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Because they can't into the world cup.



you aussies are guilty of the "muh heritage" shit aswell

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Ya Europeans do it too LMAO

Fuck outta here

Not really any race can be Australian.

Get out

>23andme confirmed shareblue ties
Go ahead, submit to your kike-approved testing.

My ancestors had fuck you money and it's not hard to trace them back because they were important
Sorry you need to join a government database to find out you come from peasants

Where is that confirmed?

All of our best athletes play American sports

I urge everyone to go to the 23andme wikipedia page, and look at the owner (sister of youtube ceo).

Goys, DO NOT under any circumstances give your DNA to 23andme. I'm telling you first hand, this is a plot, (((they))) want your genetic information for evil purposes. Ancestry.com is actually much safer and is run by good and ethical people !

Because of jews, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Reich_(geneticist)

Very lucky to be born that way sir.

no it isn't


We literally hate that 'sport'.

t. Professional kiiking player.

Yeah so they can

1. Tell you you're part nigger to promote "muh diversity"


2. Sell your info to people including the government.

No thanks, Shlomo.

At the end of the day, it will be the AI who has the data. The self learning program will then do as it wills.

Well there are certain issues with Ancestry.com, but if you want to be 100% safe i can only recommend MyHeritage.

No, all these tests are garbage, if your family values family they will have paperwork stored for generations on who your ancestors were.

>implying they don't add some random nig's dna to mess with your results

>i can only recommend MyHeritage.
How many shares do you own?

t. wog

Did i hear someone say they wanted to hear my Dad's Google history?


Attached: 1527293664702.png (609x749, 25K)

>be amerimutt
>find out i'm 1/128 german
>now support german team

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Don't know anything about soccer, but I guess I'll throw my 56% in with the Brits.

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What is shares ? I'm sorry i don't speak very good english.

How much of the company do you own, is what I was getting at. It's alright Jewbro, it wasn't that funny anyway.

What about myheritage?

got my lady an ancestry test, really only to shut her up on her constant "muh native american spirit. I tan so easily" nonsense.

I can understand white Europeans, probably poor and illiterate and what have you, just mixing around so long that having an dna test is something important to them, though.

3% caucasus? is that even acceptable?

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Guess it depends on what criteria is to be met.

are people from the caucasus mountains even white

Of all the pictures I've seen, I've not seen mongoloid, negroid or australoid peoples, so I'd venture to say that natives probably are, but I don't know much about that region.

>JewishGen is a non-profit organization founded in 1987 as an international electronic resource for Jewish genealogy.[3] In 2003, JewishGen became an affiliate of the Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust in New York City.[4] It provides amateur and professional genealogists with the tools to research their Jewish family history and heritage.
>In 2008, in a partnership with JewishGen, Ancestry.com took over the data center hosting of the JewishGen computerized assets.

>Type Private

>Type of site Private
>Created by Anne Wojcicki
>Key people Anne Wojcicki (CEO)

>Her mother is Jewish American, and her father is Polish

>A Jewish American
>Greenspan is also the project administrator of several surname DNA projects

>Type Ltd
>owned by Bennett Greenspan and Max Blankfeld, and is the parent company of Family Tree DNA.

>Typically, the sample collection uses a home test kit supplied by a service provider such as Anglia DNA Services, 23andMe, AncestryDNA, Family Tree DNA, MyHeritage, or National Geographic Genographic Project).

Americans always support the most Jewish sites and most Jewish celebrities, so that their illusion of Jewish race, Israel and chosen people lives on.

DNA tests should be done by country, not (((private))) companies.

I know the armenians are an older branch of r1b and have no african/mongol admixture, but they're darker skinned...so i'm not quite sure


Fun fact: Those companies don't test, they just charge money and make up the results. At least that's what journalists found after they sent their DNA to various companies and received wildly varying results.


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I think it'd definitely be interesting to delve into. I might have to start doing a bit of research.

It's a scheme to prove the existence of Jewish race.

Because the U.S. is a huge melting pot and it was been there for a long time.

the latest increase in turks hating on them made me google around a bit. they're a weird bunch. almost no racial mixing for the last 7-9k years. their closest cluster groups are actually european. they're an isolated group. weird genes. christian surrounded by mussies.

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>take dna test
>60% European East
>19% European Jewish
>rest euro other shit

What did they mean by this

Only 3% of people admit they are more than one race when they were asked at last census and not one with Jewish race.

Attached: Amerimutt more than one race census USA.png (816x567, 45K)

Since you're officially mostly British, you have to call it Football.

Yeah, I'd rather figure out my family tree than hand over my DNA.

>Professional kiiking player.

Holy shit, I got to do that in Estonia. Did not know it was stateside now. Where do you Kiik?

Shouldn't anyone just cheer for their country's team?

If you're going to get a DNA test, go with Ancestry. Mormons are interested in your ancestry because you give them access to your descendants. Mormons love this because Mormons can baptize the dead as Mormons if they haven't been baptized under a different faith.

So essentially, at the cost of having Mormons go around and "baptize" your ancestors and dead relatives as Mormons (which doesn't mean shit to some of us) you can get your DNA.

Great, we get the state shaped like a dong.

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