Gloating about being useless

this actually exists..


A community dedicated to NOT having kids. Basically full of beta males, land whales, and the weak minded who have been tricked by (((them))) into not having children.

The best part, for me, is this people are basically completely crushed and depressed inside, most likely because no one wants to have kids with them. What they do, is project that it is their choice, and they are trying to defend why it is a good decision.

These people should be round up and exterminated.

Attached: child free.jpg (295x171, 9K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>pay for tyrone's child
>yay I am not useless!

Enjoy your 18 years of debt

Actually Juan, I am glad you brought this up. This is exactly why we want you and your kind the fuck out of our country. I am glad we can agree on that.

its even more useless to have kids. youre basically giving up on your own life and saying" i cant do anything useful with my life, but if i have a kid, then i have an excuse for not accomplishing anything. and then if my kid does something then that makes ME a useful person!!"

thats not how it works. youre piggybacking all of your failure on to another generation hoping they will validate your existence. No matter what your kids do, you are just a loser that couldnt contribute their share to society.

you're a lazy, projecting retard

Having kids is contributing more to society than unwrapping your vasectomy present nintendo switch and posing for a soiboy selfie.

overpopulation, bitch. And your genes are not as precious as you think they are. These people are heroes, saving the planet and everything on it.

They also want others to stop having kids too. But are they really child free?

at least they're self selecting themselves out of the genepool

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if you werent such a failure, and lets say owned a home and a brand and some businesses you would want maybe your sons to continue on the lineage. you would use your daughters to marry off to powerfull families.

but no, you play videogames


statistically, your gene pool is gone between 5 to 7 generations anyway, unless you are Genghis Khan, that is.

>cant even form an argument
>calls other people lazy and retarded

if thats your idea of the "alternative" to having kids, then please think about it some more and decide not to reproduce. Its especially important that you dont reproduce.

makes me think

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nice selfie you have there,

>These people should be round up and exterminated

Why though? They aren't breeding, it's a problem that fixes itself over time.

It is literally the purpose of life (to reproduce). I don't care that you don't do it, but please don't act like you are enlightened by not having kids. You are just a fucking failure.

It's pretty sad but this is modernism plain and simple. It's a self-correcting problem, but it's just sad to watch. I bet you in a different era, these people could have been something great. We can't save everybody though.


Maybe they'll fuck eachother.

I don't want to have kids cause i find our society is unsuitable for any children I might have.

Yes - agree. I am not upset it is the choice they make, I am just making fun of the fact that they created a community on plebbit to gloat about the fact that they are loosers, LARPING as intellectuals for making the decision.

It is very very similar to trannies who get the surgery, except (unfortunately) the suicide rate is much lower for child free fags

>youre basically giving up on your own life and saying" i cant do anything useful with my life,
Why do modernists believe that once you have children you put a full stop to your life and your interests? Both of my parents continued to pursue their interests and careers and grew into them all while raising a family. Are you just incapable of multitasking?

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>fag flag


Just wait, this is how LBGT degeneracy started. Soon they will demand shit (lower taxes, extra vaca, etc) because they don't have kids.

>not raising an army of 1,000 spawn and taking over a river valley to raise your brood

sad sad day user

The irony even if you tried to raise your child full time you'd probably do a shit job. Yeah you people shouldn't have children, I can't help but feel pity for children whose parents resent their existence. #hedonism #mylineagedieswithme

Here is a unpopular opinion:
- Allow abortions
- Allow gays to marry and do what the fuck they want
- Let people adopt (((child free))) lifestyles
- Allow people to mutilate their own genitals
- Bring back death penalty for serious violent crime
- Keep mass migration out

Over a few generations, whatever people do breed will do it at a sustainable rate and will be much more naturally conservative.

You're an Amerifat living in Drumpfland. Not a fucking Medici.

Statistically your great grand daughter will bear a brown child.

accomplished people do one job well, they arent mediocre at a bunch of things.

in the overpopulated world, the duty is NOT to reproduce to assure species survival, you fucking retard.

>beta males, land whales, and the weak minded
okay and what's wrong with these losers not having children? because at the moment i'm only seeing the positives here


Can you guys even be considered white anymore?

nice post summerfag

Meanwhile here I am, 6'4, naturally athletic physique, 135 IQ, self employed making $35,000 a year working 1 hour a week, but have an introverted personality. And I just hit 31 years old getting past my prime and I never could find a girl to have kids with. Still can't. Chances dropping every second.
Seriously, 1 flaw (introvert) and women will have nothing to do with you.

whiter than you

Because you absolutely have to make personal sacrifices when you have a child. It's not like your personal life completely dies or anything, but things take a major slow down, especially during that first year.

A good friend of mine from high school had a kid about 5 years ago, and he often says that he feels like people don't invite him to social situations or talk to him much any more because of the kid. He struggled with it for a while, but now that his kid is getting a bit older I think things are getting better for him. The first few years of being a parent are especially difficult.

I don't plan on having any children, but that may change in the future if I meet someone I feel comfortable reproducing with. I've got a lot of mental and health issues that run in my family, and I think I'm just going to end it here. I guess the difference between them and me, is that I'm not bragging about it like I'm some sort of enlightened being for not having kids.

I think people also need to realize that not everyone is fit for parenthood. Lots of people are too lazy, stupid, poor, uneducated, or sick to take care of children properly, and the end up being a burden on the taxpayer.

If anything they just created an argument to get less benefits.

The whole government social security system is a giant ponzi scheme that needs new people to constantly feed it money so it can continue to hand out gibs.

If you don't have kids, therefore you deserve less benefits during old age.

The (((alternative))) to this is to bring in mass migration from cultures that happen to be very hostile to LGBT.

Either option, LGBT is going to self destruct.

Correct. We should tone down our reproduction and allow pajeets, niggers, mudslimes and spics to keep pumping out 14 kids per women to be born into absolute poverty, such that we have to work double time to prevent them all from dying. Then I can put a sign in my window that says "All are welcome" to show other people how tolerant and smart I am.

Let me be clear. Unless you have and can support a child by age 35, you have failed at life and should just commit suicide.

Your problem is that you think there are "accomplishments" in life that are MORE important than contributing to your nation by having a family. You see no value in other human beings. In the past, we honored our parents and were grateful to them for bringing us into a world where we can have children of our own, that was what gave life it's value, not PROGRESS and TECHNOLOGY or whatever meaningless shit you think you're going to accomplish. CREATING AND RAISING LIFE IS HIGHEST AIM. You don't even value your own life much less your family and nation which is why you can't see that.

The problem is that you think the inclination to do said things in your list is in indicator of "bad genetics" when it really only indicates a sick society.

this isnt even a realistic scenario. youre assuming a situation where im forced to have kids and try to be good at it against my will? wtf are you talking about

>he often says that he feels like people don't invite him to social situations or talk to him much any more because of the kid

Talk about fucking insane delusion. Yeah people probably don't invite him to Las Vegas drinking binges. No, they don't "avoid him" because he has children, that's delusional. Maybe if you're a degenerate having children is a burden.

I have a vasectomy. Now the (((banks))) can’t have another source of revenue.

Tell us, what will you accomplish that is more meaningful than creating and raising a new life which connects and continues you and your wives genetic lineages?

It has more to do with growing up in high population density areas. Humans aren't rats. When they grow up in crowded environments, they lose their instincts.

They're encouraging others to do the same

everybody should stop reproducing, you thick-skulled mongrel. It is not about whites or non-whites, it is about saving the planet.

>having kids somehow makes your life not useless
Have fun with your retarded cutlet shit factories owned by mr. shekelstein.

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That doesn't even begin to make sense. Are you so autistic that unless you focus 100% of your mind onto something you simply cannot excel in this? And a career is already a focused pursuit of something. I really don't understand how you think you cannot excel in your personal interests while having a family.

Sure, but sacrifice is an aspect of humility and benefits the community as a whole on grander scale. But suggesting that you put a full stop to everything in your life because you have a child is just a blatant lie. Sure, the beginning is really tough because human infants are incredibly weak and vulnerable. I agree with you and your friends story is a little true because infants are a lot of work. But that still doesn't mean you give up your personal interests or motivations.

>not everyone is fit for parenthood
Sure, and thankfully it's a self-correcting problem in most cases. I personally do not care if someone doesn't want children, but there is no reason to make up all these lies to justify some worthless reasoning when every single day people that have children pursue their interests with the same vigor as they would have had the children not been there.

Good luck convincing non-whites to stop producing, mongrel

Actually it is realistic because I know a couple people who fucking acts and thinks like this. They literally bitch about having children every day and have said multiple times they wished they didn't exist (even though they love them). Unsurprisingly one of their children ran away and try to OD on drugs.


what a delusion, ppl like you pop one out and behjave like they are fucking heroes deserving medal. popping out a kid is the most mundane, insignificant thing that anyone can do today. Those who are childless are real heroes, fending attacks from mindless breeders like you

Thanks to your actions, the (((banks))) will now have land & resources for (((them)))

>the weak minded
no great loss their either. look at the positives

>Your problem is that you think there are "accomplishments" in life that are MORE important than contributing to your nation by having a family. You see no value in other human beings.

its not difficult to have kids. "parent" is the most replaceable role in the world. some people even have a hard time stopping themselves from having kids.

Let the Jews have their brown mongrel race

shitting out a kid is the most basic and banal thing there is to do in life. disgusting.

Just kill yourself already, antinatal nihilist loser. You don't have to be such a lifeless faggot just because your worthless parents abused you.

I have a hard time believing you don't suffer from depression. You'll say it's unrelated.

it i not a matter of convincing, but a matter of enforcing at this point, we have run out of all options. The economy has started already affecting breeding rates

nothing bad with childfree, as long as you are white. there are enough whites in the world and the chance of a new white boy bringing good to this world is slim

Suppose you're right, the arguments come down to "you can play video games!" on leddit and "aktually the jews want you to continue your race!" on here

based on your reaction, both of you seem to have some raging mental illness, will be transferred to your brood too, think about it.

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"difficulty" does not denote importance. you don't value yourself, you don't value your non-existent partner, you don't care about the future. Stop pretending like you're going to "accomplish" something important, nihilfag
Kill yourself, stop using up resources

That's what Patriarchy's for you stupid cunt slurper

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>metrosexual xer detected

>conceding on depression

I guess being miserable and depressed is the end goal your route is awesome! When you commit suicide, do it in a way where your mom thinks its an accident.

Assuming you're not a chef at wendy's with a 10 inch dick what do you do to make that kind of money?

>exterminating childfree people

darwin pls

Sounds like you are a salty infertile piece of trash to me. So I assume you think you shouldn't exist as well right? Your parents were faggot retards for having you, yeah? KYS

oh shit the fuck up. There is nothing wrong with the planet, save some areas are polluted. Pollution is mainly from poor people.

If I had a geenie with only one wish, I would wish I could stand next to you on your deathbed to watch you, in horror, recall your pointless life and the fact you never had children.

Have you told this to your therapist?

Shut up you useless fag. Yeah, enjoy your materialistic ideals, ancap. I hope you realize how wrong you are halfway through your life and Bourdain yourself.

This is a quintessential boomerpost, but strangely enough you seem to be under 50.Spic Fuentes pls leave

>only a few whites give a fuck about the planet
>we should ALL stop having kids, goyim, that way the planet will be saved
>meanwhile Africa, China, India hit 2BIL pop each

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have you told this to your rabbi?

this is but a sample of the insanity

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Promoting whites not to have children, sounds like a great idea!

>I wanna learn languages
>better sterilize myself so I can do that
lol what the actual fuck

can they put the sterilization juice directly into her cerebral cortex?

How does this rant thread help support YOUR family?

It doesn't

>bisexual cat dad alert


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>muh kids

having kids is a TAX on society, they contribute NOTHING and most of them will turn out to be NOTHING
they're selfish little bastards and will probably remain the same when they grow up
HAVING kids is the most selfish thing you can do - no you don't care about anybody else, especially your kid, you only care about yourself - prove me wrong
you can't

This comes off as incredibly immature. Healthy societies function around the raising of healthy children. Abandoning that struggle for temporary pleasures is fundamentally anathema to civilization in general.

Childless/unmarried men and women are failing their end of the social contract.

I’d be in favor of increasing the tax burden of these people significantly.

>ITT: stupid breeders

Yes goyim, white children are the problem!

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Perfect example of the mentally malformed derangement that lolbertarianism is based on.

Having kids is the ultimate vanity, a way for people to hold a mirror up to themselves while trying to achieve some sort immortality. Most of the people who reproduce shouldn't.

>looks at flag

Are you jewish, by chance?

I don't know you, but I would be willing to bet that the reason you think this way is you are overweight and obnoxious - so much that no one would ever consider fucking you. Therefore you channel all your anger from rejection into stating "No, I never wanted kids... haha jokes on you"

Hope you think about this, you will regret it when you are dying.

So not wanting kids and deciding not to have them is bad now?

>failing their end of the social contract.

No such thing anymore, That was torn up and shredded to pieces the moment Social Security was put into place and FDR took us off the gold standard.

Animals don't reproduce in captivity.

shut the fuck up breedcuck civilization doesn't need or want your aut right genes, trust me