He told them before, and he's telling them again. Eventually they will understand.
Trump Tells Democrats How It's Going To Be on Immigration
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Triple those SCOOPS!!!!
Dems are so fucked
thats my president! guys look thats my president!!
What a cuck
God bless
This man is pure evil. Its literally his own fucking fault, democrats had nothing to do with it. Goddamn I hate all the retards who will believe him. You should all be shot.
>his fault he has to clean up dems disaster.
Enjoy the next 6 years. Maybe even 10. Dumb faggot
this can't be real life. did Trump really post this?
Trump is literally physically holding children hostage to force Democratic support for border wall.
Does he really believe this plan to get democratic support will work?
Even r/politics is split on the absurdity of framing this as placing innocent children in concentration camps no reason (yes there are actually WaPo and other clickable garbage sources using this terminology). The left's arguments are so stupid that even their most fervent adherents are beginning to question the wisdom of the narrative
Dems aren't at fault? We know this started in 2014 at the latest, under Obama, crafted and passed by the dems. Where was your outrage then?
The only time kids were put in cages was during Obama's administration. Wake up.
When he wins reelection he will give us the order to hunt down scum like you. I already have a bullet with your name on it.
The irony is so think, you could slide it with a knife and sell it as cheese at Subway.
When he started his presidential campaign I thought Trump was just trying to sell books. I was wrong. Trump 2020!
Trump is the greatest POTUS ever.
blow it out your ass, nigger kike
Nice wording in the tweet.
Reversal of the subversion process?
He is the only president with the balls to put to an end a decades long problem. Stay mad faggot.
Google translate doesn't seem to be working all that well for you, pedro
Evil for what exactly? For holding third worlders accountable for their crimes?
(((merit BASED immigration)))
If you couldn't figure out he meant "thick" instead of "think" - and "slice" instead of "slide" - then maybe you're the fucking wetback.
>B-but I want third worlders here because it’s too difficult for my party to make their case to the American people
>It’s just easier to bring in shitskins that support my view!!1!
>(((Democracy))) is best!!1!
>holding children hostage
agreed fucl evil Blopmf
Proud of president Trump. Great immigration policy. Just need congress. We need the maga party
I cannot believe Republicans & ICE have a problem with these people! The only way these people will get to stay in the US and make it more better is to to vote Democrat:
He's literally holding children hostage. How are dems fucked by this again? This is such an easy issue for them to run on in the midterms.
It's the law faggot. Congress has to act, he has the immigration plan set out. It's easy
I agree user. Mexico First. America Last!
Children who's parents knowingly volunteered them to be 'hostages'.
Face it, you have no ground at all.
No faggot, the LAW is holding them. And the easiest way to not be detained is to not break the fucking LAW. What about all the kids in state custody because their parents went to jail for a crime? Are they hostages too? The parents bring this shit on their own kids by making bad choices!
Mr. Rogers would love to have illegals as neighbors! Vote Democrat. Blue Wave! And since we want people reliant on the nanny state, I suggest a new slogan for the mid-terms - MAMA (Make America Miserable Again)!
Please donate to my Democrat Super-PAC. I call it Shitholers Against Trump And Nation (SATAN for short). Blue Wave is real (pic related)!
There is no law on the books that says they have to detain children separately from parents. This is entirely based on policy enacted by Sessions on behalf of Trump.
>democratic support will work
LMAO. democrat and work in the same sentence. My Sides!
Is "they were forcing my hand, I had to break up those families" really a compelling narrative to anyone or just something conservatives can use to shift the blame unto someone else and sleep better at night?
How is breaking up families related to the wall? I'm impressed by how effortlessly he lies all the time.
Trump High IQ flip 4D Chess.
>ICE deports mom because she crossed illegally
>No border wall,
> therefore crossed illegally
>Give me my border wall so we can stop breaking families.
The madman
Retroactively ending any birthright citizenship occurring over the last 20 years and forcing these "children" to leave with their parents when they are deported will help to stop families being torn apart by the government.
You're right. The children should be in prison with their parents.
Don't put words into peoples mouths. That's not what I said.
>sleep better at night
Nigger have you ever talked to an American Conservative like IRL? Nobody's losing sleep over this, it's comfy as fuck to imagine these vile beaners being torn from their families and locked in cages. This is an INVASION, and everyone knows it.
>LAW is holding them
there is NO LAW which states children must be separated from their parents. This is a brand new policy, not law, invented by Sessions designed to punish and cause psychological harm and damage. It's not exactly clear who's the target of or who they're intending to punish as it's the children being hurt and Trump is clearly trying to harm the Democrats with it as well.
Let me say this again.
This is a newly created policy intending to cause psychological damage.
>ave you ever talked to an American Conservative like IRL?
I try to stay away from subhumans
>tfw you realise this is a real stock photo
so.. prisoners arent separated from their children?
Eat a bag of shit you treasonous maggot!
Hi Uncle Adolf welcome back!
>negotiation and compromise is evil
>do everything my way
Kill yourself you fucking left-wing faggot.
>How are dems fucked by this again?
media is going against Trump and everybody hates media
classic rebel syndrome
I'm going to hold your kids hostage.
Let's compromise. You do what I want, and I give you back your kids. Sound like a good deal?
>This is a newly created policy intending to cause psychological damage.
yeah we do that shit to people all the fucking time so what
You know, if these fucking Mexicans were the social conservatives that everyone makes them out to be, they wouldn't be violating laws that could separate them from their children. Nothing conservative whatsoever about fucking Mexicans. They're not even decent catholics, they're fucking animals.
You shouldn't have made anchor babies.
>I'm going to hold your kids hostage.
did I bring them to your country illegally in the back of a truck with no seat belts? because maybe that child would be better off with the state
>t. faggot with Hep C
Can the kids not go back too?
I'm not breaking any laws, much less doing anything that carries the risk of breaking up my family, Hans. What a shitty question. Stupid fucking kraut lol
why is this a stock photo? has getty gone too far?
so you're just abandoning the original point I was responding to
really puts the lie to this being about compromise in any way
In the past, immigrant families were kept together while being processed, then either given asylum together or deported together. Now they're being separated and processed separately. Which means if a mother and child are seeing asylum the child and mother must plead their cases for asylum separately. The child must go in front of a judge and explain why they need asylum. Even if that child is only 3 years the child must act as their own lawyer in their case. This is the new policy made by Jeff Sessions and only Jeff Sessions can change it.
God bless the GEOTUS
Yea don't really care if they get separated
No, you're completely ignoring the situation, you fucking idiot.
>european education
Good job murdering those innocent brown babies you fucking commie democucks!
Release the children. Elites need their adrenochrome. DRUMPHHHHMMMMFFF!
maybe it will finally get through their thick beaner skulls that they aren't welcome to force their way into our country just because they've destroyed their own.
No substance. Only namecalling.
Aren't you people the ones usually the ones complaing about this?
It's to determine if supposed children are infact that. Too much human trafficking with perverts playing the role of "parents" to kidnapped and abused children.
Go make nigger scat porn.
Yeah, can't wait to see how liberals fuck it up anyway. :^)
nice source
>an american citizen sitting at his computer in the usa is totally the same thing as a group of wetbacks illegally crossing the border
>democrats realize Mexicans would never make it in based on merit
Actions are the most sincere form of communication
>this is literally on the wall of the camp ice is putting all the mexicans in Texas
they're all just people, user, no matter how many slurs you throw at them
When did we start getting salt delivered on demand? Awesome
All people are not created equal, some people are animals and I dont care what happens to them
They're criminals. Too fucking bad.
Wish there's one like this
People? Debatable.
Citizens? Not a chance.
Democrats are the real racists
Trump's party has majorities in both houses of the government. Why isn't this yet a thing?