Pro-abortionists will defend this

>pro-abortionists will defend this

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Uhh that's not how it works sweetie

Maybe if you actually had a womb of your own you would actually understand

And no argument was made.

>the absolute state

the baby with a heartbeat in your womb is not considered life but the bacteria living in your stomach is?

what i dont get is why Jow Forums is against abortion, but it mostly happens to niglets?

well actually theres another body in your body. you can do with your body what you want, not the one not belonging to you.

>the absolute state of the human race
finding life on mars but saying dumb cunt shit like this, fucking SAD

mice have heartbeats and they have humans that make a living exterminating them and society is fine with that. and yet you could train mouse. can you train a fetus? no you can't. fetuses are useless.

It happens to white girls a lot more than you think. No one gives a fuck about some niglet being aborted, the mother should be aborted at the same time.

A single protein on Mars would likely be considered life. That's even more disgusting.

abortion is self-eugenics

I hate abortion and even saw a live one as a medfag, it's disgusting and the women doing it are useless

I would have no problem with abortion if a women requesting it in any way gets sterilized as punishment for refusing to contribute with a kid to society

a single protein cluster is considered life worth sending the ENTIRE human race to mars by 2020 for (re: tesla promise) to recover and protect

but a literal human being growing in a womb is "just a clump of cells" not worth life

Leftists need to be SHOT.

Different DNA different body,,slut

Because every Euro country also has abortion and said countries are often 80+% white.

Even if white girls do it, too, the kind of people who get abortions are the same kind we don't want having children anyway.
Single moms are raising niggers, doesn't matter what color they are. That's more people into the Welfare system, that's more people voting democrat and progressive.
I do believe abortion is murder and ethically wrong, yet I believe our tax dollars should go to making abortions legal.
If you really look at the numbers, the number of blacks would explode if they didn't have access to abortions and then of course you have all those coal burners who get abortions to save face.
It needs to be done and it needs to be free.

>muh murder
If they baby is healthy and not a product of rape or miscegenation, then there is no reason for abortion to exist in a white society. HOWEVER, since we don't live in a white society, abortion should be encouraged in all non-white ethnicities.

A child is a blessing, and murdering your baby is a sin. If you don’t want to get pregnant, don’t have sex.

Why don’t modern “womyn” practice accountability?

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>christcucks have a problem when low-class white thrash or shitskins have abortions

and? how is killing bad?

why should anyone follow the instructions of an old jewish book that has done nothing except hold back the European spirit since its inception?
>i'm against killing because Moses's god Yahweh said it's bad ok
>i'm against killing because it goes against society's structure/my race/my own virtues
Which is better?

>Why don’t modern “womyn” practice accountability?
Because people like exist.

If all the trash were aborted we'd be running out of christcucks and fast. All those lost donations! All those lost future refugees!
Give Africa and India birth control and abortions, watch your problems go away.

>if you actually had a womb
If you actually had a brain you would understand that you're a murderer.

Post-term yourself, scum.

The fucked up thing about the abortion debate is that it ultimately comes down to "muh feels" for both sides. I feel like agreeing on whether or not a human fetus is a human shouldn't be that complicated.

Look up the definition of life

Their argument is not that a foetus isn't alive, it's that it's not a person.

But it would be a person. I feel like if we had a greater understanding of how time/fate actually work in the grand scheme that would help. People have this idea that they were fated to exist, that if their parents fucked at a different time on the same day they were conceived they would still be the same person (the same "soul"). Nearly every baby aborted had the potential to live a full life, even if not a good one.

Why would murdering a pregnant women be a double homicide but murdering an unborn baby is legal?

What the fuck? Who has ever made the argument that a fetus with a heartbeat isn't alive? What the fuck is it then, if not alive?

No, the argument is that it's not really a human because it doesn't possess a richness of mental life or experience.

Who even said that fetuses aren't alive? Nobody made that argument, as it doesn't matter.

What are you talking about you dumb mutt? What the fuck does time and fate have to do with whether or not a fetus is a person?

Babies aren't people either

Because reasons

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rofl, what splitting of hairs you need to do to murder babies with a clean conscience

when do the "richness of mental life or experience" begin? lol one second out of the vagina? two seconds?

so many 40-year-old non-humans walking around right now by your definition, just go cull a few, it should totally be legal because they don't have any "mental richness"

>I feel
Opinion discarded pal. Don't ever butt in again when the grown-ups are talking.

Because if they weren't meant to live then it doesn't matter. we cannot perceive this, only speculate on it

Well you can just fuck right off. Nobody likes people who think that way.

>it doesnt matter if its alive or not
what the actual fuck is wrong with you people
dont get fucking pregnant then

>when do the "richness of mental life or experience" begin?
When it has a complete brain and a mature nervous system. Did you really not know this?

Because the woman, most of the time, engages in acts that she’s well aware will conceive a child. After beginning the process of the creation of life, she is fundamentally choosing to kill that which she brought into— a small clump of cells that will, 100% of the time, unless affected by some kind of disease, grow to become a human.
In the court of law, you can saw for lost job opportunities if some sort of mishandling of education goes on. That would be a similar situation, only it doesn’t deal with what could literally be murder. There’s no definitive answer, according to leftists, but the chance is there nonetheless.

I agree with you, after birth abortions should be legal.

>when do the "richness of mental life or experience" begin? lol one second out of the vagina? two seconds?
A few years into life generally speaking.
>so many 40-year-old non-humans walking around right now by your definition, just go cull a few, it should totally be legal because they don't have any "mental richness"
Like who?

You can't make a logical argument one way or the other that will ever satisfy everyone. It does come down to feelings and if it didn't we would have resolved this by now

Talk about over simplification.

maybe the baby would've died anyway in a miscarriage or SIDS, but all of them were not meant to die on an abortionist's meathook

Telling people to not get pregnant and expecting to end unwanted pregnancy is the same as wanting to ban guns and expecting gun crime to disappear. If you can see why one doesn't work but believe the other would, you're a retard.

You don't like people who think that way. Only feeble people insecure about their position have to argue it from the imagined voice of everybody.

I don't know but why won't you 2 have this dus cushion on mars.

>what is a false equivalency

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Killing babies is wrong. "Did you really not know this?" Are you saying you can kill any human whose nervous system hasn't matured yet?

Can you prove that?

>we don't live in white society
Well you might not live in one

Except that's actually what people did. Not fuck around. Banning weapons for the general populace has only ever made them the government's or barbarian's bitch.

Killing a pregnant woman is a double homicide

>it's that it's not a person
Subjective Jewry is why the laws of European men look like the Talmud today. For example, if I kill a women that is one day pregnant, I could be charged with double murder, but if a woman that is one day pregnant kills her husband's or boyfriend's child, she is stronk independent wymn. The real reason for abortion, at least in the US, is eugenics. But no one (aside from Jow Forums) makes that argument. Why? Because there are much more efficient ways to implement a "social hygiene" program, and the Jews are terrified of that, but at the same time, they know there are too many niggers

If they're a huge black hole of resources and unwanted commitment, then yes. Someone that might as well be a bag of gravel should not be such a heavy obligation to anyone.

Thank god we have abortion legal, I know a girl who had it at 16, now 17, is a NEET, stupid, does drugs excessively and has unprotected sex all the time

A bacteria can survive out in the open world on it's own, therefore it's alive. If a fetus cannot survive out in the open air because it's underdeveloped it is not alive. An 8 month old fetus, sure. A three week fetus? No.

No the average person really doesn't empathize with someone who doesn't see babies as human

This is an argument against the welfare state.

If it's worth it to tell a woman to keep her baby, why isn't it worth it to provide it with a safe and stable home, good medical care, and proper nutrition and education? Abortion should only be illegal when we have cradle-to-grave socialism.

you're implying that I need proof to be right

If I get away with murder with no witnesses and no consequences and you can't prove I did the murder, does it mean that I'm a great guy until you can prove otherwise? Fuck you, you can't prove that I'm a murder! Prove it! Bitch! Nothing happens until there's proof, Bitch!

If that were true then abortion would've been illegal a long time ago.
Stop projecting your own views through others. Grow a spine.


I'm not implying anything, I'm asking if you can prove it.
The fact that you sperged out instead of just giving a proper answer tells me you can't.
Can you do something else, then? Can you detail suffering?

Why inefficiently kill something through neglect and starvation when you can efficiently kill it with a needle through the brain before it's even born and feels pain? Seems to me that abortion is infinitely more humane than turbocapitalism with no welfare state.

>What is the difference between life and consciousness?

I guess if you're pro-life, you better stop bathing, using antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizer and throw away all of your cleaning supplies.

Top fucking kek.




>killing the uterus is murder
>killing animals to eat them is just fine

conservatives have no brain, they should stop reading too much bible.

you just want to murder to get out of the obligation of raising and helping a child and improving yourself

admit it

that's all anyone who ever gets an abortion wants really. they want to say to their baby, "I don't love you, I don't want to know you, I hate the idea of growing old with you"

Can someone answer me why it's not wrong to hook a live fish in the mouth, then gut it while it's still alive so you can eat it? It's alive, isn't it? But why isn't doing this considered a moral problem? What if you swapped the fish witha puppy? What changed? *Think* real hard.

And any “worthless people” being kept alive by the charity and good will of someone close to them would be completely voluntary and a good way of putting their money back into circulation. You wouldn’t have to kill them, and moreso, it would be unethical snd harmful to the actually productive person in this situation, the one that loves them and works to keep them alive.

Abortion should only be illegal when we have National Socialism, you mean?

explain to me how either that heartbeat or that bacteria have value

when you get cradle-to-grave socialism, you won't even need abortion because noone will be having kids and suicides will be through the roof

Either abortion should be made illegal and child support stay roughly as is; or abortion is made legal but child support is done away with. If a woman can easily abort her baby and the father does not want to raise it, he should have a grace period before it's born to deny ownership. If he tries leaving after birth he should be held accountable though. Women cant have their cake and eat it too.
>but I cant raise my baby without financial support!
>he made it clear he wasn't going to raise it and you had 6 months to decide on whether or not to keep it, ma'am

>killing animals is wrong
>but killing plants for nutrition is okay

vegans have no brain, they should stop eating so much onions

Abortion enables the degenerate behavior of women and on paper should be thrown out, but with so many preventative measures, casual sex has won and society is doomed regardless.

This is the 'feels before reals' aspect of conservatism. They just 'feel' abortion's wrong, the same way feminists just 'feel' you can change genders, or the way blacks just 'feel' oppressed by white society.

One is the confirmation of life and the other confirms people had sex.

Ok, but if it's about the brains, why is killing commies and leftists illegal?

Chekmate atheists.

If you have sex but don't want a baby then you try to prevent it. Take the pill, use a condom, cum outside and then take morning after pills. Do everything you can. Combination. Multiple lines of defense.

Pregnancy can still occur. I know. But, having sex risks pregnancy. You know this. You took the risk. You take responsibility for the outcome.

If it was up to me you'd get a maximum 48 hours to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. Breaking that law gets an immediate sterilization followed by six months in prison.

Hey that’s a really good way of framing your weak argument!
First, murder is unethical. You probably don’t want to be killed. The same ought to be assumed for a baby.
Second, even you can make a living wage in America working at McDonald’s, and the child in question might find that more preferable than dying. Which is only possible because of capitalism.
But thanks for trying, Mohammed.

it weren't even bacteria. You got bomaboozled by nasa, like pelicans. All they detected were organic compounds, like benzene, after burning the matter. But they can't tell if it was life or not. So yeah, benzene is alive and fetuses aren't, lol.

naw, faggot, I can see your fedora tipping from here with your "can you prove it" faggotry

So I just "feel" that killing children is wrong?

>People have only started having casual sex in our modern times, but never in the past.

Are you retarded?

I think that free abortion is not good, abortion should be rewarded and payed for.
Permanent sterilisatioon should have a reward the equivalent of five abortions.

Womyn should not be forced to make FILTHY MALES, they should be rewarded for the courageaous act of refusing to bring more victims and perpetrators into this world and all niggers are gone overnight let's repel the law.

But society ends up paying. Taxpayers pay. I process welfare for a living. You have no idea how much you pay for discouraging abortion.

Specks of random floating bacteria don’t become fully functional human beings in time, nor are they openly invited into the woman’s body for conception at the time of love making. Topkek, brainlet.

triggered meat eater detected.

>killing an most likely unconscious uterus is wrong
>killing a fully conscious pig or cow is fully okay

i'm not even vegan by the way. but your logical fallacies are just beyond retarded and i want to point it out. meat eaters just want to avoid the fact that they are evil monsters who farm and kill animals for food. they can't handle the fact of their evil nature. they have all sorts of feel-good excuses for themselves.

No, there are plenty of logical arguments against killing kids, it's about respecting the personal agency of other humans. That's the point, what matters is that it's a thinking, feeling human. A fetus is not.


I don't feel it, I know abortion's wrong, "know"

>thinking, feeling human
they aren't.

you dont even have to be religious to oppose abortion

Can it survive out of the womb if removed? If not than how is that a child? A late term fetus I would argue is a baby but not a underdeveloped one.

I'm not an atheist. If you want to do your little emotional grandstanding you should be prepared to back up the claims you make.
Guess you were just talking out of your bloated ass.

Still looking for the answer as to why it's ok to gut a live fish, but not a puppy. What is different between the two that changes the situation?
