
>partner with a degree got a job for a year, earns 600€/month

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what's your point?

Before we had euro i could buy the same amount of stuff for 1/4 of the price and my mothers wage was 3 times higher

They eat pesto on bread. Also they have to live of 600 bucks and look how expensive foot is.

>They eat pesto on bread
me too lol

Get a job

The fun thing is, besides that you are paying 22€ for practically nothing, companies like Milka still sell you lower quality products compared to products in western markets. Would hate to be you

Severe mental illness, in "rehabilitation program" where they search for a job suitable for you, 3 years still no job, no benefits either

look everyone, a gay

oh, here's some advice:


We had a russian in telegram group who went to a restaurant were they served plain pasta which came with a little bowl of mayo. To all slavs i love you though. I am of slavic ancestry. When this nation here collapses ill join you and bring salad dressing which we will use as sauce for cooked potatoe and we will smoke the (((subhumans))))

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lol i dont work at all and i get a little over 1k euro for free

>tfw being german

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Shut up i am personally richer then you will ever be. I have a indoor swimming pool lol. I just feel my slav brothers struggle. But who am i talking to you are not connected to any people or culture.

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I will get a STEM degree and move to Germany

Are Slovenes viewed as subhuman in Germany?

t. has austrian genes and speaks german

>Spreading pesto on their chocolate bars
Slovenians actually do this.

this stuff would cost 10€ here. shampoo would be the most expensive

meh.. kinda. a little. slavs are not very welcome here by both the right and left. right wing thinks you are subhuman and left thing thinks you are a nazi.

but normies wont care much. if you speak german then you should be ok.

>Slavic ancestry
>German flag

Grannies got raped during the soviet invasion didn’t she?


Tfw relatives died in concentration camps

Europoors have to pay so much for basic shit, lmao. That shit would be like 8 bucks here.

You can stop buying shampoo. If you quit using it for 2 weeks you won't need it anymore.

you will be fine. just do a good job and don‘t be a lazy bum. i work with slovenians. they do a good job

I heard that one before but i had a classmate who had long hair and washed it once every 2 months and she smelled so bad nobody wanted to sit with her

>be burger
>makes $350k writing java

lefties think all slavs are anti refugees = hardcore nazi

>Tfw relatives died in concentration camps
you are not welcome anymore.

You joined a common market with some of the richest countries in the world. Why should people sell you things cheap when German customers are happy to pay a lot?

lol this meme
>just use water goy, then your body will develop a neutral organic smell noone notices

Nah it looks oily af

That sounds extremely retarded.

cringy loser you have to go back

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>i am poor
Good for you. Now fuck off. Got get a job or something.

HOLY SHIT THEY HAVE HEAD AND SHOULDERS IN SLOVENIA?!?! I didn't realize your country was so modern

Mental illness is your body telling you ro kill yourself not to be burned on the society.

Why is shit so expensive over there? I could provide 3 meals a day for a week on $25

Learn to cook, don't buy stupid shit like oreos and beer, buy ingredients and make your own. A bag of potatoes and a batch of chili should run you less 7€ but last you a week or more.

>washed it once every 2 months
You have to wash it with water with the same frequency that you normally do. And you must keep it well brushed.

Yes it does sound retarded. Try it and if it doesn't work, then you can bitch about it. Otherwise you have nothing to say about it.

It looks oily and terrible for two weeks. After that your body will quit excreting so much oil at your scalp.

I make over a grand a month cheffing in the kitchen 9-4. I am very lucky though, I landed this job by accident and have been learning as I go, I thought I was going in as a KP. Anyway, cooking is easy, rewarding, time goes fast and it pays well.

I went to college to do fine art and graphics lol

He's describing a piss-poor fuck, who's buying the MOST expensive shit you can buy on the market.

Zih je tisto iz Mercatorja, za bonus goyim points.

No offense, but I don't think you're a guy anybody would want to hire.

600 a month is what we give familes here in assistance.

You're an inbreed NEET, things are cheaper in GERMany

You'd suck German dick all the way to the eastern front/Serbia, kys

>Why is shit so expensive over there?
Two reasons. Firstly, it is bought in the most expensive store company in our country.
Secondly, not only is it in the most expensive store, it is selected to be the most expensive stuff you can find. The expensive type of shampoo, chocolate, fucking pesto, the expensive bread.
A roughly similar batch would cost you some 5-7€ in a normal store.

All in all, it's just a hopeless loser.

I hope you at least make some good memes with that degree

Also, trying to cry about how poor you are, while buying "essentials" like beer, pesto and chocolate, just looks dumb.
When I was poor, I bought potatoes and rice, whatever meat was discounted that week, and if I got beer it was the family sized big bottles, not individual cans.

Poor people should at least learn how to spend what little they have properly,

Wasn't the premise of the EEC that it would increase living standards?

It did, just not for mentally ill unemployed mountain jews who post on Jow Forums.

The Swiss?

Swiss aren't in ECC.

>Head and shoulders is the expensive brand

no you dont. your parents might, but its doubtful. post a single shred of evidence. you're a dumb fag

>why am i incel

what job is it?

shampoo might be worth 2-3€. What's in the white plastic center-top?

>4.9 ABV

Literally pointless

>Milka Oreo
Fuck, why don't we have that here?

kek, slovene, lives in EU paycheck 600€/month.
Serb,Bosnia (place no one gives a fuck about) earns 1100€/month

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>he trusted the Euro Jew

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bump for my question

Nope. Either try it or don't.


Try more like 5€

>Join the €uro they said. It will be fun they said

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preklete pizde razvajene

Branded chocolate, branded shampoo.. you lost like 4 eurodollars there

>>One grand a month
Why even live?

I work 2 jobs at 21, make 23-26’000 a month. Live with my parents and pay them rent for another year to save up.
Comfy af

>inb4 wagecuck

>mercator center
>high end boutique

It costs around 4-5€, i lost the bill

Why not. They werent jew, nazis went door to door and randomly picked people and sent to camps just for being untermensch slav

Are you literally retarded.You can buy a whole bag full of various food items for 22€ that will last you for days.

Your currency is basically euro*10?

You got also sent to a camp for refusing GERManzation and for being a part of the intelligentsia

>falling for the shampoo jew
I have long hair and they look better than all the brainlets using shampoo

That relative was a simple furniture maker, wasnt commie, wasnt an intelectual, wasnt jew, they just randomly picked him in the middle of the night and his family never saw him again

I don't know about you, but the moment I stop using a shampoo and start using only water my hair becomes greasier than an italian gypsy.

move to south africa.

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Based nopoo poster

Also op you dont need any of the stuff in your picture so stop crying


Go back to ...
Oh right, gypsies don't have a home.

but i'm not a gypsie :c

Well at least your shampoos flavored. I'm stuck eating the original version.

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Your head is addicted to unnatural substances.
Ride out the grease wave its an important step in healing.

i kek'ed

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It's been that way since before I used shampoo

user, face it. You're a shampoo addict.

Shampoo and conditioner are really bad for your hair.

Only Idiots and women use them

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Poverty brings us closer to god.

>t. lyingkraut

This seems expensive even by Greek standards.
Nonetheless, the solution is simple. Destroy EU and let us all return to our own currencies.

what the fuck is that Oreo thing? is it a cookie in a chocolate bar? that's a bit much.

>Quit school with 16
>Technically unemployed since 18 years
>Receive 863€/month
>work 10 hour a week for non taxed 463€
>rent paid by tax payer
Lol at your life

Yes its a small cookie with white chocolate and milk chocolate inside. Im addicted to it