Who have such retarded ideas like pic related?

Did at one point architects went full retard or did I missed something. ITT post more shit like that - You rage You Lose.

I lost.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>muh ornaments

Bump for more proof of the decline of architecture.

Go home chaim

>it's dem kikez!!!

Attached: 1528714825950.jpg (2898x3883, 1.79M)

>hygiene musuem
ok - why? who need sthat shit? this like basic shit and you need a musem for that. move that shit to india


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Compared with brick buildings, steel building are more cost-effective, less labor intensive to build, better for the environment, and more impervious to typical fluctuations in temperature and moisture. They can also be visually appealing if the people building them cared.

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>implying there's something wrong with this building

This is better for the environment as well.

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No heating! Better for the environment!

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>gypsy palace removed
and nothing of value was lost

you're welcome :^)

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The Red Army was built from convicts and Americans emptied prisons and put people on the front line.

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>did architects went..
Your whole post went full retard.

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your buildings are all shit aswell the twin towers - you deserve another 9/11


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Wow, what happened? You lost all your old buildings!?


They take big groups of all ur "15 year old refugees" on field trips there every day

only a chaim think ugliness is beauty

yeah, and?

Some idiots with ammunition convinced them putting care into constructs was a waste of time.

hymmm, lets see Hans, city was destroyed by your grandfather?

at least we had buildings to lose unlike you

>implying they understand hygiene
>implying they understand german

get in the pit

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Jews did it.

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I am russian you pidor

>hehe day of the rope praise kek amirite

Hitler only demanded a portion of the land stolen after WWI and a united front against bolshevism. Danzig had a majority NSDAP government since 1933.


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>>implying they understand hygiene
>>implying they understand german
not implying that i said they go every day

good god...

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This is literally what Antifags and other shits want
>muh no peace
>muh anarchy
>muh evil police
>we dindu nuffin
>burning things is ok

Yay, an architecture thread.
Gonna dump some images before it gets deported to b*nt

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if you dump em ill make sure they're spread around

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I wonder why

Attached: Dresden-1945-89.jpg (1009x617, 373K)

I always wanted to know about Danzig was it ever since it's build german or polish? If it was polish - then leave it in poland, if it was german, leave it to germany. So that's my opinion.

Any american buildings that got kike'd?

He's not even trying anymore and he still get paid for shitposting. Ts ts ts

The aluminum cover got removed recently

Attached: corvin-aruhaz.jpg (570x752, 113K)

Yeah we sided with the Red Army after they invaded Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Romania and Finland. We dropped more than one million tons of bombs on German women and children while the men were off fighting the Red Army.

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NSDAP won an absolute majority in both the 1933 and 1935 Danzig elections. That's good enough for me.

Nice leafbro right here

This is just beyond digusting

i doubt that the people who buy $1000 hand bags would prefer the top one

And this is what was hidden underneath.
that's a lot of pigeon shit

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Cars. After the war all urban planning was based around car transportation and new roads, nobody yet known back then that it's going to turn into a problem. So, nobody really cared about the aesthetics, just about the transit. It's still going on because cities are still governed by the same people from a few decades ago


We've done terrible mistakes

>no protest ever
Really activates my almonds - or does it?

not this depressing thread again ffs

Yeah, they're retarded millenial cunts who don't even know what true beauty is or art

>move that shit to india
I used to visit it often when I was a kid
It's quite interesting

Why again? I didn't see one since 6 months prolly

What an amazing symbol of Jewish globalism. Literally covering up beautiful art with piles of animal shit.

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Sure, thanks.
Though I don't have that many new images

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you spelled "jews" wrong

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I present to you the greatest architectural abomination Melbourne has to offer. At the most busy intersection of our city we have 3 corners featuring Flinders Street Station, St Paul's Cathedral and Young & Jackson (a historic pub). Then on the 4th corner is Federation Square, a landmark so hideous that the architects couldn't find any work for up to a year after it's completion because nobody wanted them to touch their projects.

Attached: fed_sq_panorama_1360.jpg (1360x396, 236K)

So? Quick rundown

seeing it once is enough desu

>that's a lot of pigeon shit
it sure is

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At this point it's the only hope

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Boomers did this, They have ZERO appreciation for quality.

I'm sorry frenchbro

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haha that intercontinental sticks out like a such a sore thumb

>That church in the background
Is pic related, right?

Attached: Gedächtniskirche1.jpg (1608x2539, 2.99M)

This? A church? K

God help us with this abominations


There are diffrent exhibitons
it shows how your body works, like how you taste, hear and feel
Also shows the influence of smoking and other stuff on your body
it's good, especialy for kids

so this is the power of capitalism...

a great one in austria

Attached: kunsthaus graz.jpg (2126x1417, 513K)

Undeniably the shittiest bridge in Budapest. Fucking POS.

no that church is in berlin and my pic is Cologne

No pic was from Colonge, the Ebertplatz

Well, that almost sounds like I can learn this IN SCHOOL TOO ODER ETWA NET?

Meine Fresse

Fuck is this?

That fucking building sucks and the rooftop club is a nogland trash-hole. But that's kek because while I was there, two negers tossed another neger off the top.

The church in the bakground is St Agnes

It's way more interesting than a old guy standing in front of the class and talking
either vistit it and look at it or stop complaining

Well, to be honest, emissions-coated, diesel-enriched pigeon shit.

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Did he died? I hope so

Just saying you can place this somewhere else instead of destroying art like that

wrong, this shit already started in the late 20s

New Lviv Pogroms when?

gehry is a great architect

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>destroying art
what did it destroy ?
there was nothing before that

Both the Buda and Pest side had their own "palotasor" (palace row). As the name implies, it was a row of palaces on the river bank. Most of them were luxurious hotels, etc.
On the Pest side, only one survived the communists, one was completely burned out during the war and the rest got demolished for political reasons. The biggest loss was the Classicist Lloyd Palace, which was built at the beginning of the XIX. century, it was the home of the Hungarian Casino, the nobility often made historical decisions there. It had a great architectural and historical significance, even the architects begged the commies to not demolish it.
On the Buda side, half of the Palotasor was completely demolished, because it made the riverbank "cramped". Now there's only a park there.
The other half is pic related, it somewhat survived the war and the Reds in this crippled state.

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Nobody posted Scottish Parliament yet? Shit looks like a 9 year old fucked around in GMOD

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This. Boomers have shit taste