What is Jow Forums's opinion on Jean-Francois Gariepy, scientist, philosopher and host of ''The Public Space''?
What is Jow Forums's opinion on Jean-Francois Gariepy, scientist, philosopher and host of ''The Public Space''?
I like his guests better
Autistic chad
Fat loser potato cringe lolcow autist
lol nowhere near chad territory
LMAO. farthest thing from chad
He is stupid enough to surround himself with wamenz, who no-one dares say is boring as fuck, but they are even if they are the prettiest thing ever.
So his channel is dropping viewers quick because of his stupid choices!
LOW IQ, very sad.
Also a potatophile
autistic manlet who somehow thinks he is a chad, he is literally 160 cm and overweight and doesn't even have an aesthetic face
no idea how much of a narcissist you have to be to look like that and think you are chad, must be levels that I can't even comprehend
>muh retards
closet pedos detected
He legit kidnapped some kid
He's ok. He seems capable of a reasonable conversation at least.
Ze Pooblic Spaze?
> manlet fatboy
Go away retard diddler.
>some kid
Some retarded kid.
Shouldn't have made a female his co-host. Doesn't understand his audience.
I was pleasantly surprised he didn't irrevocably fuck things up with Lauren, with this latest stupid, unnecessary drama. I get stressed out watching him talk to co-hosts/guests, because sometimes you can see miscommunication happening and you just want to scream "No! You idiots don't understand eachother! Go back five minutes and start over, and don't sign off on anything until you're sure the channels are open and clear. JF lacks social perceptual skills perhaps.
But otherwise, seems like a decent guy. Pretty bright. Makes a good show. And I like how he's aware of the realities of having a popular YT show that deals with controversial subjects, and how to deal with that.
Seriously, the way he agrees or at least does not challenge some of the most retarded, provably false bullshit conspiracy theories that his guests spew, just because they're anti-semitic, makes me think of him as grossly intellectually dishonest. add his creepy obsession with online whiteknighting and his peculiar saga with the retarded mexican girl, and I pretty much loathe him
He also claims to have fucked THOUSANDS of women. Yeah right.
Shut up, Vee
thirsty autistic loser who doesn't realize his time is passing quickly
creepy smug borderline degenrate
Entertaining, informative, has a way of wording things perfectly but ultimately, his obsession with women will be his downfall.
Good show. His theory of the revolutionary phenotype is also very interesting. Makes me rethink politics as a whole.
this. anyone who fucks handicapable people is morally bankrupt trash.
he;s aight.
He has very low standards so I can believe it.
>borderline degenerate
If he really fucked as many women as he says he has I wouldn't even call him a borderline.
By defending Lauren Rose he's confirming he's not truly interested in calling out the ZOG. Lauren is a shill, either through enjoying the status quo or unironically liking Jews. Lauren went needlessly hard on Little to the point that it seemed he genuinely offended her by openly talking about Jews. She never even addressed the points Little made, she insinuated he's a sperg that needs to shutup.
Lauren didn't address Little's actual points either because she isn't smart enough to, or actually likes Jews and doesn't want people on our side talking about Jews in public. JF can no longer claim to care about the white-race if defends a shill like Lauren and keeps her as his co-host.
You will NEVER be able to subvert Jews or sneak into power in their system and pull the rug from under them. You've gotta name them openly and change public opinion, removing the stigma of naming the Jew. Jews FEAR being talking about publicly by the masses and do everything in their power to keep naming them a stigma.
People like Lauren do the Jews biding by jumping down on those brave like Patrick Little that name the Jew and calling it (((Bad Optics))). If you unironically defend Lauren then you're a brainlet, soiboi, or shill as well. JF needs to fire Lauren and hire Emily Youcis.
He blocked me on twitter when I wrote that "fool" and "loser" aren't objective criticism by Lauren.
He's incredibly french and has a very thin skin due to that, but he's useful.
So what exactly convinced this place that the girl was actually very disabled? I said it from the beginning, but most people who were aware of the situation seemed to be in denial.
>He legit kidnapped some kid
She came to him, in her own car.
She also had a highschool degree and was studying at a university.
Nice try, faggot.
>she insinuated he's a sperg that needs to shutup
Where's the lie?
JF is autistic too. It was 2 autistic people falling in love. Quit being such a moralfag.
Autistic guy fucks autistic girl. What's the problem?
No, you shut up, Vee
Because of leftists and those dumb enough to fall for them.
Mild autism, university student, highschool graduate.
>muh retard story
>Patrick Little will name the jew and give gibs to niggers, then become the next Fuhrer of the Fourth Reich. It doesn't matter that he only got 1.4% of the vote, it was the Zionist voting machines. Everyone should just be quit and stop criticizing a combat veteran that sat inside and collected data his entire service. HE'S A HERO!
Because there's no such thing as being a sperg if you actually state facts and well thought out arguments. A sperg is someone that goes in saying "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW". Patrick didn't do that whatsoever, he gave evidence of Jewish subversion and was calm the entire time. He's got passion, but he actually makes valid points. Lauren NEVER addressed a SINGLE ONE of those points because she either wasn't paying attention, isn't smart enough, or again likes Jews and thinks even TALKING about Jews in public is (((BAD OPTICS))).
Lauren is a fucking shill for the Jews and needs to be fired.
>but muh shill story
Lie or not, she's a fucking retard.
The left has ignored its radicals for decades and was very successful in moving the overton window due to it.
She's a teenager who likes trump a lot, that's basically it.
Meme related
You are the unsecessary aggresive one, you're mad that you got owned byJf
Overton window is a meme from 2016. It doesn't work, it just isolates people.
Niggers are far more preferable to Jews user, this isn't even up for discussion. Taking away aid to Israel and giving it to Nigger to remove Jewish influence from them is fucking brilliant. You have to have about a double digit IQ to understand this, or just not be a Jew shill. Secondly, he got 50,000 votes in an ultra-liberal state, spending less than $5000 while openly naming the Jew.
He got more votes than Lauren and Nick have followers. Anybody who openly names the Jews while giving facts and being reasonable is advancing the public discourse and gradually removing the stigma of openly talking about Jew subversion. Only when the masses start paying attention to what Jews are doing can they be removed from power, and not a moment sooner.
above a double digit IQ*
Lmao, look 40 years back and compare the society of then to now.
Why do you think it changed?
He won't talk about race, he just rants boringly about the Jews for days on end a la David Duke.
Again, this is a Jewish lie. Jews are terrified of the masses talking about their shit casually, to the point they've enacted laws across the world to make naming them a fucking crime. The overton window is the only thing that matters and the only way to defeat the Jews. When the public realizes the crimes Jews have committed then removing them from power will be extremely easy.
Lauren is a fucking shill that calls talking about Jews in a reasonable, factual way (((BAD OPTICS))).
He talks about Jews and makes valid points on their subversion, that's all he needs to do. Race doesn't matter if Jews are still the ones in power. Speak out against white-genocide all you want, doesn't matter if the public doesn't understand Jews are the ones perpetrating said genocide. Before any other points can be addressed or fixed the Jews need to be exposed to the public for their crimes against humanity.
Naming the Jew is quite honestly the only thing that matters.
Because of a slow boil and deconstructing communities to atomize individuals. Nazi flags and KKK apparel will not win anyone with a sane head over. Neither will call for genocide or revolution.
Show me the masses you fucking idiot.
Unequivocally this. Drop her JF I know you are reading this you french fuck.
JF doesn't go on Jow Forums. He thinks people here are retarded and parrot all of the same talking points.
It's only a small vocal minority of the alt-right that completely fixated on the Jews. I can tell, you're on of those types and that's why Little appeals to you.
The thing you need to understand is not everyone fixates on the same issues you do. For example, I found just reading your posts to be a pain. If Jow Forums was nothing but guys like you I would never post here.
>if Jow Forums was nothing but guys like you I would never post here.
Very funny considering that this board was all about the jews before moot nuked this place.
His show and Pastor Steven Anderson are the only two things worth my time on YT
What you need to understand is that removing Jews from power is the only way to enact everything else people like you care about. The ZOG run the system, that's a fact. I love Trump, but the ZOG have their hands all over him. Until the public no longer fears talking about Jews & their bullshit openly then they'll never be removed from power. The autists like Little going out there and thoughtfully articulating Jewish subversion and crimes is what changes public perception.
(((BAD OPTICS))) is a Jewish talking point mean to stop the naming of Jews. Stop being a shill user.
this, and checked
I like ASMR thots and alt-right shows.
>Nazi flags and KKK apparel will not win anyone with a sane head over. Neither will call for genocide or revolution.
None of which is relevant to Little.
You're either retarded or a shill, pick one.
If you want a board that's fixated on the Jews there's always 8chs pol.
he fucks ugly fat women and orbits average women that think hes a creep (which he is)
I am not saying I want that.
The Alt-Right is the biggest dummy movement we have atm. The problem is the recession of jewish redpills.
Fuck off Jean
cocksucker banned me from his channel just for asking why he decided to push himself into drama that had nothing to do with him
i actually gave that faggot money too
1. Needlessly bans anyone that gives him the slightest criticism.
2. Has a female co-host that doesn't have substantial experience or really bring any new ideas to the table.
3. Acts like he is master tier chad; which is hilarious because of the autistic weabo community that he's in.
I'm still subscribed and regularly watch when he brings on an interesting host or has a specific topic i enjoy. Tried to watch his solo shows with Lauren, couldn't even finish one.
8ch doesn't have the numbers this place does, we need to call out Jews HERE and support those that do. Again, Little didn't go out there saying "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW", that's a sperg. He actually gave well thought out arguments with evidence. Apparently this was enough to trigger the FUCK out of Rose and make her chastise Little for (((Bad Optics))). Lauren Rose is a fucking shill.
>i actually gave that faggot money too
>being a paypig
Always a mistake.
He was alright till he started whiteknighting for a hole I've never seen before.
Your posts are so rehashed and bland that they make me feel more sympathetic to the Jews. I find myself thinking "if anti-semites are as annoying as this guy maybe the Jews aren't so bad".
>They make me feel more sympathetic to the Jew
Because you're a shill, just like Lauren Rose. If calling out Jews for their shit while not even sperging out saying "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW" is enough for you to side with Jews then you're a fucking shill.
Naar de gaskamer, Groenlinkser.
Ze publeek spayce
I love you Patrick!
I'll take that as a compliment, I love Patrick Little so for you to think he's me because of my posts is an honor.
I can listen to Kevin McDonald talk about the Jews all day. The thing is it's not some fixation for him, because he's not a conspiratorial minded people. I can't stand listening to people who have the "Jews are in my sandwich" fixation.
Just a dumb pussylicker who likes to think he's smart. His defense of Rosenberg was inexcusable.
His shitty mods banned half the Alt Right lol.
You can listen to him rant on in the privacy of his own home, but disavow a person that actually goes out in public making the exact same type of reasonable arguments against Jewish subversion. You're not fooling anybody shill.
He's great.
Shut up queer.
It's a fixation because they're the ones in power retard. Look at Trump, talked about almost everything else besides Jews. Now he's just their puppet like every other politician. If you don't name the Jew you're not going to actually change anything, it's just a fact.
Kevin Macdonald says you have to have a 130 IQ to talk about the JQ., which means brainlets like yourself should shut up about the issue.
Look in the mirror, downie.
>He thinks people here are retarded and parrot all of the same talking points.
Well, hes not wrong about that though.
Take your fucking eceleb trash out with you and neck yourself, those threads are a disgrace.
Kevin Macdonald is a faggot then and a Jew shill as well. Anybody that's willing to argue against Jewish subversion while not saying "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW" should be encouraged to do so. The more people speaking out against Jews in a thoughtful manner, I.e not talking about throwing them in ovens, is advancing the discourse. Quantity over quality, because if that one person were to get killed or compromised you need to have a ton of other people ready to fill that void.
So that's another Jewish talking point like ((Bad Optics)))
Cheers, just checked Pastor Steven Anderson and am enjoying already.
he's boring, couldn't stand a video more than 2 min.
Like pat little i respect the consistent behavior no matter the social pressures that occurs in autism.
>scientist, philosopher
wtf as the world become
hey Vee
good guy abit of an autist, does interesting shows.
Very thirsty Frenchman though and white knights