Netflix bans staring more than 5 seconds

We better not catch you looking at women, user

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>blinks every 5 seconds
what now Netflix?

If I worked there I would time people all day and file HR complaints like it was my job, but I would never work somewhere that employs Barry (Not My Real Name) Obama

Practice what you preach, netflix employees
You lowly fucking scum of the earth

where can we get the memo where they define 'staring for more than 5 seconds.' I'm sure its rife with hilarious Jewgalese

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Now everyone is going to know what it feels like when your autistic friend is talking to you but you don’t realize it because he’s staring at something else.

This, what a stupid rule. It will be impossible to actually enforce this.

>It will be impossible to actually enforce this.
But really easy to abuse it.

>Literally needs a rule to avoid staring at people in a creepy way

this just confirms that the biggest creeps are the people pushing anti-creep propaganda

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They can weed out the undesirable employees using this. Fervent public SJW virtue signaling is too low for employee X on social media so we need to write him up for stare raping to avoid paying unemployment compensation to him.

The future is f e m a l e
They're trying to throw competent men out of the workplace in favor of muh stronk wimmen

Gynoinfiltration, if you will

5 seconds is plenty of time to stare after a bitch notices. It’s actually a lot longer than I usually stare.

why do all bald men look the same?

So how long IS it appropriate to stare at people?
The internet says 3.3 seconds:
>Why? Because new research from the U.K. shows that the perfect amount of time to stare at someone is about 3.3 seconds. Any longer or shorter and you’ll creep them out, the study suggests.
I wonder if it varies by culture.

Lol I'd try to get the hot girl in the office fired, make the rule ridiculous

>imagine being so autistic you ban sight

Men go bald so they can disguise themselves as other bald men. It's because they're Russian spies.

How would you be able to time somebody if you couldn't look at them for more than 5 seconds?

> Of course, staring is kind of rude
What fucking timeline did I get teleported to where staring is rude? The only way I could interpret staring as kind of rude is if some fucking stranger just mean mugs you.

what they should do is to just obviously stare at the tits of the female bosses that conjured this rule for 5 long seconds. before saying thank you for your time

What if you catch someone staring at you, and you look at them as if expecting a conversation?

Do both employees get fired? Or the stare initiator?

To think I was considering investment

this is a clever trick

they're forcing the men to refine their staring technique

What if someone is deaf, and they communicate through lip reading?

Should they look away every 4.9 seconds? What about if someone has a beard, and it takes them 5.1 seconds to understand them? Is that a sackable offence?

Shit, you're onto something.

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>Other new rules include: “Don’t give lingering hugs or touch anyone for a lengthy period of time,” “Don’t ask out a colleague more than once if they have said no,” “Steer clear of a colleague once they have said they are not interested in you,” and “Don’t flirt.” The rules also encourage employees to “Shout ‘Stop, don’t do that again!’ if a colleague has been inappropriate.”

>work for netflix
>making a proposal at a meeting
>fucking cunts aren't even paying attention, all of them staring at the wall

At first I thought this meant you couldn't stare at their shows for more then 5 seconds.

perfect job for gaze averting autists then.

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Same here kek
I thought they went full Orwellian on us and inplemented an eye tracking program so you don't stare at titties for more than 5 seconds or something

>but i only stared at your tits for 4 seconds, I timed it.

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eye covers+camera?

>user dates femanon.
>femanon gets rejected and/or
>user stops giving femanon money.
>femanon gets user fired because "muh 5 second stare"

absolute stupidity

this one will probably go to the supreme court because employers can't reasonably enforce a rule curtailing user's freedom to look at what he chooses to look at.

At first I thought this was about the facecam and the device you were watching on, as in if you paused the content to look at a chick

Well that comes later, I suppose

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Damn I must be a freak for glancing at everyone for .5 seconds


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This is actually great, this literally means thatit's perfectly okay to death-stare people, as long as it's for less than 5 seconds. I would just stare hard at every single women's tits and asses for 4 seconds exactly and count every second with my fingers up, that way she can see that i've only stared for 4 seconds not 5, every 4 seconds i would turn my head away and back really quick and keep looking; repeat for the whole break. I have not broken any rule amd if they fire me i would sue them

It’s just a way for them to fire conservatives

>Not looking into people's eyes when you speak to them.
It's like you have something to hide.

Well, Mexicans stare for 7 hours at a time, so I would say yes.

>netflix has reportedly banned workers from looking at each other for more than five seconds as part of its new anti-harassment rules

>abondon christianity
>end up in a totaliarian fanatical purist hellhole

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You're the reason lawyers have field days with techicalities and loopholes. Doing gods work, user.

Thanks Obama.

never would i've guessed i'd say kudos to such jewry and rules lawyering - but it really serves an excellent end
godspeed you mexi-jew

>Well Senior Anonez, you didn't read article 1456 subsection c.b. which clearly states all the seconds you ever looked at someone are counted. Therefore I rule that you give them all your money for the rest of your life and I also rule that I get a big fat bribe from one of the richest media organizations in the world.

>stare 5 seconds
>look away 1 second
>stare 5 more seconds
>look away 1 second
>repeat all day
Now what, HR?

This guy works for Netflix and he is going to stare at a man's hot juicy ass for as long as he damn well pleases.

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Fucking hilarious. The same people coming up with these stupid ass 'rules' are the same roasties who are single and stuck when they hit 35 and asking "where did all the good men go?" Good men aren't wasting their time paying attention to vapid cunts who have so much internal shame they can't even stand to be looked at. The roasties are killing themselves and it's hilarious.


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>I thought they went full Orwellian on us and inplemented an eye tracking program so you don't stare at titties for more than 5 seconds or something

coming next year, user.