Margaret Thatcher

Brits, genuine question, no sarcasm.
Why is she still so demonised?
Tell me why Margaret Thatcher is Britain's most hated politician.

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Same reason they would hate Reagan in America if they could get away with it. Same reasons they hate Drumpf. Strong conservatives with convincing arguments and non-catastrophic results have to be hated, else they'd have to contend with the fact that she might have been at least to some degree right.

Although I'm a stupid 'merican so as soon as someone with a Union Jack you should probably listen to them more, but that's my 2cents

Perfect answer.

Many thanks user

At this point? Tradition.

>My grandad hated thatcher, my dad hated thatcher, so I hate thatcher
>Even though I was barely alive if at all when she was around

Pretty much. The hate comes from socialists butthurt over the success of their ideological opponents.

Socialists lie; people die.

>why does a group of collectivist dependants with a fetish for feelings still demonise a woman who was healthily married and raised her own children while studying law completely on her own in the evenings and entered politics when her children were independent so she could wholly devote herself to rationality
Yeah, I wonder too

>implying people hate thatcher because she was married with children

u wot

I mean considering their stance on how heroic single motherhood and other non-nuclear families are, it would stand to reason that nuclear families would be considered...

Neoliberals are hated for destroying the economies of their respective countries. Economic data shows that their policies weren’t succesfull at all. For example thatcher massively increased unemployment.

Hated in the North for what she did to the miners, hated pretty much everywhere for the poll tax and her disdain for the working class.

>Kickstart mass immigration from the third world to the UK
>So conservative

>Muh Miners

Like they'd be around today anyway thanks to ''Climate Change'' restrictions

Liberals talk about strong, independent, empowered women, but the minute they actually meet one, they attack her like she is the worst traitor to liberalism. Liberal women are the weakest and most dependent in history.

Probably not, but resentments run deep.

refer to

Because she privatised everything and closed the mines. Her policies were more or less the same as Reagan's (although more socially conservative).

>ITT braindead americans can't into British history

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She used to choke coal miners with her bare hands.

She's a woman who fit the traditional family structure and entered politics to kill the alternatives.
The people who desperately push the alternatives dislike the woman with the traditional family background.
This is not complicated.

Come think of it thatcher is personally responsible for the rape of thousands of british women.

This. Coal mining was never going to be a permanent industry anyway.

She's especially hated in Scotland because she used us as guinea pigs for the bedroom tax.

She's a witch, i'm glad shes rotting.

The Poll Tax. A person living in a fucking great mansion paid the same as someone living in a one bedroom flat.

Yes, clearly half of the country hates Thatcher because of how her family was, not because of what she did in politics.

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She's especially hated in Scotland because she used us as guinea pigs for the bedroom tax.

She's a bitch, i'm glad shes rotting.

what was she supposed to do to the Scottish?

Treat us like "equal partners" in the Union.
Enjoy the UK while it lasts.

>she used a part of the country with a small population as a trial run before rolling it out across the whole UK
How awful!

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Ironic considering it was your king who started the union.

Half the country hated her before she took office just because she wasn't a lefty.

Thatchers Britain is long dead and gone. Brain is an Islamic Republic now.

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Thatcher is the one who massively increased islamic immigration.

Yea I anticipated being largely wrong. Just sharing my sense of prevailing opinion here across the pond, where she also seems to get a lot of hate.

She hated the poor and working class. Eventually she tried to implement a "poll tax" which basically taxed people for existing. Most people at the time couldn't even afford it. It caused huge riots, most people refused to pay it and even the police said they're not going to arrest law breakers related to it because there was simply so many people breaking the law it was impossible to punish them.

The left do what they always do and demonise anyone who they can't browbeat into accepting socialism. They try to minimise just how bad the country was and lie about the failure of the state run industries back in the 70s.

Thatcher made plenty of mistakes, but Labour would have broke the country in a way it never would have recovered from. Having said that. Harold Wilson was one of the best Labour PMs we ever had. But he wasn't a socialist. He was the Queen's favourite PM of all so some say.

Thatcher and Regan were right for time.

Wow, people don't like politicians of options other than their own? This is new to me


>Be a UK miner
>Be told you have to lose your job because your Mine is unprofitable.
>Ask what you can do to be more profitable.
>Be told you have to produce more coal to ensure profitability.
>Produce more coal
>Be told you've produced too much coal that has meant you are still too unprofitable.
>Be told you are to lose your job.
>Strike but have your extra coal used against you.
>Have a mediocre Union leader.
>Lose your job.
>Be labelled the enemy within.
>Be beaten up by the Police.
>Be blamed for systemic Union corruption.
>Be blamed for pointing out Thatcher's cabinet was full of Nonces.
>Receive no help in re-training like your German peers did.
>Watch years later as Britain has to import inferior expensive coal from China.

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Long live our Maggie

In all seriousness she's only hated by the trendies and the Labour heartlands, most my family (home counties, tory territory) and myself think she was one of the greatest pms to date

>Why is she still so demonised?
endless left-wing (((MSM))) propaganda, a bit like how they promote saint stephen lawrence!

labour closed more mines than thatcher!

The UK post WW2 up until circa 1979 was a socialist country; rations persisted into the mid 50s and the country, struggled to emerge from the effects and costs of WW2, while other European nations were starting to flourish.
Evidence of this is found not only in culture with the state providing the means for free education, and health (NHS) but also massive nationalised industries e.g. British Rail; British Telecom; British Airways and so forth.

What Thatcher essentially did which gives her a legacy of loathing, was to sacrifice the British State and way-of-life on the altar of Zionist led Globalism, supported by the pillars of neo-liberalism and de-regulation. This sentence requires much explanation and while I cannot cover every facet and weight of this genuine paradigm change, I will circle some of the most important.

In the 1980s, prior to the massive deregulation in the financial industry only building societies could offer loans to people who want to buy properties. Building societies then were very much like good credit unions, just ordinary people saving their cash, with some of it loaned out. This had the effect of keeping house prices affordable, with most property being in similar in cost to 1 to 5 years salary maximum. My own mother bought her first house for 3k in 1980.

The banking industry changed that by offering huge mortgages and lucrative 'free' cash to anyone, but with the caveat of long 25 year crippling interest loans which meant people paid back much more than the building society loan, but despite this avarice made the baby-boomer Brits myopic as they were blindsided by being able access bigger loans. This drove property prices astronomically higher(by 1000s of % over the next 30years) aided to by the great sell off from 'socialized housing' -the council house- and an increase in immigration, driving new demands and a new 'rental property market', never the like seen before in the UK.

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Sounds like unions were the problem...

I've tried telling my friends many many times that the call centres, job centre offices & warehouses we now have employing mostly women on former pit land are (((owned))) by Thatchers inner circle, but they won't have it. I never get far enough to mention the destruction of the male breadwinner to scoop the mother from the home, or the straight line from squashing the miners to the MUSLIN RAY GUNS we have today.
They think about their dress down Friday, how they're 15 years deep into a mortgage, & how scary coal miners were after 12 pints & decide I'm as mad as Dave Icke & go shopping for fitbits.
>'The Barnsley seam' runs thick & pure all the way under the North sea, and is some of the highest quality coal in the world.
>Perfect coking coal for steel production.
>Destroy unified Miners
>Destroy unified Steel workers now foreign coal is prohibitively expensive
>Destroy the tens or hundreds of thousands of service jobs that feed coal/steel
>Destroy a mothers desire & ability to raise her children full time
>Use sand niggers as fall guys & turn the entire area into a child sex tourism paradise for your pals
>Jim'll fix it- All the heroin you want that is
>Invite child killers & retard rapists for Christmas dinner year in year out.

Why do Northerners hate Thatcher?

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>Why is she still so demonised?

Because liberals control the media. Thatcher won 43.9 per cent of the vote in 1979, 42.4 per cent in 1983 and 42.2 per cent in 1987 – landslide results that contemporary politicians can only dream of.

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welsh coal miners dindu nuffin, glad thatcher's food for worms

>People wonder why we laugh when southerners get kicked to death in the gutter

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This political philosophy essentially meant that the individual had to come first, before the family and before the state.

The reason the individual came first was to enable each country in the emerging globalist economy to be competitive with each other. This meant no longer would mum stay at home and be a home-maker and raise the children, she would have to become part of the globalised work force. We were told this was good for her 'independence' and ability to 'consume' as an individual, with her interests coming first and would make her family more affluent.

However, quite the opposite happened with the work force suddenly doubling in an economy that went from heavy industrialisation and manufacturing to 80% Service sector in ten years, the average buying power of people's salary and earnings were massively pushed down. Also now the Zionist bankers could indebt twice as many people, with both the husband and the wife needed fancy financial products such as bank accounts, mortgages, life assurance etc.

Once the family was removed as the most important pillar of society, every imaginable social decay and degeneracy loomed from the new neo-liberal environment. The class-consciousness and moral fibre of the working class was destroyed and their political influence against the elite kleptocratic bankers and emerging powerful Multi-National Corporations. This took power from the people and gave it to a new ruling class of elite who had sat in the sidelines since the original Bilderberg meetings and shadowy aspirations following the Bretton Woods agreement.

The working class before this time (not to be compared with the subclass of welfare recipients in the UK today), were assidious; proudly patriotic; had made huge sacrifices in two world wars; and were despite toiling in heavy manual labour, reasonably well educated and more importantly set the moral rectitude and probity of UK society.

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Before deregulation there were mortgage waiting lists in the early-mid 70s and it was normal to have to put down 10-15% deposits. The problem was shortage of money in circulation (M2) and building societies literally had to wait for savers to make deposits before they could lend. I traveled extensively in the continent during the late 70s and into the 80s and it was impossible to buy anywhere as all properties are owned by individuals or families that have intention of ever selling. And no one is talking of making them sell. The balance comes from rent controls and tenant protection so most people are secure.

Thatcher, correctly identified that unions were holding the country to ransom and needed to be reined in, but failed to make provision when closing the legacy industries and thinking the market would take up the slack.

I'm old enough to remember when people thought you must be mad to want to own a property there was so much available and rents were so reasonable. It was immigrants like my family and me coming over and buying up everything that kicked off the housing boom. The very first thing immigrants do when they land is plant roots.

because (((left))) owns the media

From your post, I can tell that you and I, are cut from the same cloth ( culture /experiences)
Alot of water under the bridge user.

Largely because Britons are incapable of any critical thinking, and simply repeat the opinions given to them by the newspapers and the BBC.

>most hated

Second most hated.

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she destroyed british manufacturing and was responsible for massive immigration as an effect. that is probably not the reason why she is hated though

>The problem was shortage of money in circulation (M2) and building societies literally had to wait for savers to make deposits before they could lend

I never saw this as a problem.
I think this is sensible non-kiked money lending.

dont know that much but she shut down the coal mines, fucking retarded thing to do, arguably socialist

Labour's Harold Wilson closed more mines than Mrs Thatcher ever did and that is an irrefutable fact.
Labour in the 1960s = 406 mines closed, 315,000 job losses.
Tories in the 1980s = 146 mines closed, 173,000 job losses.
Going back further, in the early 1950s the National Coal Board (Labour's new nationalised coal industry) employed 700,000 people. By the time Margaret Thatcher took office in 1979 465,000 (or two thirds of the entire workforce) had already lost their jobs due to Labour mine closures.

The final nail in the coffin of the coal mining industry was Arthur Scargill and the National Union of Mineworkers. Thatcher wanted to close down 12 loss-making mines, so Scargill called an illegal strike and did not even ballot NUM members. Over the year of the strike, industrial and domestic consumers of coal converted to other fuels, because coal was now in short supply. When the strike ended more mines had to close because the demand for coal had fallen drastically. The striking miners, Scargil and the NUM were to blame for killing off their industry. Blaming Thatcher was left-wing propaganda born of the Left's inability to admit its mistakes and failings.

When a ballot was finally held, more than 70% of NUM members opposed a strike. Scargill responded by using brute force against miners who did not agree with him and issuing threats against their families, including murdering on one occasion a taxi driver who carried anti-Scargill miners to work and, on another, having a mob of 15 union thugs break into the home of a miner who had spoken out against violence and beat him almost to death.

So tell me some more about how Maggie destroyed the miners' jobs.

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Because the media here is left-wing, just like in America. Thatcher is still a hero to many of us on the right, you just won't hear our POV on the BBC.

Stupid thing is that she isn't hated for the RIGHT reasons. It's absurd to think she didn't know about the rampant pederasty among her close political associates. Edward Heath and Leon Brittan are the tip of the iceberg...

>mass immigration from the third world
Began in the 40s and 50s, though she bears some guilt for not stopping it.

Queen Anne 1st started the Union.
It was our King that put Scotland and England in a personal union which essentially didnt mean shit.

short term, yes
long term, she saved the country from turning into a statist shithole

What the fuck is wrong with you. You absolutely sicken me. You’d sell your countrymen and heritage just so that you can avoid regulations on your foreskin business.

>Enjoy the UK while it lasts.
I'm sick of how you lads keep bottling out every time there's an independence vote. Actually having ENGLAND exist again as a real political unit might be a step on the way to solving all our other paedo-police-state problems.
t. Costa del Crime exile

She was an ultra liberal and her repulsive brand of "we're all just individuals BRO nothing matters man we're all out for ourselves DUDE just turn a profit" ideology is a huge part of the reason we are so fucked today

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Goldthorpe here. There was much nodding & harrumphing at your previous posts. Well put. We've had as many stabbings as London just recently, for what it's worth. Sheffield Manor lads moving in & our guys are too busy making bank selling coke to limp-wristed office boys to sort the social hygiene out. Although several of the other posts almost triggered me, how can anyone possibly know how it was in darkest Yorkshire in the 80's? Yes, water under the bridge user.
The good news is more folk are leaving Labour every day. We're natural BUF country right, so I think the BNP might make a return soon.

I know most of the people in this vid on a 'morning' basis. lel The police helicopter was overhead all day long :^)

The miners didn't help themselves. Labour shut down more pits (and hospitals come to that) but successfully managed to divert any blame away from themselves because they are better organised and adept at manipulating the narrative, the right don't have a tendency to rewrite history to fit their agenda.

Management can't be let off the hook either. Incompetent buffoons ran all the main industries. They were only successful because demand was so high and anyone could have made money. When times got tough and the rest of the world caught up they didn't know how they were going get the labour force to make the cultural changes necessary to stay competitive.

It's the same for everyone.

Yes, the left having a stranglehold in the media is troublesome
I heard maajid nawaz has his own broadcast and he’s an incredible faggot who talks down on working class, salt of the earth brits that don’t want more fucking pakis.
Funny thing is he’s trying to “reform” Islam, while desiring to invite more uncultured Muslim savages into the UK

Short sighted cunts like you have destroyed our nation. WHY do Labour heartlands even exist? Cos posh cunts have done fuck all to help maintain a healthy society, where all can live with dignity. Between idiot ideologues and race traitors on the left and snobbish greedy cunts on the right, Britain has been devastated.

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So less poor people voted? I assume that was the point. You dont have laws against messing with the vote? We can barely ask for an ID here and thats only possible if you give people free ids.

Vid related

muh poor workers

>Anne 1st

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>saved the country from turning into a statist shithole
It IS a statist shithole!

>is a huge part of the reason we are so fucked today
Harold Wilson/Edward Heath were the prime ministers when the UK joined the EU. What did Margy do that was worse than opening the flood gates of Europe on to your shitty little island?

You'll never meet a Miner that agrees with either Thatcher or Scargill. I said in the previous post I'm in Goldthorpe, while I was finishing school in 1988/93 it was the poorest borough/area in all of Europe. Including the shithole countries. Mine closures in the 60's were largely the small outdated mines being regrouped into modern mega-pits, I'd suppose. There's lots of documentaries on Youtube, the Channel 4 one is pretty good & does a fine job of showing the lads on the ground feeding each others children every second day & the like. The whole affair was fucked & reducing it to black or white & choosing a side simply doesn't do it justice.

How is the weather in Derby old chap?

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Not as bigger problem as you might think. I have a fairly mixed group of friends when it comes to politics. We go back a long way so can discuss our beliefs without falling out.

Because politics has become so polarised, people from both left and and right find themselves defending policies or ideas simply because they are on the same side, or it pisses off the other side. Not because they accually believe it themselves. Come election time they vote on what their own situation is, not what the media tells them. My left wing friends are just as anti islamic as anyone you are ever likely to meet from the right but feel compelled to support muslims for show.

A lot are waking up and slowly moving right, or at least not voting left, because they can't defend their position as their own negative experience of islam undermines their own argument.

she traded for future growth at the expense of government job security is what I'm saying

There's a house in Doncaster that belonged to a scab & it is still boarded up now.
>Throw the fucking brick
>Suck the tory cock

wew lad

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Thatcher is hated because her policies and their effects vaulting the UK into Globalism without regard or consideration to the people.

>the UK, should still be a country with a strong industrial and manufacturing sector (like the Krauts)
>It should have a homogenous population of around 50million not closer 80-90 million unofficially of all the world's worst and indifferent.
>the Family unit was sacrificed for the Individual liberties as per neo-liberalism
>UK homes should be worth a maximum 5 years wages as they were in the early 80s.
>both husband and wife was should not have to work to provide basic living

You have a huge underclass in the UK dependent on welfare, because for 100s of years their forefathers were built for heavy manual labour, mining, manufacturing etc or soldiers and sailors of the empire.

You cannot help a young man like that by teaching them a degree in media studies and hope they make their own way in the world.
When that fails, you cannot put a man like that behind a Costa Coffee counter and pay him £6.50 a hour which isnt even enough to feed himself let alone provide for his family.

The elite need to wise up fast, there is only so much bread and circuses you can throw at people; only so many free estrogen hormones and political ideologues you can use to feminize these men; and only so much you can take away before the Anglo-Saxon awakens.

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You're just an inverse Labour pleb, voting for what your family votes for without any real thought put in.
Thatcher pimped herself and the country to anyone with the money to buy, and that is partly why we are so compromised by Arabs et. al. For natives, it was 'on your bike.'
That is all I need to know.
She was a tin puppet who got scrapped out of convenience in the end.
Theresa May under better circumstances with a compliant press.

Absolutely destroying the native, cohesive working class communities over here, privatising everything including our collective outlook on life and society (which doesn't exist anymore thanks in part to her), and generally selling our country and its traditions off to global financial cadre. Note that she didn't get us out of the EEC either.

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Reagan and Thatcher kicked off the Neoliberal boomer degeneracy that has created the mess of today, you're too dumb to see this.

>I'm sick of how you lads keep bottling out every time there's an independence vote.

You're not the only one, bud. 2014 was a humiliation the SNP worked hard to earn.
Only they could split the nationalist vote on national independence with their simpering, parochial, wee pet jockie xenophilia.

This bloke is bang on the money

Because the media is left wing of course. They have controlled the narrative. Thatcher was a capitalist and capitalism is lied about on a daily basis so now even the conservatives are left wing.

She killed a lot of British people, and destroyed a number of community's. You don't get loved by a person for killing their kin or destroying their family's.

she objectively made everyone richer, including the poor and working class

I can't see the current crop of millennial hairdos ever revolting and fighting back somehow. It'll be gen x working class who have been abandoned in favour of immigrants and muslims if anyone is going to kick off and push back.

It's always the working class who get things done.

They hate her because she btfo'd so many people.

>She Btfo'd the Irish
>She Btfo'd striking miners
>She literally Btfo'd the argentinians

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She turned a blind eye to a ZOG peado blackmail ring, google Elm guest house

She also made a killing selling arms with the Israelis

>destroyed a number of community's

Nothing on Tony Blair

>Sho btfo’d native brits.

Good post, second best enemy user


They should hate Disraeli