It starts with them wiping their butt too hard for awhile. Then one day they don't get enough fiber and take a ten inch diameter shit, but praire dog it for awhile because it feels good. Then they see porn....
Porn may be a part of it, but it starts more basic than that. They get obsessed with their asshole being stimulated first.
I doubt its a gene thats passed down. Its more about probability im thinking. like maybe 10% chance a person will get pleasure from having their anus touched or penetrated. Then about half those who end up getting pleasure from that turn out gay because they arent able to get women, and are weak minded and pathetic. Cant handle women so they go for guys. They drop out of being manly because being competitive is too hard for them.
My theory on how gays are created
your a burger to muh fellow burgie. you carry the burger flag
you are retarded, gays are created by being molested and or being incredibly weak willed. people have known this since early psychology was a thing. old books such as Lenny Bruce's biography essentially tell you what people in the 50's knew that homos came from being molested or from losers that had no where else to fit in
oh yea molesting definitely is a big one. Most molesters are actually homos.
But yea, it also comes from wipiing butt too hard for some of them. I guess if your penetrated by a nambla when your young could lead to you becoming gay because being demasculated in such a way at such a young age makes you fucked in the head and all.
>early psychology was a thing
Psychology is just a big load of bullshit, and it always was this way.
If you wanna learn about homisexuality, study neurosciences, endocrinology and genetics.
Hello new friends!
This is what's known as a 'Slide Thread'
Complete crap that's posted in order to knock out a subject (((someone))) would rather not be discussed
Do not reply to this thread. Go to the catalog and find what is the important matter and let this shit die.
homosexuality isn't wired into brain by nature. Its caused by random chance. Its a roll of the dice. Its about like how some people enjoy anchovies on their pizza and others do not.
Its like with drugs too. Some people like getting high off weed, others prefer to drink beer. There was a girl on that intervention show who was like 40 and loved sniffing gas. And she said it started when she was a tiny kid and her dad holding a gas tank and said to her, "hey sniff my gas tank" and she was like "ew" but then a part of her kinda liked it and it went downhill from there. Ill admit I once thought gas smelled kinda good when I was 5 or so. But even then I was like very hesitant to put my nose over it and huff it cuz I was smart enough even at 5 to know this wouldn't be good for me. So ya, gays start with the nerves being stimulated in the ass. Ive put ointment on ass and it felt kinda good. Still don't want to stick a big dick in there though.
I hope this thread gets real big. Itll be fun to see your foot so far down your throat.
>wiping your butt makes you gay
t. Indian poster with a proxy
It can happen man im serious. Just don't wipe too hard or get obsessed with the wiping and you wont get turned gay.
Cool story bro, sources?
Because unless you get some hard evidence, your pseudo-freud theories mean nothing against the consensus of 40+ years of actual research.
One time during a drug fueled masturbation session I felt curious about ass play and dudes. So I was about to follow up on my curiosity when I thought how gay this shit was. I was on the verge of doing faggy shit, but I willingly chose not to.
Point is: fags consciously chose to be gay, and they should be executed.
Theres not enough depth to gayness for it to be worth 40+ years of research. theres nothing complex about being gay. Its very simple. Just obsession with your anus and being unable to get women.
>t. I have my own simple and retarded worldview
Read some studies before shitposting at least.
Im very proud of you sir. Yes it is a choice. Its pure degeneracy. You would get sex so much easier as a gay because I know its very politically incorrect and feminists would shoot me for saying it but... faggots have no standards. If it has an asshole and its not a woman they will fuck it. Or if its a dick they will tuck it in their ass.
Now make sure you don't fall for trannies on the porn sites and their feminine benises. There is NO such thing as a female penis. Keep men out of the media you jerk off too. Only porn you should ever view is a woman showing off her body and stripping. Nothing makes you feel more cucked than when a nigger with a big dick walks into the scene and fucks the girl your jerking off too.
A bit of lesbian porn is ok. Because if you can get two women having sex with each other to invite you in you will spread your seed to two women at a time instead of just one. This is why lesbians(who lean bisexual) are not degenerate but fags are.
If you get your head out of the clouds you will realise reality is much more simple than you ever believed. Fags, liberals, and degenerates purposely complicate things purely for the sake of degeneracy
Homosexuality is destined by males bis Genes on Chromosom 21 or with how much Endrogen the male fetus comes into Contact. Source: the intelligence paradox why the smart Choice isn't Really the best. Chapter: why homosexual people are more intelligent (i forgot the Original used sources in the chapter)
>anyone who challenges my simplistic worldview is a liberal degenerate faggot
Amazing critical skill you got there matey.
I wipe my ass with damp paper towels and then throw them in the trash can.
And I should add some proof to this: Notice the liberals starting to propose that there are about 70 genders... As you can see this needlessly complicates human procreation. This is not real. Theres only dicks and wombs. Theres not 68 different kinds of sex organs.
There is a fungus that has like 11 thousand genders.. but we are not fungi.
Homophilia is an androgen hormone disorder. It's easily curable, but politics prevents the disease from being properly treated.
Intellegence isn't about making things complicated, its about simplifying the world around you. Its the ability to untangle a knot into a straight clear line. Now the person who made the knot is a degenerate.
98% of fags were abused as kids, 99% of gays abuse kids, it's a vicious circle of child abuse hell
Intelligence is about critical thinking, something you clearly lack, since I told you what to study to get a better grasp of the subject yet you are still shitposting here about "mug degenerates".
Is that how you became gay?
yea.... Jajajajaja to you to.
Now eat fist bitch.
*pepe punches you*
Nope. I have lots of critical thinking. Ive untied zillions of the most insane knots.
im straight
>muh I was born this way
Where did the bad man touch you, faggot?
Shrek snap: the thread
Post the image bitch
I was obsessed with penis first. Sight, touch, smell later. So wrong! :3
maybe i'm wrong because i'm not a faggot, but i think they get off on being humiliated, not stimulated
Did you fucking read what you typed before you hit enter?
What about lesbians?
Who cares about lesbians. There nice to have so long as they lean bi and allow me to join in when their engaging in lesbian sex. Now there is a good biological purpose for women to be bisexual. It allows a man to spread his genes exponentially based on the number of bisexual women engaging in a sex orgy at once. If you can find a pile of women having sex with not one single man in the pile you can dive in and spread your genes like crazy.
Lesbianism is good. So long as the lesbians not a pure dike and enjoys having a man once in awhile.
Do you ponder this question frequently?
I think about lesbian sex a lot yes.
Do you wonder why some people are gay frequently as well?
Nope I just seen lots of posting about fags and trannys and why they exist so I just posted my theory on why it happens today.
Does it actually matter why?
Yes because we can raise our children properly when we know why
It affects you that much?
Actually, many are created by early molestation. Know a guy who was raped in a steam room as a kid, he’s been interested in cock ever since, but strangely has few gay tendencies overall.
The fuck!?
Was it a public steam room?? Ill never let my kid go to a steam room without me.
Don't let them outside either
Yes mr. confederate southern klansman you should know it effects me that much. Faggotry is a plague upon the planet. You should know this carrying the confederate flag and all.
National socialism>confederate flag.
Nope, just don't care really
Lemme suck the smegma from your cock pls breeder.
fucking kek
>butt stimulation deniers already here shilling for buttstuff
Dude, you can have a nice shit without turning gay.
Sure if your a female. That's about all I require
Gays harm society.
We are all affected in some way.
come to think of it, op may be on to something. I didn't have the idea to experiment with the plunger dowel up my ass until I was sitting on the toilet playing my gameboy pocket.
Imagine what we gays think about you. What do you think about bisexuals?
This really makes me think.... So if a guy who was molested when young grows up to be a fag... Then another fag starts dating him. Is this sort of like continuing the cycle of abuse? Like a fag is basically preying on the fact that the fag they are dating was molested when young and turned gay because of it.
Fags are ALL fucking criminals. Like its not just keeping it in the bedroom. They only prey on others who were molested as kids. Thus they are basically taking advantage of each other. Depriving them of having a relationship with a beautiful woman and bearing children and having a family. Shit.. theres nothing consensual or legal about a fag on fag relationship. But today its all "legal". I guess sodomy was illegal in the past for good reason
Good theory. Makes sense. It's a choice. Not biological.
Its only ok for females to be bisexual. Full blown lesbian is degenerate. And its degenerate for a man to be gay.
Hasn't affected me in one bit. What actually has changed for you?
Possibly, I think gays are like vampire pyramid schemes... they prey on the week minded, once bitten they groom the newly bitten to bring in their friends and so on and so on
>no dick pics or naked hot guys
What a failure of a thread desu.
Sounds like liberals in a nut shell
Whatever. I'm still going to enjoy cock no matter what you say and until you can brainwash the world the men that love and worship cock aren't going anywhere.
Whatever man I get boners while shitting sometimes it’s not sexual at all and actually hugely inconvenient because it makes it way harder to keep my mushroom head from touching the toilet.
Is that how it started for you?
I doubt these people have much better things to do really
>being weak willed
so it takes willpower for you not to suck cocks?
Its affected you a ton.
Its only gays that spread HIV. Only way straights get it is from sharing a needle at a party which was used by a fag that was at the party. Its like next to impossible to get HIV from heterosexual sex, chance is one out of 700(just don't fuck up the ass!). Even a woman who is HIV positive wont give you aids unless you fuck her in the ass or share a needle or something. And if you got a condom its like impossible. So its clear. FAGS are the reason AIDS gets spread.
And now heres how it affects YOU even if you happen to be straight.
The HIV treatment drugs cost a FUCKING TON. Now insurance premiums are fucking bank breaking today because of FUCKING QUEERS driving up the cost of healthcare to get their HIV treated.
I know I don't that's why I'm in this thread. Thanks for not giving two fucks what men and women want to do with each other.
Man, I don't know about you but I couldn't try to be gay. The way you worded that makes it seem like you are resisting the urge to crawl into bed and get spooned by a hairy daddy.
But none of that has impacted me personally but good effort
Enjoy your uncontrollable diahrea, anal warts, anal cancer, and irritable bowel. You might have to get a colostomy bag someday even once your anus has been so fucked up from all the big black dick your taking. Plus having AIDS your whole life isn't gonna be fun.
Maybe youll find a guy whos into fucking colostomy bag stomas
That's kind of like arguing that everyone should be forced to wear seatbelts and not eat red meat. No one is choosing HIV by being queer.
So what you're saying is if you're gay you'd be a bottom? Some of us are tops.
Say this happens to a heterosexual couple, then what?
So your living off your parent's health insurance right? No cost coming out of your pocket yet. Youll learn.
Good one m8 your post has a ton of assumptions. Hope you have great health. Pain is a bitch.
Like your mutilated Jew dick could reach anyway lol
Combination of molestation and potentially toxoplasmosis. Possibly other factors.
Itt how op became gay
They shouldn't be fucking up the ass so much the stupid fucks.
Heterosexual couples if they do enjoy anal probably dont do it often enough. Where as with fags butt sex is all they have
Nope, if you're gonna go that route,minus well remove most of the populace. You pay for the obese and smokers too even if you don't want to