I've had a change of heart. Whites created the wealthiest, most powerful, most influential countries in the entirety of human history. They single-handedly invented the scientific revolution. They were the masters of the world. Here's the thing: they were homogeneous the entire time, so they had no need to collectivize. Society WAS the White collective, but they let Jews into their societies, and those Jews literally couldn't not try to subvert and dominate their hosts, and it was so fucking easy for them. By working as an ethno-centric collective within White society they inevitably came to dominate in any sphere they applied themselves to. (jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk
I'm done for real
Don't even respond, I just need to rant one last time on this shit website.
>Jews created the wealthiest, most powerful, most influential countries in the entirety of human history. They single-handedly invented the scientific revolution. They are the masters of the world.
fixed that for you
Don't get me wrong. I hope you succeed, but I just can't care anymore.
The answer isn't a political solution. The only way this gets fixed is if Whites turn completely ethno-centric, and fast. Whites must go through their institutions and literally start mass executing people. White traitors, Jews, non-Whites, all of them. The opportunity for a political solution is long over in the US. Whites will never agree on politics any time soon, and Whites lose their ability to politically self-determine in one generation in the US.
The answer is so childishly simple it's infuriating: just collectivize. Every other race on the planet does, and Whites used to as well, but these days so many Whites autistically rant about the virtues of radical individualism while their countries are being taken, their women raped, their men killed, their wealth stolen, their culture and history destroyed, etc. The world doesn't give a shit about virtue. This is an animalistic, barbaric struggle of nothing but power, and collectives thoroughly outstrip individuals. How are Whites so fucking thick-headed they don't realize the ultimatum that nature has given them: collectivize or die. Radical individualism was never on the table to begin with.
And as for the left-leaning Whites that are actively destroying their own people, I don't think it is physically possible to make them suffer enough.
Really, the White race has fallen so low I can't even give a shit what happens anymore. I don't really think Whites deserve to survive this. You don't get to be this pathetically weak, stupid, and unadaptable. It's clear that the most intelligent Whites saw this coming a long time ago, so what happened? Did they not grasp the real gravity of the situation? Did they not push for it hard enough? How are common Whites not capable of understanding the threat even after it is explained to them? When their societies were being subverted, why didn't they stamp it out early?
>Whites prevented humanity from Advancing due to christianity forcing Law and Morals on us while genociding various groups around the world and submitting others to Exile.
Shut the fuck up and stop crying. Get over yourselves you no good WHITE NIGGERS!
If somebody robs your house, it's your fault. Okay sure. You are a faggot.
Whites are the only ones that remain once the cult of saturn self destructs.
They've already made huge mistakes. Whites will prevail, we are the chosen people of the sun to worship in the garden of Eden. Saturn will destroy themselves and our enemies.
Whites will be the remnant of humanity.
How did they allow themselves to be pulled into WWII? Even the US general, Patton, realized exactly what was happening and how Whites had been manipulated into killing their racial kin and hurting themselves in the process to mutually subjugate themselves to Jews? How did this information not spread like wildfire? Where was the culling? How did the opposite happen with Jews ending up with even higher status than before? Are Whites so stupid they literally just do whatever people in leadership positions tell them to do, no matter who is in the position or what they are ordering? After murdering their kin at the behest of the Jews, how did Whites just go back to their lives without taking revenge? Why do Whites behave like livestock?
Now they are once again destroying their own under this religion of equality, which is just another round of communism, which is Jewish anyway, and has already killed 10s of millions of Whites, but no one seems to give a shit, and White countries are fast approaching the point where the average citizen won't even be White, so the entire issue is moot to them.
Literally all Whites have to do is organize. If whites all organized today, they could have complete political control over their countries by the end of the day. By the end of the week, they could have eliminated all Jews and elite White traitors who helped them. After a few months, many White countries could be homogeneous again. By the end of the year, they could basically be back on track, though it might take a while for the most brainwashed Whites to undo the psychological damage. Instead, though, we're just all going to sit here and do jack shit? Seriously, at what point do Whites take any real action? Are we going to wait until the very brink of extinction before finally moving? or are we just going to lay here while all the other animals in the just eat us completely?
Whites will lose a lot of land but the ones worth saving are already making plans. we have had two world wars fighting ourselves but the future of white people who want to survive, means we will all end up in the same place and we will be united as white people rather than brits vs Germans, Italians vs swedes etc.
Our own kind of Israel, soon the shitskins will be the majority in most of our countries. White flight will continue, walls will be built and there will be no more fighting each other. Judges, police and politicians will be raised to value and protect their race. It is not the land of white people that is great, it's the people themselves.
If Sweden was originally swedistan it wouldn't be the beautiful country we are watching be destroyed, it would be another Islamic shithole with some nice scenery. White people and what they have built is why the third world is clambering to get into Britain,Germany and France it's not the weather, scenery or architecture, they live in dumps.
I see race mixers, onions boys and childless liberals as our race shedding it's dead weight in preparation for our next stage. None of those people will be missed, we should be happy they are removing themselves from the gene pool.
We are mother natures greatest children and we always will be.
Without our help Africa and the Africans in Europe will see their numbers plummet due to starvation and diseases. not sure what the muslims will be doing but It's bound to involve violence against any idiots that still believe their utopian dream will come true. I Truly hope the muslims make them suffer, specifically any gleeful communists that think with whites being a minority, equality will be achieved.
Next time we turn on you there will be nobody capable of saving you and you always get caught, next time will be the last.
Can you feel it Shlomo? The Europeans are starting to wake up to the "immigration" problem. Maybe 5 years down the road and everyone will know who has been destroying our societies. Good luck.
Revelation 3:9
Chill out and go for a run or something dude, the internet and all pixel screens are totally subverted, but the majority of people are awake. Things are too good to revolt though.
We could completely turn everything around within a year if we had too, and if it comes to that. Trump is our chance to try it peacefully.
Look through history, we conquored every single continent and peoples.
Whites could be 1% of the population and we could still take back the entire planet. This is just a blip in our evolution. The Kali Yuga is almost over.
All the pixel screens are just demoralization at this point, just remember that this world belongs to us. The jews will be paying soon, as much as they will try to deny it.
you're giving whites too much credit
we're not that special
Chinese and Japanese accomplished similar things than us
our greatest traits are:
ambition, leadership, charisma, good looks, a great desire to improve ourselves and our surroundings and live with honor
and last but not least, our empathy/altruism
it is what makes us more human than other races, but also our greatest weakness
You need to sort yourself out bucko, clean your room and quit those dangerous right wing ideas.
Read the Cosmotheism trilogy
this world was NEVER yours it was ALWAYS malenated
I'd say that is true for most Southern Europeans, but the Nordics and Germanics really are God's chosen people, which is why we're feeling this pain more deeply than the dark hair/brown eyed "not as white" whites.
It's obvious you don't have a lot of life experience. You should go in a "minority" majority area. It's like stepping on another planet.
We got BTFO by 4th generation warefare. All we understand is open battle.
Wombs, mass immigration, media control, the Jews were too smart for us.
>Whites must go through their institutions and literally start mass executing people.
I like how you compare us to the only race we get along with.
>just collectivize.
Anglos are fucking retarded. The individualism is too strong.
>tfw Anglo, it was our fault.
>I don't really think Whites deserve to survive this. You don't get to be this pathetically weak, stupid, and unadaptable.
Mate you have to be prepared to die to affect change at this point. Are you?
We got fucked and fucked hard.
>Can you feel it Shlomo? The Europeans are starting to wake up to the "immigration" problem.
yeah after it's way too late
>Are Whites so stupid they literally just do whatever people in leadership positions tell them to do
Yes. Again the power system is set up to punish those who would fight back. You quite literally have to be prepared to die to affect change.
If this is what Whites are, what is worth preserving exactly? The autistic, anti-social individualism that made them weak? The ego and narcissism that insulated them from reality and made them waste their time helping their competitors to their own detriment because "muh White burden"? It can't be the IQ, because Asians and Jews have Whites beat there. Whites might be a lot better off in that regard if they hadn't rejected the validity of eugenics. Maybe then Whites would be strong enough to survive this. It it their supposed creativity? because AI will soon make that irrelevant. Is it their unique physical features? because it seems like non-Whites are already doing what they please with White women. Why the hell should a race like this survive. There is no greater sin in this world than weakness, and Whites are disgustingly weak. I wish I had been born East Asian or something. At least then I'd have a people I could half-way respect and a civilization with an actual future that was ours--ALL OURS. I hope Asians don't let Whites flee to their countries after their incorrigible weakness and stupidity destroys everything good their ancestors created. Fuck I'm drunk. I need to sleep. Really I hate weak people more than anything else. The people invading us, taking everything from us, are at least willing to assert themselves. Jews may be completely subversive, but at least they've doing for their own interests. Their only duty is to their own. There is no universal morality. You protect yourself and your own, and you fuck over everyone who displays weakness. Why are Whites so weak and pathetic now? Why do so many Whites betray or abandon their own people? Why do Whites refuse to collectivize and act? Where is the righteous fury at what has been done to them? Where is the drive to take revenge? All I see is apathy. Fine, but I do want revenge. I want revenge on Whites for being apathetic, inane, anti-social, narcissistic, radically individualist, weak people.
>user finally wakes up
My understanding of the WWII thing is Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen, and that was basically a 911 event back in the day. It was child's play getting the American public to go along with the war after that.
>the ones worth saving are already making plans.
This. GTFO of the cities. Ones like Paris and London especially.
>our race shedding it's dead weight, None of those people will be missed
that's a nice way of looking at things. Goodbye boomers!
Enough nukes could not be dropped in you parasites
>The autistic, anti-social individualism that made them weak?
>The ego and narcissism that insulated them from reality
You could educate this out of them. Whites need to LEARN their genetic weakness.
It's survival of the fittest. The weak whites will suffer too in the coming storm.
>I don't think it is physically possible to make them suffer enough.
This, I've been thinking about torture-methods alot lately. I would mix a physical pain with mental torture, drug them up by something fear inducing (lsd, of some sorts) make them FEAR so much they can't take it, peel their skin off and make them watch it, throw them alone in the woods while drugged up with wolves and stuff. Would love to be a torturer.
If you are going to an hero, why not kill as many traitors with you? Just like Breivik, a real hero.
But Jews stick out like sore thumb. Easy to round up.
I agree OP. Why fight for a race that is trying to commit suicide. Let the 90% of whites who want to die, die. The 10% that remain will be better off for it, living in Iceland somewhere, while the rest of the world burns.
We will be safe in Iceland because without us everything will devolve, no more armies will exist, no more navies to reach our shores, no more missiles no more nukes.
Brevik spent years planning. He ran a bullshit nursery business just to get enough ANFO together.
He spent most of what he earned on planning.
How many people have that sort of commitment?
Basically. It also was a chance to modernize our pathetic Navy because there was no way in hell Congress would authorize that level of spending otherwise. It was intended that the US and USSR be allies post war but thank God that crippled piece of shit FDR died. Truman had the balls to use the nuke before the Soviets could secure Japan, and showed he wasn't going to have just the world's shipping lanes locked down after we allowed ourselves to be bamboozled into destroying Europe for the communist kikes.
JFK was assassinated before he could eradicate the scum though and we've never recovered.
True. A Hitler figure could never be elected in America to save us at this point. There's too many other races here we are too divided to do anything.
We need to learn there is no need to justify ourselves. If you want something, fight for it. You can never justify it to your enemies no matter how right you think you are.
Individualism has been taught to whites in schools as the default outlook, only those living amongst shitskins would know better.
future generations won't be buying this bullshit, they will see plain as day that they are being lied to, their curiosity will lead them to wherever we are at that present time. The last thing they'll want to see is you being a fucking pussy about everything.
Dude half the reason for the war was just getting the workforce working again. Plus that massive economic shot from firebombing German & Japanese industry into nothing gave you the prosperity of the 50's and 60's.
I can see the rumblings of war again now and all I can think is dear God; the Americans are going to destroy their competitors industries again.
The fact that you destroy counties and peoples is like, just some side-result that occurs from making sure you don't have meaningful economic competition.
>Individualism has been taught to whites
It's fucking genetic with Anglos mate, they create turbo-indavidualsitic societes wherever they are. Fucking idiots.
they have a 0/100 in 'colectivisim' score.
I reckon that's how it should be as long as it's homogenous.
The better paths of life should always be promoted and we could do this without Jews controlling media.
If diversity is such a good thing, why does the MSM need to push it so very, very hard?
>It's clear that the most intelligent Whites saw this coming a long time ago, so what happened? Did they not grasp the real gravity of the situation?
i dont know if its a white thing but personally i always wait till the last second to do even the most serious things in my life. like i know i need to fix some shit or it will break and leave me fucked but i always wait until im fucked to fix it. maybe thats just me personally because i know i can fix my way out of almost anything if i have to but hopefully thats whats gonna happen to white people. we will probably wait until there is no other choice and then the ones that want things to change will change them faster than anyone could ever expect them to be changed.
If Anglos cant are eradicated because they are shit at collectivism then you know what? Fuck them. Fuck my 'race'.
I don't care a group that cant defend itself from outsiders because of 'le turbo individualism' is more important than survival. Well... fuck em'.
We build it,
they will come and they will destroy it!
Happens every time, over and over again!
History (O)
>The Kali Yuga is almost over.
Kali Yuga began 3000 years ago and will go on the next 200k years or so.
Be capitalist enough to read “Richest Man in Babylon.” Donate to the NSM once in a while. You are doing the next best thing to having white children.
Maybe you’re to “blackpilled” to be a capitalist. Maybe you’re not technically a National Socialist because you’re afraid of the term “socialism.” Ok, so start a group that names the Jew and see how you do. None of the WN 2.0 groups really do anything about Jews. But we already have a group in place that’s been around a long time. Do you really think you’re going to get satisfaction from AmRen or Identify Evropa? I’m with you, OP, I’d like to quit Jow Forums and do something for real and put my money where my mouth is.
No, there is another version that use a different constant for magical years.
That version set the end of kali yuga on 2025.
Check it out, there are 2 calculations.
Well I have nothing against that point of view. 2025 sounds like the perfect point of time where all the current agendas and narratives will collide together into the perfect storm.
oy vey violence is only for G-d's chosen goy, Jow Forums is a board of peace
>but are easily subjugated
It took 300 years you retard
And, we’re still getting wise to it quicker than expected.
Jews are a plague.
It really is outrageous
Silly nigger, get rid of the cia and all the symptoms of individualism and degeneracy will abate. It's all socially engineered.
Do you have “stuff”?
>The host would be nothing without the parasite.
I beg to differ.
whites may have conquered everything, but it hasn't faced any enemy like this.
>The only way this gets fixed is if Whites turn completely ethno-centric, and fast.
or a scientist somewhere invents a virus that only targets certain races, a la fox die, vocal chord parasite from metal gear
Muslim spotted
>start mass executing people
your genes beg to differ.