Top 10 worst cities to live in the U.S

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>It's worse to live in Detroit than in Flint, a place where taking a sip of tap water will literally kill you

Detroit's that bad, huh?




>Springfield, missouri
The city is nearly 90% white and has low crime and a good economy.
By what standard is it a bad city?

Why Milwaukee?

>what are "cities with niggers"

Not enough diversity goy

>By what standard is it a bad city?

Who the fuck wants to live in Missouri? The capital might be alright, but you're basically on a desert island surrounded by an ocean of corn and can never go anywhere else or do anything else unless you want to fly or go on a 12 hour road trip. There are no adjacent hot spots.

>Why Milwaukee?

>tfw living in #6 for the past 2 years

I really gotta move out of this shithole. It’s straight up niggerville in 90% of the city. My brother was an absolute retard to buy a house here.

Because Plinket


I always thought Springfield would be a fun place to live in.

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Escape from planet of the apes.

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According to the 2010 Census, the racial composition of the population was:

86.2% White American (83.3% non-Hispanic white, 2.9% White Hispanic)
6.3% Black or African American
1.0% Native American and Alaska Native
2.3% Asian American
1.8% Multiracial American
2.4% Some other race


Worst place in Russia:
1) Russia


Not everyone needs to go nig around in order to have fun. I'd bet I have a more enjoyable life in my town where the biggest building is a small store than people who think you need to live in a city distracted by jewish advertising everywhere.

According to the 2010 Census, 44.8% of the population was White (37.0% non-Hispanic white), 40.0% was Black or African American, 0.8% American Indian and Alaska Native, 3.5% Asian, 3.4% from two or more races. 17.3% of Milwaukee's population was of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin (they may be of any race) (11.7% Mexican, 4.1% Puerto Rican).[50]


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>Springfield, MO
>No Chicago

worse cities all full of niggers
>what did they mean by this?

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Where the heck did ya get those stats? Milwaukee hasn't been that white for decades.

>no Sunrise, Florida
>no Miami

what's wrong with Albany, GA anyway? I mean its not an amazing place at all but it seems average for a Georgia city.

Every big city/major metropolitan urban center is populated by blacks in a high density. They flock to big cities like moths to a flame.

its just a country nigger pit
T. lived in south ga for bit user

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This list is in reverse order.




Those cities relaxed

Urban centers are just giant plantations.

All that is required is ~3% to ruin a formerly thriving metropolis; but 40%? Ho Lee Fuq!

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I seriously couldn't tell you why

St. Louis reporting in... it's bad, but it's not that bad.
Nogs have their containment zone (north city & county). The thing that makes STL one of the "worst" is the murder rate, which is almost entirely nog-on-nog. Just have a look at this map, see where the killings are concentrated, and the names of the victims/perps.

They have been leaking into west St Louis and St charles counties, bringing niggadry with them.

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Which city has most Indians?
I guess its NY city

I don't understand the list either. Where's Gary? Where's Camden?

Southern Missouri is actually somewhat mountainous. Rolling hills with creeks running through the valleys. The landscape is beautiful but the downside is that there are hardly any jobs. Most people who live in that area are poor as fuck.

Houston has a shitload of Indians as well as that town in Washington where Microsoft headquarters is located.

As a Michigander I just want to say "fuck you" to most of the East side. Quit shitting everything up for the rest of us.

edison NJ.
NY metro probably has the most indians, but not per-capita.

Camden, NJ is not in here, so I call bullshit.

Seattle or San Jose

Good luck trying to live there, shit is fucking expensive.


I don't know how I feel about Microsoft. I have my few friends in Microsoft. You people say MS is bloat and bad because of Indians but MS is doing actually better than fine even after 30 years Indian infestation.
Only bad Indians you will find are in Cognizant, IBM and other consultancy companies because they hire cheap.

can confirm. most of the county is /comfy/ as fuck. clayton, ladue, webster groves, etc. are blue collar white catholics just gettin' along.

It absolutely blows my mind that Springfield MO made the list. There's got to be some kind of mistake in the raw data.

>3. St Louis and not East St. Louis.
well ok this study is false on its face.

>good economy

It's true, they make the best meth on the planet.

As a Michigander I say Detroit is underrated. So many things to do and see. Come to Detroit yourself. I love Detroit! It's coming back

>Albany, GA
>not anything in the Atlanta area

Lots of red states in there...

Was driving a dump truck in downtown St. Louis, close to the Arch a few years back and had gotten lost. Was looking at the directions, trying to figure out where I was when 3 blacks came up to me and said, "White boi, what the fuck you doing in our territory?"

They kept walking in my direction, so I just took off, and got the fuck out of there.

Springfield? That's a strange choice. Don't think Spring belongs on that list with Detroit.

Detroit is underrated. Come to the great city. I love Detroit!!!!!

Detroit is like a war zone. Niggers will straight up kill you. At least you can just buy bottled water in flint. You can't buy not getting raped and shot.

Poor (literally) All ban eee (right way to say it)

Has no future.

Meh, this list is utter trash.

>Who the fuck wants to live in Missouri? The capital might be alright, but you're basically on a desert island surrounded by an ocean of corn and can never go anywhere else or do anything else unless you want to fly or go on a 12 hour road trip. There are no adjacent hot spots.
You are thinking of somewhere in Kansas. That area of Missouri is quite beautiful.

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>mfw living comfy in Los Angeles were nigger are put on check.

Feel good aye.

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>Detroit is like a war zone. Niggers will straight up kill you. At least you can just buy bottled water in flint. You can't buy not getting raped and shot

So is Detroit worse than Chicago or are they on equal footing in this regard?

I'd give my right nut to live in Missouri. It's a giant redneck playground.

Where's Oakland? Don't tell me my city is ok to live in

The reason it is on the list is because of the violent crime:
>1,345 violent crimes for every 100,000 residents (2016). This makes it more than triple the violent crime rate average for the USA.
There's a caveat here, though. The poverty rate in Springfield is now considerable, sitting at 24.6% at the time of the study. And this accounts for increased tension in families as money pressures mount. Included in the violent crimes statistics are assaults, and this includes domestic assaults, and these have spiked in recent years. Probably because of the poverty. So it isn't necessarily murders or muggings or rapes that are leading the charge (though they do exist), it's the big jump in domestic assaults that popped Springfield high into the standings.

Detroooooit is goooood

St. Louis reporting in

Ask a white Memphrikan anything

So poverty does cause crime? I'm confused now

>Wilmington DE

oh shit...

How often do you hear gun shots?


I heard them every night when I used to live near the ghetto. Now once every couple of months.

Lived in Memphis years ago, every excuse for black on black crime on social media pages in Memphis were CRIME HAPPENS EVERYWHERE which is bullshit considering the small town I live in doesn't have shootings, murder, drive bys and carjackings on a daily basis. The worst crimes here are either petty theft of some yahoo getting into a fight with his drunk neighbor.

Number three represent.
Nuke us, please God.

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They happen so often people don’t report them.

Simpsons is Springfield Oregon, notice the trees, water tower, and that episode where it's 3k miles to Florida. Also the creator is from the area.


>tfw live only a few hundred feet from Delmar

> moved from Atlanta
> in rural Alabama now with senpai
> taking horse riding classes
> stacked hay a few days ago with some friends
> hang out and drink some ice cold Natural lights after sweating like a hog in the bier
> go to a car show in our town after in my stepdads yellow 55 bel air
> have dank bbq afterwards

Good times in the sticks fellas

Would have loved to go there when techno and house were coming into their own and attend the underground raves at the decaying abandoned factories. Buying a house for cheap don’t sound too bad either

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This is the most white flight inducing

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I live in Kingsland Ga atm it's pretty nice place. Just a bit plain.

I live in Cleveland. Its an awesome city. Also one of the most ethnically divided in the country. 90% of cleveland is nice. 10% of Cleveland is a ghetto with a murder rate approaching Botswana.

Guess who lives where.

All nigger infested demonrat shitholes.

What's the most fucked up thing you saw when living near the ghetto?

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I saw a homeless nog walk into a bbq shop and ask to use the bathroom. Which they told him was for paying customers. He then said, “AIGHT” and proceeded to walk towards the bathroom anyways but stopped at the door. Then proceeded to drop trough and squeeze out a fat shit on the ground and then walked out.


>the city named after our best king was turned into a shithole
not cool USA

fucking kek I am not disappointed with that answer. Seeing a nigger give birth in public like that must have been traumatizing.

N Gee. I Wha G t's th G e coE mmo R n threa S d?

I love it when Michael Savage rants about San Francisco. I’ve been there, and it’s a damn damn shame.

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Wow - and to think they are all Democrat run cities. I am noticing a pattern.

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Detroit is straight up worse than Chicago. The murder is off the charts outside the main town. It's like Mad Max out there. A good travel suggestion is to shoot anyone you see that isn't your group.

See, Chicago has tons of murders but they are on record. People get shot and they call an ambulance and cops and it breaks up when the law gets there. Most murders get solved, they throw a ton of people in jail. Out on the edges of Detroit there is no law. No one's coming to help you no one knows how many die because there are no authorities. You have to get way closer to downtown Detroit before it becomes like the bad parts of Chicago.

Think of the outskirts of Detroit as the Congo.

You misspelled Jews

>Detroit 82.7% Black
>Flint 53.3% Black
>St. Louis 49.3% Black
>Memphis 63.3% Black
>Cleveland 53% Black
>Wilmington 58% Black
>Albany 79% Black
>Springfield 4% Black ??????
>Baltimore 63% Black
>Milwaukee 40% Black

Best cities in US according to CNBC
>Austin 8% Black
>Colorado Springs 6% Black
>Denver 10% Black
>Des Moises 10% Black
>Fayetteville Arkansas 6% Black
>Portland 6% Black
>Huntsville 30% Black ?????
>Washington 47% Black ?????
>Minneapolis 16% Black
>Seattle 7% Black

Tfw Robocop was right about Detroit in 2015 except for the amount of blacks

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30% black in Alabama is not that bad. Washington is having an opposite white flight effect, the non hispanic white population is increasing. Not sure about Springfield but I think this guy might be right

TFW Boddicker did nothing wrong.

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Bama user from ATL again, Huntsville is great.

> Not too big
> not too small
> less congestion
> housing quite cheaper
> the trash are more properly segregated
> easier to get jobs due to warehouses and car makers setting roots here
> nature great around it
> good school here
> lowest property taxes in the union make land much easier to buy

>So poverty does cause crime? I'm confused now
Just a correlation in this case that I'm wondering about, not a causation. A spike in domestic abuse seems to have raised Springfield MO into the top 10, and this was accompanied by a rise in poverty levels. And I guess I was wanting to defend that Springfield isn't that dangerous (via strangers murdering you), and that if you can find a good job there, and not be poor, then you would not experience the heightened levels of crime found in the study.

But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe that shouldn't matter. Violence is violence (?). It's just that I felt a disconnect between the violence in Springfield, and say, East St. Louis, Chicago, or Detroit. I will certainly accept criticism about me being wrong or misguided.