Enoch Chapter 105 1-4
After a time, my son Methuselah took a wife for his son Lamech. She became pregnant by him, and brought forth a child, the flesh of which was as WHITE as snow, and red as a rose; the hair of whose head was white like wool, and long; and whose eyes were beautiful. When he opened them, he illuminated the entire house, like the sun; the whole house abounded with light.And when he was taken from the hand of the midwife, Lamech his father became AFRAID of him; and flying away came to his own father Methuselah, and said, I have begotten a son, UNLIKE to other children. He is NOT HUMAN; but, resembling the OFFSPRING of the ANGELS of heaven, is of a different nature from ours, being altogether unlike to us.His eyes are bright as the rays of the sun; his countenance glorious, and he looks not as if he belonged to me, but to the ANGELS
Among New-Agers there is belief in the existence of extraterrestrial beings that hail from advanced civilizations in far-off galaxies.Among the myriad entities that are said to exist, interact,and exercise influence on earthly affairs,only one group happens to bear any significant resemblance to humans- the Pleiadians,also known as Nordics.Take note of their physical characteristics.The typical Pleiadian resembles a seven foot tall Caucasian of Scandinavian descent.They can possess platinum blond to reddish hair and blue or green eyes although they nearly always lack pigmentation in their skin and hair,giving them a somewhat albino resemblance.