>Be Brits in 1940s
>get cucked by Germans in Norway
>blame Chamberlin even tho it was Churchill’s idea
>get cucked by Germans in Western Europe
>”Oi! Ignore all this here cuckoldry and look at these few guys we evacuated!”
>get cucked by lightly armed German paratroopers that you outnumber 3 to 1 on Crete
>”We fought well lads, damn jerries had a phyrric victory, that’s al!”
>get cucked by U-Boats at sea
>”eeehhh....r-rrule Britannia, her Navy rules the seas!”
>get MEGA-cucked by Japs at Singapore
>Get cucked in Dieppe, Operation Market Garden etc
>”Damn yanks didn’t execute our suicidal plans fast enough!”
Modern day UK
>Brits get cucked by muslims
>”No worries mate, they’ll be brexit soon enough, just gotta hang in there while we arrest Tommy Robinson and everyone else who isn’t bowing to Allah.”
Why is this such a uniquely Anglo trait?
Why are Brits so talented at downplaying their failures?
>Anglo trait
>We won Nam dude, you weren't there man
Brits are subhuman inbred mutts
actually the invasion of crete was an operational disaster for the Fallschirmjager Corps. They took the island but they suffered heavy casualties because their paradrop methods and doctrine were lacking. The main weapons would be dropped separately from the fallschirmjagers in a crate and they would have to retrieve their main weapons from it. Being only armed with a pistol or an mp-40 (trying to reach the crates), they would get killed at range by the Anzac forces who were waiting for them with rifles
...s in half*
“It’s just a flesh wound!”
>English denial intensifies
>lose an island while badly outnumbering the attackers and suffer 5 times their casualties
>”oi! T’was a disaster for them jerries!”
Jesus Christ the memes write themselves
t. crypto-brit
No one downplays Nam, man
>Why are Brits so talented at downplaying their failures?
Because the British are a nation of cunning Vikings and corsairs. Read Oswald Spengler
>Lose a battle
>Win the war
You do understand only 1 of those 2 things matter Mutt?
The meme is real
>Britain’s loses the culture war
>”remember when we got bailed out in WW2? We are oh so successful”
Anglos are retarded obviously.
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Spiders and some Scottish fucker.
Having been fighting wars for quite some time, we understand, you can't win them all. Unlike a certain country, but unlike that country, we don't throw our hand in because some hippy calls us nasty names.
In Britain we tend to celebrate the resilience of the population with the 'Not an Inch/No Surrender' attitude.
>not an inch
>as Britain becomes a quasi islamic state
Look at where Not an Inch/No Surrender comes from you stupid mutt.
Hahahaha you got a loiscense 4 dat post m8?
The UK had superior fighter planes and outnumbered the Luftwaft too...
Because we always win the war so independent battles do not matter.
Now our poisonous ideology we invented is spreading all over the world because of this. U MAD?
Reminder that America fucked up in WWI and II worse than anyone, and still haven't recovered to this day.
Let us know when you finally win a war (against your own people doesn't count).