A Red Pill some dare not swallow

Enoch Chapter 105 1-4
After a time, my son Methuselah took a wife for his son Lamech. She became pregnant by him, and brought forth a child, the flesh of which was as WHITE as snow, and red as a rose; the hair of whose head was white like wool, and long; and whose eyes were beautiful. When he opened them, he illuminated the entire house, like the sun; the whole house abounded with light.And when he was taken from the hand of the midwife, Lamech his father became AFRAID of him; and flying away came to his own father Methuselah, and said, I have begotten a son, UNLIKE to other children. He is NOT HUMAN; but, resembling the OFFSPRING of the ANGELS of heaven, is of a different nature from ours, being altogether unlike to us.His eyes are bright as the rays of the sun; his countenance glorious, and he looks not as if he belonged to me, but to the ANGELS

Among New-Agers there is belief in the existence of extraterrestrial beings that hail from advanced civilizations in far-off galaxies.Among the myriad entities that are said to exist, interact,and exercise influence on earthly affairs,only one group happens to bear any significant resemblance to humans- the Pleiadians,also known as Nordics.Take note of their physical characteristics.The typical Pleiadian resembles a seven foot tall Caucasian of Scandinavian descent.They can possess platinum blond to reddish hair and blue or green eyes although they nearly always lack pigmentation in their skin and hair,giving them a somewhat albino resemblance.

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The Bible states that there are two races and that they are in conflict.

Genesis 3:15 ►
And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel."

Is this the explanation for why there is racism against dark skinned and light skinned people? Whites (this includes the imposter Khazar Jews) have "bruised the heel" of the darker races. Is "crush your head" the ultimate fate of the white man? You guys say it everyday that the white race is dying and not too far in the future half the world will be black.

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Why do so many cultures have tales of white sky men?

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dont forget about these guys...

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The Neanderthals we're a watered down version of the Nephilim.


neanderthals were proto-jews not angelic beings.... do your research

Flattering, but really it does not matter.

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neanderthals had literal homo erectus tier skulls they were subhumans

Torah is nothing but a copy of ancient Aryan Scripture, chiefly the Avesta. Book of Enoch is based on Torah which is based on bullshit. Jews have no real history of their own.

The Avesta. Will have to look into that.Can you give me a brief summary on what it's about?


this has been bogging my mind for some time now. us, balts, which means WHITE, there is something about our history we dont know about.....

Cranial deformation by pressing two planks at a child's head at birth. Right one looks Brachy as fuck so hardly a human


>The Orion Empire is well discussed in the M5 series. It has also been stated several times that Earth is designated to become an open member of the Orion Empire. This requires a lot of conditioning of the planetary population. Several conditioning areas have been the topics of past segments. These are centered on making everyone ‘equal’ something, a sequential thought pattern.

>On other sequential worlds occupied by other species, the same exists to varying degrees whether it is by an overt dictator or a ruling committee/council. It is the exertion/imposition of power over the masses. It is Dark based (such as Orion/Sirian) or it can be Light based (such as Pleiadian). Light power freaks impose their will "for your benefit" even if you can't see the benefit. Dark power freaks impose their will "because I say so, and fuck those who don't like it". Either way, the masses get screwed!

>The quarantine of Earth is due to it being the current simultaneous planet in our galaxy Game. The next simultaneous galaxy Game planet will be likewise quarantined. It's not the masses of simultaneous who desire this, but rather their control freak leaderships who fear the Game moving too quickly and their eventual loss of power over others. Beyond the Game, NO Higher Self is able to lord it over any others. Game addicts, like drug addicts, fear the loss of the supply (power) of their Game drug. This is something that THEY will have to work out. Nevertheless they will do whatever they feel they must in order to keep this power.

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First actual "holy book" created by Zoroaster who also coined monotheism at least 500 years before Jews co-opted the religion and created Judaism.

Scroll to the bottom of truthism.com and read "The Solution."

We have a mossad deepstate Israel political problem NOT a entire Jewish religious problem. Ironically Nazi CIA Bushes colluded with Jew Mossad Rothschilds on 9/11 Rothschild Jews and Nazis both don’t want America around.
>When the Remingtons, duPonts, Rockefellers, Mellons, J.P. Morgan, George Herbert Walker, Samuel Bush and Prescott Bush, as well as other representatives of America’s corporate elite decided to overthrow the government of the United States in 1934, they recruited retired Marine General Smedley Butler to lead it.
>The group intended to establish a Fascist regime that would send undesirables, including the unemployed, the Jews and political opponents to concentration and/or extermination camps.
>a tire salesman before becoming one of the biggest Nazi collaborators in US history
>Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.Prescott Bush

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They also have a similar prophetic apocalypse end time event.

This would explain Hitler's obsession with the blonde haired blue eyed Aryan.

true. judaism, islam, christianity... all copies of ancient aryan faiths. one big scam.

Nothing in life matters.