came out...
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I don't understand how anyone can vote for Trump after he is literally putting children in concentration camps. That is so cruel, inhumane, and unacceptable.
KYS Faggots
Im voting for him twice if true
Back to plebbit, you fucking reprobates
Mehico is such a shithole, the people would rather be in American prison camps than Mexico.
I've never wanted to be one of the guys who calls a slide thread out and posts redpills. I need to save those infographics. Anyone have those?
he hasn't even built the wall like he said he would and he probably won't
So detain the parents along with their children in the same facility them.
There, problem solved.
Fuck off shill
Fuck Drumph and fuck white people.
We can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
There are people that care about invisible Mexicans in camps? Huh. Weird. Trump could execute a thousand Mexicans via bullets to the face on C-SPAN every morning and I wouldn't care one iota. I just assumed most Americans felt the same.
Trump is guaranteed to win re-election, mainly because the democrats have nobody to challenge him plus no platform to run on. “Fuck straight white Christian men” isn’t a platform, and all they have in their party (who would actually have a snowballs chance in hell of being elected) are, ironically, old white men. Not exactly a recipe for success.
t. Cleetus
Yes you heartless dumb fuck backwards ass hillbilly. Believe it or not, we aren’t pieces of shit like you and care about our fellow man.
Did you miss the part where the guy who put the Japanese in camps was the only POTUS elected for 3 terms?
>purposefully played up images of criminals being deported on the same day of a historic meeting will cost Trump reelection you guys
Seriously turn off the TV
fake and gay
>doesn’t understand you can’t bump your own threads
>meme flag
>no facts, just appeals to emotion and opinions
Yeah, nobody cares. Might as well spray paint your shit opinions on a overpass.
You can bump your own threads newfag redneck
Still haven't learned your lesson, eh? 2020 is going to be fun. President Trump is 100% right about one thing above all else. I am tired of winning. You guys make this too easy.
This. I’m honestly done with the party because all of the people in it have become Trumpcucks.
Pop quiz, Hotshot! The best way to stimulate the economy is what?
>Trump does the same as obama
>Trump follows the law
>reeeee, he won't get re-elected!!!!!!!!!
Elect Obama for a third term
4, actually. FDR was reelected in 1944, well after the Japanese were interned. Americans just didn't give a shit.
Typical democrat.
>but laws aren't suppose to apply to mEeeeEeeeee!
Might have, but OP definitely failed to mention that the recent crop of detainee pictures xir's alluding to are courtesy of the previous administration.
Those pictures floating around the internet that show children on a concrete floor surrounded by chain link fence? Supposed to be in a converted Walmart? They're from 2014. In the Obama administration.
Their latest platform is "We need Obama to tell us what to do". Funny, he isn't coming out into the spotlight now that he doesn't have executive immunity any more.
“Illegals suckbthey taking our Jerrrbs”
Min Later
Obama held more than twice what Trump has, first of all.
Secondly - Commit a crime (like invading a country illegally) with your kids, you're going to be separated.
Sage this stupid shit.