Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Fake News Edition


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>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)

>Einzelfall map,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E

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Other urls found in this thread:

German Chad in action.

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It was too good to be true

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Was it really fake news or are they actually pondering about their options for an 'after seehofer hits the fan' scenario? Wouldn't it be foolish not to have a plan, if the CSU is really considering to flip the table and this isn't a trick for publicity.

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And speculation as to Who brought this up?

According to 'Welt', it was 'Titanic'

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Pretty sure there are plans like that but this was still fake news by titanic/die partei

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/nsg/ needs your help translating an book about Jewish Law that claims it's ok to kill goyim.
/nsg/ needs your help translating an book about Jewish Law that claims it's ok to kill goyim.
/nsg/ needs your help translating an book about Jewish Law that claims it's ok to kill goyim.
/nsg/ needs your help translating an book about Jewish Law that claims it's ok to kill goyim.
/nsg/ needs your help translating an book about Jewish Law that claims it's ok to kill goyim.
/nsg/ needs your help translating an book about Jewish Law that claims it's ok to kill goyim.
/nsg/ needs your help translating an book about Jewish Law that claims it's ok to kill goyim.

/nsg/ needs your help translating an book about Jewish Law that claims it's ok to kill goyim.

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>Kraut/pol/ & AfD

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>jogging pants


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"Freistaat ist die im 19. Jahrhundert entstandene deutsche Bezeichnung für einen von keinem Monarchen regierten freien Staat, das heißt für eine Republik."

"Bereits im Mittelalter gab es die Bezeichnung frei für Stände, Reichsstädte oder Hansestädte. Dies stand für die Gewährung bestimmter Rechte, der Steuerfreiheit oder der eigenen Gerichtshoheit. "

"Es ist heute die amtliche Bezeichnung für die Länder Bayern (seit 1945), Sachsen (seit 1990) und Thüringen (seit 1993)."

Warum nicht richtig umsetzen und das "Freie Süd-Deutschland" gründen?

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I heard to Govt will collapse and Mad Merkel will be gone, is this true German bros?


In case someone didn't understand why AfD didn't support Lindner's Antrag today. Read it.

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First row seat even!

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never believe anything before it's 100% sure. politicians always say shit and then don't do it and internet forums always say it's happening when it's not.

>Christian Lindner and literally who

Merkel won't survive the next 12 months

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Heiliger St. Florian, verschon' mein Haus, zünd's andre an...

yeah I've had enough of other spastics already though

noooooooooo this cant be happeneing
its supposed to be her turn
Seehofer has to be shut down quickly

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>Schabenland and Bavaria United
Nah that wouldn't work. Stuttgart alone is at least as cucked as Köln and the surrounding area is like California to LA.

Merkel Documentary soon?

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Possible rape happened
more to follow…
>In Ottrau im Schwalm-Eder-Kreis soll am Donnerstag eine Frau vergewaltigt worden sein. Die Polizei bestätigte auf Nachfrage der HNA am Freitagmorgen, dass es einen Verdacht gibt.

i talked about Freistaaten which are Bayern, Thüringen and Sachsen

Hi, i see you made a thread here I see this is not just a mere feud to you, you are seriously angry that we like the AfD here. We have a Bizarro-Tay for the entire Thread's theme now.


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>salivating over women being raped
bottom of the barrel


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reminder that this is the only flag that should be seen flying, or antifa will do your windows

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Bottom of barrel best part of barrel.

oh, that would actually work bc to my knowledge Thüringen is also a Payer Country in the Länderfinanzausgleich and all of them are pretty based.

It is a misspelling, clearly fukken correct

Will you help remove my lobotomy? :—DDD

oh and bump

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i live in thüringen. it's the most beautiful place i've ever lived at. everything is so full of nature. i just have to open my window (living rural) and it smells just as if i'd be in a forest.

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Fugg :D

No seriously, throw in a Molot- i mean Antifa Peacecandle.


imagine her saying "france will lose because they have too many blacks in their team". i wonder if she would get charged for this.

Can't wait for it

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stop posting caps of fake accounts retard
Also include archived link and at least retweet like ratio, else you are clearly just a shill

can't wait for you to post tits
Just do it

Time to pray that Horst finally found something resembling testicles in his pants and takes Merkel down.

I originally come from Berchtesgaden near the border to Austria. Its the best sight you can have but its pretty overrun by tourists and after the (incidents) at the border pretty much everybody got redpilled. In some cases even 1488 level redpilled.

Phillip Amthor kinda looks like pic related grew up.

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Grüßt euch Kameraden
is there any news from the Basedhofer Murksel shitshow?

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Probably wanted to write
>Fuck yeah

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>that lederhosen costume

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Try again.

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You just insulted the poor bavarians.

someone please shop in a MG42 where the flag is

Nah, it's just bs political theatre in conjunction with the election in Bavaria.

If it wont end anywhere, it's going to help the AfD, because the CSU just threatens immediate change but never follows through.

If they did, it would cause political disarray in favor of the CSU and against the CDU and AfD, but that's good too.


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is someone in the loop with the normiesphere?
how was the failed rizin attack in cologne discussed by the public? did it get alot of media coverage.
tbqh this shit scares the hell out of me, it couldve caused serious damage. why arent we deporting shitskins in droves now? this shit was unthinkable a few years back, also 100 of those beans are missing.

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Where's that from, kek.

lol you all got trolled

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everybody on here knows that Seehofer is a cuck, only normies and retards fell for it

I love the ((Titanic))

The pic came from this twitter post:

Where in Thuringia ? North/south/west/east ?

Titanic/Partei deserve the rope more then Merkel for being responsible furthering the political degeneracy. They should keep their voice down, foe now people have forgotten their position from 2015/16, a shame if they would get a Charlie Hebdo treatment

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you replied to the wrong post i guess

>i live in thüringen. it's the most beautiful place i've ever lived at. everything is so full of nature. i just have to open my window (living rural) and it smells just as if i'd be in a forest.
I meant this one, yes.

i live near eisenach

It's always good to know that your government sells home-made weapons
to people within conflict territories. Fucking sellouts.

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According to official figures, the German Bundeswehr already has 15% Muslims today

do we have to worry about that?

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There's a train line from Eisenach to Nehaus am Rennweg, no ? Drive up to Sonneberg and take the train to Coburg, I meet you tomorrow at the train station at Coburg (13:00, Code word: Rostbratwurst)

what a time to be alive

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absolutely. always a problem when the enemy inflitrates your ranks in such huge numbers

ok, keep waiting there. i could come 5-10 hours too late. just wait there, i'll come for sure.

Doesn't sound very convincing.

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I have only thought with these numbers that merkel government want to set up their private army if TSHF

CSU will break from CDU and go nation wide, you read it here first. Objective is to form Austria-style government with AfD, semi-cuckservative as senior partner and Nationalists as junior partner.

it will only get worse as soon as the eu army is set up. separatists movements or putsch-tries with support of the armed forces is almost impossible then and that's the only reason they push it so hard

is a very likely scenario

of course not. why would i want to meet you lol? i can shitpost here.

it was fake news spread by a satire magazine. csu will never go their own way, never.

I think the nations will democratically disintegrate
and the European leadership will try to hold the EU with force with its own army

I am sure the EU will go fully commi

so csu will be csugtow?

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Human contact is very important.

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if they would go I would vote for them

>Human contact is very important.
Human contact is overrated

*will never be

let's not get ahead of ourselves.
The CSU often does similar things although the severity is worrisome. Merkel cucked out and told them to wait 2 weeks to rally her party against her, and as always its just her chairmen being soldiers for her party without a sense of right and wrong.

get a gf, everything else is overrated.

>selling guns
>helping people kill each other
>"home made"

where is the fucking problem??

Don't worry, I just want to make new frens.

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this is the last chance I give the csu and if they cuck then 100% afd

I recommend a red wine of the brand Lemberger

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Come on, just for dinner.

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