If you hate other races or see them as inferior you're a fucking retard

If you hate other races or see them as inferior you're a fucking retard.
I have nothing against Asians, Muslims, Blacks and others as long as they stay in their own country.
I only hate the Jews, because they are actively trying to cause our downfall by using other races.
Don't let the jew trick you into hating other races.

Yes, Blacks might be savages, but as long as they run around the bush throwing spears in their own land they don't bother me.
If you call Muslims or Asians subhumans you're just stupid.
Just look at their history and what they have achieved.
They deserve respect.

It's only immigrants that don't deserve respect, because they are cowards for fleeing their country.

Listen to your boy.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off then.

This is too rational and true for this retarded pseudo-nationalist board. Most here got bullied by blacks in high school and now get erections when they say the word 'nigger'. They also are awful ameritards with no culture and geographic knowledge so they say Asians and """sandniggers""" are inferior...


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Muslim isnt a race retard

Oh and they take credit for other civilizations that are Arabic and Chinese in origin.

They are basically White we wuz kangz niggers

>Blacks might be savages, but as long as they run around the bush throwing spears in their own land they don't bother me.

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kikes are trying to trick younger kikes to hate all races. its the kikes elite who push this genocide fantasy agenda . it's part of their depopulation plan. i would recomend that you wach the ducomantry defamation . its about how zionists elites brainwash younger kikes in to hating every one.

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This is exactly how I think. Everyone just needs to stay in their own lands. Replacing any native population without their consent is evil

>white people literally invent freedom
>"muh appropriated Asian and Arabic culture"

Choke on a dick

Your FREEDUMBS are why your race is going extinct, 1/16384 German neo Nazi mutt

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You guys have too long of a history of being assholes for anyone to believe you.

>Don't let the jew trick you into hating other races.

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You don't need to hate them to want to exterminate them. We need their land & resources too, they must die, we cannot let them use resources whites could use instead. Niggers are apes, arabs and other muds are subhumans that only gained land by zergrushing much lower population kingdoms. Chinks have a hivemind, non-creative race.

Muslim isn't a race, it's a political ideology

>arabs and other muds are subhumans

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Canada and the US were built because of immigration. If we didn’t have immigrants to help we would be as evolved as central Antarctica. No not just white immigrants.

By Muslims I mean Arabs, middle easteners and maghrebs.

this pretty much

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Must be why Hitler enforced Roma euthanasia huh

I am quite free of all racial hatred: It is, in any case, desirable that one race should mix with other races. Crossbreeding has produced good results. Pride in one's own race, and that does not imply contempt for other races, is a normal and healthy sentiment. I have regarded the Chinese or the Japanese ladies as being inferior to but sexier than ourselves.

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Reminder that Hitler approved of yellow fever

>The Japanese Ambassador held an interview with German Foreign Minister Konstantin von Neurath, once again asking if the term "colored" applied to the Japanese too and if it prohibited Japanese-German marriages. According to foreign sources, von Neurath answered that the term "colored" did not apply to the Japanese.
>Johann von Leers, who was an active Nazi propagandist and would later become a university professor, stressed that Hungarians, Turks, Estonians and Finns were treated as Aryans despite their foreign origins. He thus recommended the application of the same policy towards the Japanese, who belonged to the same ethnic group of Asians as the abovementioned group, and suggested that the intermarriage ban, which only affected very few people to start with, should be lifted.
>He further stressed that many Japanese had a lighter skin color than many of the Mediterranean peoples which were counted among the Aryans. He was convinced that the Japanese race showed some Nordic characteristics--traces of blond hair, for instance--and had other striking similarities with the Aryans.
>The memorandum thus called for clear definitions in German race laws lest they insult the Japanese. According to the author, the laws should apply exclusively to "Jews and primitive races."
>Unlike other non-Whites like the Chinese, the Japanese received preferential treatment. The intermarriage with Germans was not legally prohibited.

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You're right, working immigrants are actually useful to help our development.
Here's my plan on how to deal with that.
Let them work here for let's say a maximum of 2 years and then they have to fuck off again.
They are not allowed to have any children and are not allowed to have any relation with natives.

With this we get the benefit of having a cheap work force, but not the disadvantage of other cultures interfering with our own.
We used to have this with Italians in southern Switzerland.
They would come work in Switzerland during the summer and would fuck back off in winter.

>If you call Muslims or Asians subhumans you're just stupid.
>Just look at their history and what they have achieved.
>They deserve respect.
Ali pls

>He was convinced that the Japanese race showed some Nordic characteristics--traces of blond hair, for instance

>Ali pls
try again sweetie

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They were allies so they exaggerated a little. I mean they even considered turks and bosnians Aryan.

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>Muh Armenian genocide

Never happened

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Countries are social constructs. How do you decide how much space a race should occupy?

why do you always ignore the jews who helped you. joseph g. burg, jesus , brother nathanael, tommy robinson. not all jews hate christ and white people. some jews are afraid that if they join or help christianity then they will die or be killed. why are you halping the zionits in there fear mongering ways . i do t want world peace i just want every race to live and try to improve there self. its not healthy for some one to live in fear all the time. kikes like soros where created because of people like you.

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"Some jews are ok" - Adolf Hitler

>Adolf Hitler’s Armed Forces: A Triumph for Diversity?

That’s not what happened here. North America wasn’t white to begin with and the whites who conquered it never left.

You realize that Political Testament is a fabrication right? It has been debunked decades ago and nobody except an idiot would take it serious.

Nothing you ever post can make me not hate niggers.

shit skin's and niggers are the children of ham. it's rare to find a black or a shit skin christian who isn't a idol worshiping fag. only white christians will go to heaven in the day of revalition