In Germany a popular youtuber was ordered to pay 32.000 Euro for commenting on an "antimsemitic" joke positively, with the quote: "The joke wasn`t too bad" Video:
>Backstory The background story of the joke was discussed on Jow Forums aswell, and is the case where a 15 year old girl called the police on people for "making antisemitic jokes". The girl then got rewarded for her great courage
This has the potential to be very big, so please rev up those twitter and youtube engines and sent this to every big e-celeb you know. This has the potential to become as big as the Count Dankula case
Why are Germans on the internet always so cringy? Every time a thread has too many Germans in it, everything goes to shit, I still have flashbacks from that one thread that braindead Germans hijacked and started bragging about who went to the better High School. we need a purge the fuck. we are stuck on this rock 4 billion genetic weapons being imported to kill the west destroy the planet it's over
Despite some youtubers being less red pilled than we like, it is still important to have them around. Additionally is free speech a big issue, that even is important for us memers here on 4chins
This is why the EU is crumbling. The political body and it's judicial and law enforcement arms is purely serving to oppress people. The response to the people is disproportionate. These fees and penalties are obscene. People will not tolerate it. I don't care how cucked a country is, the level of repression is too high. I predict Germany's economy will tank soon, and will coincide with a major reshuffling of elected leadership. Lots of finger pointing will occur while the whole of the EU then collapses. At that point europe will see a shift to right wing conservatism. The writing is on the wall here, because the current political climate is unsustainable, and the way the system off gasses all this pressure will be a political reset.
because we are taught to hate each other, to hate germany and all within or related to it. so germans always attack each other, to show they are the better and more progressive "german". its honestly a funny and sad thing, as we are forbidden to be proud, but we simply find other stuff to be proud of and to start fights with fellow germans over it.
Isaiah Hughes
Its because each german has to prove how relevant he is.
Yes that is why I made the thread, to get some internation attention on the thread. Read the two links in the OP for a more detailed description, for what started it. I explained the rest in the OP
Michael Edwards
Ryder Martin
>Eine Zensur findet nicht statt wir wissen doch wohl alle, dass das eine lüge ist und so gut wie nie beachtet wird.
Ethan Watson
>irgend so ein Drecks youtuber >wenn Artikel 11 und 13 nächste Woche verabschiedet werden
it would be a shame if german police were ambushed and killed
Hunter Allen
Ja, aber rechtlich gesehen, haben wir die Freiheit nicht zensiert zu werden. Deswegen müssen wir auch mit Hilfe von internationaler Aufmerksamkeit ihn freikriegen, damit es wie gesagt ein Beispiel für das ganze Land ist
Aiden Lee
70 years of psy-ops and brainwashing made the german society a dysfunctional flock of irritated and scared sheeps
Adam Morgan
>Art 5 >(1) (...) >(2) Diese Rechte finden ihre Schranken in den Vorschriften der allgemeinen Gesetze, den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen zum Schutze der Jugend und in dem Recht der persönlichen Ehre.
It's essentially meaningless to say speech is "free" when in the next part there are a whole bunch of instanced listed where it's not. Germany never had true free speech and probably never will because people here can't handle it.
True britbong, but like the case where Count Dankula won and made international headlines, it would be great to see this happen here in Germany with for example this case too
Dominic Carter
>meme flag >advocating murdering police
Nothing suspicious here
Jeremiah Thomas
witness me hitler = white death only kikes hitlerpost only kikes nazipost nazi = ash can nazi holocaust was a jew op holocaust denial is a jew trick jews were in japan prior to pearl harbor WHOLE GOAL of WW2 was kill whites steal america JEWS WON look at your dick for proof THEY TOOK OVER
Joseph Murphy
Polizei ist informiert.
David Wright
Hate will make you weak and pathetic, only brotherly love will make you strong and truly happy. Peace
Huckingen here. We should meet up for a nice cold beer some day.
Hudson Davis
Sicher, es steht in unserem Gesetzbuch, aber was ist mit den ganzen neuen hate speech Gesetzen die von der EU höchstpersönlich verfasst wurden? Die haben leider die größere Macht im Moment und daher scheißen die, gelinde gesagt, auf unser Grundgesetzbuch. Mal ganz davon ab das du nichtmal mehr den Islam kritisieren darfst und dafür schon eine Geld- oder Gefängnisstrafe bekommen kannst. Zensur ist sehr wohl präsent und auch so gewollt und durchgesetzt beim Staat, egal was unser Büchlein da sagt. Leider ist der Großteil der Deutschen nicht an sowas interessiert, also wird sich da auch nichts daran ändern, nicht in näherer Zukunft zumindest, erst wenn die Bedingungen hier richtig schlecht werden - man darf nicht vergessen das die STASI freie Gewalt im Osten hatte und das mit Befürwortung und Unterstützung der Bevölkerung.
Jordan Martin
We arent brothers, we never were and will never be so I cant love or care for you.
Jackson Hill
Yeah, I feel for you. I was born in Germany (DDR) but came here when I was an infant. They didn't indoctrinate us in school, but TV and Hollywood always had WWII stuff on and you-know-who were always the bad guys. I think the first movie I saw that showed Germans, at least in a neutral role, was "Patton". So don't blame my burger friends too hard. Most of what they think they know, they got off of TV and movies from (((you-know-who))).
Asher Gonzalez
>not doing it in a more creative way >"Yeah, I'll come with my gang. We are called 110"
Oh und ganz vergessen, wenn es um Antisemitismus geht, hat man sowieso schon verloren.
Liam Ortiz
>we love Hitler in Bosnia, shame about him, germany awake please lol no i love hitler, you may love him, but our people dont
Ryan Evans
>KuchenTV that guy gets sued every other weekend. Nothing new
Nolan Jackson
That is a very depressing way to look at this. Either way, you won`t truly be able to experience the joy of love, until you let go of hate
Cooper Wilson
220 Lb, 6.5 foot, blond, Nordic, pure blood, uncut here My biggest white privilege is my genetics, Top grades in everything despite growing up in a nigger ghetto and getting beat every day at school by jew teachers and nigger gangs. Have false front teeth though because a Zionist jew teacher hit me in the back of the head as hard as he could and smashed my teeth of the black kids head standing in front of me. I was 11 years old when it happened. He did it simply because I am white and blond.
Hate is needed you retarded german, its the greatest motivator of them all, its because of your christian hippy mentality of feeling only love and peace and all will be good in the end why the world is so shit and jews control it.
Bullshit, der erste Paragraph des Grundgesetzes wiederlegt es. "Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar. Sie zu achten und zu schützen ist Verpflichtung aller staatlichen Gewalt." Unter "Würde" fallen ebenfalls Beleidigungen und Witze
>so please rev up those twitter and youtube engines and sent this to every big e-celeb you know OR YOUR MOTHER WILL DIE IN HER SLEEP??????????
Joshua Bell
I knew this guy personally
i once started a small youtube community project he didnt got the "special priviliege vip" manicure from me and went full blown rage with all his "youtuber friends" blaming me and destroying the repuation of my project because he had a lot of reach
he deserves it he was a little bitch for no real reason had a full blown ego but didnt even had a work
karma is a bitch
everything comes back
kuchenspasti alles rächt sich im leben
Nicholas Sullivan
play stupid games - win stupid prices
verified idiot
Jace Cook
Do you want to imply I hate turks? Lived in Hochfeld for like 10 years or so, some of you are fucking retarded, see this video (I was there, looking out of the window, you can even see my house for a second or so)
German family, but I was born in Silesia, only speaking Polish and a few words German. When we came here, a turk taught me German in elementary school, I'm not kidding you. It's literally impossible for me to hate you guys when many of my friends from school are turks and alright. Fuck Ergogan, though. He's dragging your nation back down to medieval times.
Josiah Campbell
fuck off I'm posting history. some of this stuff is over 200 years old and still holds 100% true about the jews to this sate. Learn from history or die.