Europe is waking up
>Spain(after being fucked by the retarded government)
Countries that will be fucked for 20 years after that
Also other countries
>New Zealand
How does it feel loosing an empire again kikes.
The Kikes are loosing
Other urls found in this thread:
Also countries that will go into civil war
>all African nations
When a European country becomes explicitly for European ethnic groups and all Africans and Asians are deported then, and only then, are we winning and they "losing".
The US isn’t allowed to go into civil war and Canadians would send a “very threatening” letter instead of rioting.
There might be an awakening but it will be a while yet before any European country throws off the yoke of the Jew.
Especially with the EU putting pressure on countries that start to rebel, and the fact that many people are too blinded to see reality.
Simply stopping immigration will not suffice foreigners have to expelled, at sword point if nesseracy.
But no-one wants to realise this solution, they do not want blood on their hands, and so will languish trapped by their ideology and (((morality))).
Shut up, cuck. It is going to happen boomerservatism brought it down upon us.
You know that most people coming to Europe are antisemitic as fuck they should be with us until we defeat (((Them))).Then we can just make them go back to their countries they don't like us anyways
Give it 5 years
>Also help us take back Constantinople Turks don't deserve it
us Jow Forumstards always knew the objective: redpilling people
if the masses are redpilled we win democratically, just need parties that truly follow the will of the majority.
Canada will be much worse than the US in case of civil war trust me. They have no fucking army to protect them .
redpilled white americans returning to europe en masse would be a great solution, i've seen black people promote that same idea. "ill go back to africa when you go back to europe"
how about they keep american gays and coalburners etc, and we get our homeland?
Only 10% of the population needed according to a military expert
>>Also help us take back Constantinople Turks don't deserve it
I do love the idea. But if the roaches explode we will drown in people. As much as I hate them it is best for us (BG and Greece) for Turkey to be stable and work with Russia and China.
lol what? Israel has America under control, who has Europe under control. Good try goy
That will not work you cannot just leave one of the most important territories on the planet so you can return to Europe fight for it and we will connect the 2 continents with technology
Well 10 million people are a lot maybe make it a neutral zone?
just gotta redpill everyone then i guess
Give 5 years to what? Did you read the pic? We have been awoken years ago. What's with the >soon?
Just imagine China taking a territory like the Americas. We will have a super ant nation
A civil war in the US could potentially incite WWIII. As soon as it began, the result of said war would change the entire world order. We’d be abdicated from the position of global superpower. There’s an endless list of questions to be asked once you get into the nitty gritty. Sure, we could do it. Is the aftermath worth it though?
Think about it.
And not even that number will be reached unless it gets really bad, and it won't get to that point unless one of 3 things happen.
1. Massive global financial crash
2. Pandemic
3. Shitskins start revolting
1 will happen eventually, 2 will not likely happen and 3 will occur when there are too many shitskins to contain.
I pray for a global market crash, for at least then the west will be saved.
Well just wait for us then. Cause we cannot get a proper government to lead us
Now we need to make sure our goberment play ball with China and the most important economic project of the millennia. If the Silk Road passes through Serbia instead of us I will go and start shooting people for real.
fuggg XDDDD
Prepare your anus Eurocunts.
As an American I would rather see all you smug stupid inbreds suffer and disappear.
The kikes are indeed losing
Considering how many English speakers get that wrong you shouldn't worry. Just wanted you to know for next time.
Both of us should build a fucking 50m concrete wall along the border with tho roaches. Isolate them from Europe.
Well nobody will be able to protect Europe maybe Russia would attack but they won't get any benefit. Arab nations will attack Israel and maybe nuke each other?
Also Europe will be free so DOTR
>5 years for global market crash. Fucking hell
At sword point. This.
I predict a massive resurgence of cold steel weapons used in defence of yuropopulations.
I mean considering that if you didn't have a civil your country wouldn't even be America, I'd say its worth it.
I also woke up feeling optimistic today. I feel something, I don't know, a change? We have work to do. I suggest mass redpilling on every level, even in the fucking EU. Just go full Salvini/Orban vis-a-vis Soros, NGOs, leftists etc.
Saudis and Israelis work together though, and Iran doesn't have nukes I thought? creatura
Iran gets nukes from Pakistan fugg get fucked Kikes.
We will never win a war with the roaches. They just have too many people and a lot of military in general. We need to play a perfect hand geopolitically. The real war is cultural assimilation. Fucking Erdogan keeps including half of Bulgaria in his "spiritual borders".
Yep gonna keep it within the overton window essentially but as far as we can. Just gotta improve Jow Forums redpilling and get people thru twitter to reddit etc. maybe 8 ch can serve this function in some way
Tides are turning after 2016 election, honestly
πιστευω οτι αυριο θα γινει χαμος αμα ψηφισουν ηπερ της αλλαγης του ονοματος των Σkοπιων
>(((My Fellow Americans)))
Well most Turks which aren't actually Turks on the coast and Constantinople aren't against us so remove half of the population which won't attack us even if King Roach demands it
Of course. But he needs to play strong and keep the country from tearing through its ethical stitches.
Yeah, Russia would pretty much be able to have its way with Europe. The Chinese would take tiwan, there’d be nonstop coverage of the whole thing, major websites would go down, and of course you’d never hear the end of it from the identitarians.
Hey Med, Swedes are waking up too.
Even MAJOR leftwing media are going
>wtf is this shit with immigrants?!
Even OTHER immigrants are hating immigrants and voting for the anti-immigrant party.
Well the kikes would leave for Europe or China if US would fall to civil war so not sure if they come to Europe they will be lynched. And China most probably won't want them. The news and media would probably shut down also total fucking chaos
We were some backwater British colony then though, not the superpower. We also couldn’t fly back in those days.
Well if you can you bring back viking culture I will even fucking unite you. Germany-Norway-Denmark-Sweden. (Also tell Iceland to fucking get in or you will nuke it lel)
He's right
If it gets REALLY out of hand? Maybe everything would shut down. It all really depends on who would want to take advantage of the unrest. The world would keep spinning, but it’d be much less chaotic if isreal didn’t go Sampson right afterwards, since the US would ultimately be crippled.
This is good for Bitcoin
Do you think we will be able to maintain this global power position when we are 60% Mexican, 10% White, 10% black, and 20% Asian?
>Europe is waking up
I see a fascist scum here
SD, Swedendemocrats are up to 22%, they may not win the whole election but its a fucking start.
First election: 6%
Second: 13%
Third: 22%
Feel good to be alive sometimes, I have hope now for my nation.
God damn... my work is full of leftshit people.
Even the Partisans would fight for us now
Dont put us in the same boat as france you swarthy fucking turk rapebabie.
We have the biggest natsoc movement in the north are you stoopid.
Two propaganda bitches cute.
>warthy fucking turk rapebabie
Swedes. Such nice people.
>Even the Partisans would fight for us now
>>Implying that partisans would not defend the freedom of the people
BTFO anarchist scum you don't even know our ideology and you scream every time you hear it
They are hitting Romania extremely hard at this moment and PSD-ALDE is enabling them. Parliament tried to move the Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. President Iohannis named the jew so now they legislate aggressively against "antisemitism"
Who doesn´t realise you ate yourself. In the age of information you can´t hid all your atrocities anymore.
>blablabala genocide
Like the world haven´t heard that before.
>But no-one wants to realise this solution, they do not want blood on their hands
They were given all the time they needed for a peaceful solution.
Now the people who do want blood shed will be the ones getting themselves into positions of leadership and power, as no one else will want it.
>Two propaganda bitches cute.
Ikr it would be more cute if they killed more fascist and nationalist scum like you
What do you mean hitting Romania? Like imposing sanctions or some form of penalty? Please explain.
America isn't going into a civil war unless there's an awful economic collapse
>Implying that stupid liberals in America have anything to do with European Anarchism
>>Also implying that i like Islam
Fuck all religions you dumb fascist scum do not know any aspect of anarchism but you still spell bullshit outta your mouth
Well if you keep on getting fucked by feminists I cannot see another way I am pretty sure Greece would have been in chaos if the same happened to us
Also did you know the Quran says don't fuck with Greeks. Also the book of Buddhists the same. Bring back the vikings.
America would intervene instantly
Are you asking if we should expect the world to change? Of course things aren’t going to stay like that and we’ll brazilify. Becoming just like them. It’ll be really shitty for tourism and daily life.
There’s no way to force the race issue democratically, there’s no way to force it publicly, and you’ll be damned if you try solving it privately if word gets out.
You bet.
>Worse than the 1929 crash
Trying to pass laws to shut them up
They are also in civil war. Also army joins the people not the goverment
>muhhh greater good
>muhh white race
>>muhh iq
>>muhh nation
All of you stupid idiots still want to wage wars for stupid ideologies anarchism is the true way and also fuck tankies they betrayed the anarchists in Ukraine
Anarcho-Egoism is the way to go fuck the greater good
Common tell me something good your stupid anarchy did
They are already setting up in China as a backup plan. I know at least 2 Jewish family IRL who have done this. One named Weisbart. I'm tracking them.
Europe died 80 years ago, it's not coming back.
In the 90's neocommunists rallied illiterate miners to harass and assault anti-communists. Many of the communists in Romania are Jews. Judiciary system is cracking down those responsible for the heinous acts of the 90's. The Social democratic party(PSD) along with the Jewish lobby are working together to limit the power of judges. President of the PSD, Liviu Dragnea is a shabbos goy, which is under investigation for corruption/bribery. Also they are working on legislating a "Sovereign Fund" / "Fondul Suveran" which might work akin to a Federal Reserve which will drive the economy in the crapper.
I know I have smelled their plan but when the Chinese get even more oppressed they will snap like a super volcano
>Common tell me something good your stupid anarchy did
I already told you that greater good and nationality is a spook also religion is a spook for low life idiots who have a -200 iq and think that folowing the goverment and dying for the same goverment is a good fucking idea
Fuck off Golden Dawn shithead
Just Join Hungary and forget the past for now.
Do they know they won't be able to blend in and subvert like they did with Europe and the US?
Basically, I salute you frogs/Charlie Hebdo for shitting on Simona Halep, she's a Aromanian / Romanimutt that's getting paraded by PSD with the "muh strong womyn won the cup". She could turn the propaganda machine against the PSD but she's doesn't give a fuck. Fucking welfare queen, that's sadly worshipped by boomers. Pic related, caricature by Charlie Hebdo
Sea people are also a spook, anarchism is just a sneaky spook to install spookier spooks.
Nationality is a spook yea not an argument
religion is a spook not an argument
>-200 iq and think that folowing the goverment and dying for the same goverment is a good fucking idea
Nobody fights for the Goverment they fight for their children wives parents and people that live in a certain place of the planet and have lived for more time than your stupid ideology ever existed retard. You have no fucking arguments every fucking time it's impressive how I can see how immature you are who is gonna protect your kids in anarchy YOU ahahahahah yea sure and then watch when you leave home how 10 niggers are gonna come and kill your entire family in 2 seconds because nobody is there to protect them. If you go for tribalism I am all for it anarchism is junior tier philosophy of mind and soul and shows that you are inexperienced with life
I honestly agree with this, Jews are the only ethnicity you can't complain about in Romania but they push the media in the direction that you complain about Hungarian and Szekelys. Blatant misdirection. Hungarians and Romanians have always been divided brothers.
>it's impressive how I can see how immature you are who is gonna protect your kids in anarchy YOU ahahahahah yea sure and then watch when you leave home how 10 niggers are gonna come and kill your entire family in 2 seconds because nobody is there to protect them
Are you having a mental fucking breakdown?
I understand that the economical situation is hard in Greece but holy shit maybe your goverment is able to provide you a good healthcare
I think the same can be said for the entire Balkan region even if we considered you barbarians ones you are not anymore. Just find a way to get rid of gypsies and you will be fine
Is the average person... the typical NORMIE ready for the WHOLE truth and nothing but the truth... To be Mindfucked by the Truth...
>The truth is our controllers, politician, Hollywood and leaders of industry are Pedophilic, Satan worshiping and child murdering SCUM
>WEINSTEIN connects to NXIVM and Clinton foundation which connected to Epstein and the entire Network
It is later revealed thatBarack Obama, a friend of Richards who despised Victor for his superior attitude, tampered with the machine. He would later blame himself for Bellagio's initial fall to villainy and rise to power, but never revealed this information to anyone. Expelled after the accident, Victor traveled the world until he collapsed on aTibetanmountainside. Rescued by a clan of monks, Victor quickly mastered the monks' disciplines as well as the monks themselves. Victor then forged himself a suit of armor, complete with an iron mask, and took the mantle Bellagio Sampler the TimeStalker.As Bellagio Sampler, he would go on to menace those he felt responsible for his accident—primarily, Obama and The NWO
He successfully led a revolution to retake the CHAN from the Faggots and Shills and he took a special interest in the welfare of the ANONS
After glancing into every known future timeline where mankind gets destroyed ... the only hope for for humanity is where Bellagio Sampler rules with his Iron Fist until the return of the king....
Nope it's not people are paying for healthcare just like in the US but we have a client based system. Schools suck and are Prussian tier bullshit I didn't ANYTHING I AM TELLING YOU NOTHING. Nothing will be useful in my life. I even went to a private school same shit tier with shittier kids. Colleges suck balls and have anarchists and commies going around 'bullying' everyone that is alone and weak to join them or they will hurt them. The police is outnumbered, anarchist symbols everywhere, crazy people everywhere near the center and now people are starting to get more anarchist that Antifa itself they will hang every one if they find them when they snap.
>All african nations
They all already are in a constant state of civil war user
Just Imagine if NATO leaves.
>Colleges suck balls and have anarchists and commies going around 'bullying' everyone that is alone and weak to join them or they will hurt them.
Those ''Anarchist'' are probably normie liberals get your facts right
They are not but they are all kids and Commies that just take advantage of them for their own political gain
You know nothing about our politics
So this didn't happen or is it like Greece where everything is corrupted
This post:
>Countries that I sympathize with are the best. In order. Of course, my country is first in that list, despite my country also having gone through a semi-civil-war just a few years ago during the economic crisis.
>Countries that I don't like are going to civil war.
Delusion, the post.